How can I freeze a python script using PyInstaller?

HI @plutomaniac how i convert your pythons files in .exe
from this github (

i try using this command = pyinstaller --onefile
but dont work. one click in the new.exe and console its close :frowning: :frowning: . please help me to convert your .py files to .exe
im trying to convert and the .exe open and close instantely. Iā€™m trying to get the new .exe to open properly but it opens and closes very quickly and I canā€™t read anything


and i try using the command = auto-py-to-exe and wont work

Get the full package and extract it to a work folder.

pyinstaller --noupx --onefile

AMI BIOS Guard Extractor v4.0_a12.rar (6.9 MB)

im trying . dont work
I try it and it doesnā€™t work for me. I mean with other .py I could convert them to exe but in this case not with these specific ones and I donā€™t know why

i have python 3.12

You can use my scrips (560 Bytes)

the same problem. :frowning:

Very ā€œinformativeā€ details providedā€¦ im sure that anyone can figure it out, just like thatā€¦ the details of your ā€œProblemā€

EDIT: No ā€œbrotherā€ i dont ave a clue WHAT have you done HOW have you done and HOW/STATE of Python is on your system.
And 'brother" by now you should already know that THERE IS NO OTHER ā€œbrothersā€ besides a family tie, so choose a decent translator cause i do hate these kind of employment of this words.

A compiled EXE was shared by me on my previous post, if this one doesnā€™t work youā€¦ donā€™t blame the system, you know who to blame.

AMI_PFAT_Extract.rar (6.8 MB)
this its the file i convert to .py to .exe and wont open.

Do you have any idea brother what the problem could be with converting a python to an executable?
i try to convert all Plato Mavropoulos BIOS UTILITIES in .EXE. and i cant :frowning:

Get the full package and extract it to a work folder.

pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --console

For me???..
Thank you for sharingā€¦but the issues reported by other users here, do not apply to me, i know my own ways.