Help with EZP2023+ programmer (how to bios dump?)

Hey i have this EasyPro ezp2023. also bought pogo probe for the type of bios i need, wson. so here is some pics:

here is my bios i want to make backup of:
2024-06-30 17_09_11-20240303_134926

ok so the bios is winbond 25Q256JWEQ , so 25 series this one is 1.8v WSON 8x6 type which i bought the probe for it. i tried to make a dump it went ok but not sure its a proper dump. how to know? also there is a lot of ways (angels) to connect, i dont know if i connected it the right way or not really…

so need you expertise guys.

iv used this program that come with it, just newer:

2024-06-30 17_25_15-EZP2023+ ver3.0 - File Explorer
2024-06-30 17_26_47-EZP2023+ USB High Speed Programmer

FFFFFFFF thats ZERO DATA, not valid.
Look at the IC specs
Some ICs must be desoldered from the mainboard, others need CMOS ON or OFF and/or PSU Stand-By power on of off, all depends on the system board circuit and not from the IC itself.

tnx i didnt knew it, man there is aloooot of data there i dont think il be able to found what i need.

the FFFFF there is not my dump its just freshly opened program. my dumps are abit different, some starts with FFFFFFFs then there is alot data then FFFFFFs data , back & forth.
some starts with 000000s

tell me how to proceed what method to use. also should i send you in PM my dumps to see if they are valid

awaiting reply

On what…? A “washing machine” or a “vacuum cleaner” ?
There’s no “general” real secrets here… you do a correct and grip connection to the IC, properly identified and his pins assignments matching the programmer imput and read, if a programmer doesn’t identify the IC or the dump data is still FF, the connection is not firm enough or the pin signal assignment is not OK.

Plenty of guides on the forum, the principle is the same for all, but not the internal circuit of the device or the IC specs.

Thats why, this is a TI shop service task, requiring some times device schematics besides IC schematics, paying for their time and skills and not the simple, first time user hobby…