Help with Winbond 16MB W25Q128FV chip on Lenovo D30.

I messed up a Bios flash on my motherboard and am trying to figure out how to restore it with my CH341A programmer. The bios I extracted is 16MB from the chip, but it is corrupt and does not boot. When I download the bios from the Lenovo website it gives me a bios that is only 8MB, which works when using the software based flashing tools, but when i flash with the CH341A it will not power the system up for more than a second (power supply just turns on and off repeatably). So it seems it wants a 16MB file for the chip, but the one I have extracted is corrupt, and the 8MB bios from Lenovo isn’t working when programmed through the hardware flash. Any help? Thanks!

Link to Lenovo bios:…-type-4353-4354

Hi there @Mercennarius

I am having exactly the same problem as you. Did you manage to get the 8MB bios working on the chip? My current solution is to increase the size of the ROM to 16MB from 8MB, but I have not tested it yet.

Lenovo update = bios region, not a complete bios firmware image.

I have the same issue with my Lenovo D30. Installed Windows 11 on it, the Windows updates flash a firmware and bricked my system. Black screen and will not POST. Computer will turn on and fans will spin like normal.

Does anyone have a working dump of the 16mb bios? I just need to get my system to POST.

This is my bios dump:

Update from very old bios version (~33) to latest, but FIT (often updated very late in the process or as last step) didn’t get updated: no µcode = no boot (no µcode might work in some rare cases though)

D30 (6.3 MB)

You are a life saver! Completely forgot about checking it with the UEFI tool. Hope this helps others in the future