How can bios settings not listed in 'setup' be changed?

I have been looking over my bios with AMIBCP and the setup variables are quite limited compared to the breadth of settings that actually have to be known to the bios to make systems such as PCIE work.

Looking at the strings tab in AMIBCP I can find strings related to some of these configuration variables.
A great example would be the PCIE maximum read request size. In the strings tab I see “Set Maximum Read Request Size of PCI Express Device or allow System BIOS to select the value.” followed by the optional values. This indicates that somewhere in the bios there must be a setting controlling such functions but it is never exposed as far as I can tell as a tunable.

How can I change such deep hidden configuration variables?
Thanks for any guidance :slight_smile:

Have you found this post : [GUIDE] Legacy AMIBIOS8 make all compiled Settings available - BIOS/UEFI Modding / BIOS Modding Guides and Problems - Win-Raid Forum ( ?

Thanks for the reply; I hadn’t seen this post and even though I am actually on a newer UEFI system it may still be applicable :slight_smile: