[HELP] Surface Pro 5 UEFI PW

Hello everybody

I’m HusheR and new to the forum.
I need support / help with my Surface Pro 5.
I set a UEFI password when I bought it. Unfortunately I no longer have it and have already tried all possible passwords but no sucess.
Since an update, I can no longer enter the system. When starting, the UEFI password is promptly requested.
I tried to reinstall the whole thing with a recovery image, but boot from USB is not enabled. :frowning:

Can someone help me to unlock the password on the UEFI BIOS?

Best Regards

Hello @ all can nobody help me?

In this case BIOS password can’t be cleared by software methods.
Can you read BIOS chip by a hardware programmer?

Hi DeathBringer
Thanks for your answer.
I dont have a hardware programmer, so i cant read bios chip.
Other options?
I can order a hardware programmer, and try to read the chip but need support how to read the chip.

No way.

I’m sorry but I’m not a tutor.

Ok, can you recomend me a hardware programmer?
And other tools wo are needed? So i buy this an try ro read the chip.

I have only cheap CH341A and SOIC8 test clip.
I don’t know is it compatible with your device.