How do you exactly Dump, Unlock and Flash an Asus AMI Aptio IV BIOS??

Can I… not use the programmer to flash the modded bios? :slight_smile: it scared me dude i thought i fried that chip for sure! Also i didn’t done the desoldering i made professional do it :))

Yes, you can use programmer to program in mod BIOS, but you didn’t want to use it to dump BIOS, same procedure for both, so I simply meant “how are you gonna do this if you wouldn’t do that” kind thing.
Chips usually survive, even backwards short for several minutes, but boards and controller chips, resistors etc on motherboard and programmer sometimes fry instantly, all depends on your chances right then and what is shorting and how.

Good you had someone else desolder, it’s tough on lead free solder especially if you are not familiar with it or have the right setup and tools to do it. Did you watch him? If yes, did he use hot air or solder pen?
Looks like he fought with the chip a little bit, or maybe you did after he removed? Maybe it’s just the image angle, looks like one of the legs was bent inward pretty good.

Yeah I was a bit rough on thaft chip
So is it okay to use a program like afudos to flash the bios?

No, AFU should not be used for any of this (or ever in my opinion). Programmer or FPT only. Did you have the tech put the chip back on the board yet? If not, ask him to unlock the FD in the BIOS before he does, it’s 6 or 12 bytes bytes he needs to edit to FF, very easy (in case he doesn’t know)
Here, show him this thread, section B, second spoiler, first or second image (depends on BIOS, which I can’t see now, but he will easily recognize this when he looks) - [Guide] Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor Read/Write Access Permissions for SPI Servicing
If he does that for you, then you wont have to use programmer anymore. But, if he doesn’t, then you will still need to dump BIOS with programmer at least once (or he’s doing for you), let me edit it, then program it back with programmer. Then, after that, you can use FPT only.

Yeah he is dumping the bios for me thats why i gave him the chip in the first place :smiley:
But I’ll tell him to unlock it anyway
Edit: he said he cant because its too risky
Edit 2: I dont know man, maybe i can use ezflash (maybeee)
Edit 3: GODD FRICKINGGG NEWS! I DIDN’T FRIED THE CHIP AND THEY TOOK THE DUMP (yeyy) but they can’t give me the dump yet because my usbs were bad ( aww)
I’ll purchase a new usb tomorrow and get the dump

@Lost_N_BIOS guess who got his bios dump!? (yeah its me)
here is the file!u88AgKbD!0t9Ha-hPW7yc-…NC6BDYCYtpTxALI

hey @Lost_N_BIOS you there?

@celloh - I guess he has no skills, or is lazy! Too risky, that’s a good one! EZ Flash can only be used for stock BIOS.
We don’t need FD unlocked for what you want anyway, I just thought it would be nice of him to do for you since he was already connecting and using a programmer.

He unlocked it for you! Asus does not leave things unlocked, so he had to do it, I bet maybe he didn’t know what it was when you mentioned, then looked at guide and did it for you anyway.
Or, maybe he just did it in this dump, but didn’t flash that back to the chip if that’s the case. Please check, dump FD and send to me >> FPTw.exe -desc -d FD.bin

He made a dump, but wont give it to you? That makes no sense, at all! USB was bad, this has nothing to do with him giving you the file he dumped!

Yes, I’m here, but there is 20-30 new replies a day and I can’t keep up with all of them every day, just one guy over here and I’m not superman

So, what is the above file? Is this the dump he gave you from your chip (so original, untouched stock BIOS)? Or, did you dump it yourself finally?
And where are we now? Back to square one, you need unlocked BIOS, we already know you can FPT write to BIOS without unlocking anything, and that’s where were at now, correct?
If yes, please send me new FPT BIOS region dump, since it’s been a while, include with the FD dump I asked for above >> FPTw.exe -bios -d biosregnew.bin

The above file is the dump he gave me! I bought a new usb gave it to them and they gave it to me
Don’t know if he unlocked the fd tho can you clarify?
Edit: In which file should I open the cmd menu to make a FPT dump?
edit 2: I deleted the old biosreg.bin and now my fan is at full speed… maybe just a coincidence but would deleting that file do anything to my sytem?
whatever here are the files it took the fd dump no problem :))!i08BlChT!lPSEt-fSoaBeL…OhQJcGwCZ9g6aoo (biosregnew.bin)!npsTTAKb!GrUeKuextas_P…JZhiZ9Zzb4_2aS4 (fd.bin)

So, it may not be what he put on your chip. The FD is unlocked in that Dumped file at #26 above, but we are not sure that is the current BIOS contents.
No, deleting any file on your PC has nothing to do with fan speeds. Sounds like you flashed or corrupted the ME FW, this is common thing when that happens.
Reboot and check ME FW version with HWINFO64 or possibly this is shown on BIOS Main page too. If you see N/A or then ME FW is corrupted

Looks like he did go ahead and unlock the FD for you, good man!

Please, anything you send me from now on, put all things into one archive if sending multiple, same for single files too, please put in archive such as 7zip or rar/zip

So now, lets please test this >> FPTw.exe -d SPI.bin
Then once done, if no errors >> FPTw.exe -f SPI.bin
If errors on second command above, stop, do not proceed, especially if red or size warnings, show me image and that’s all.
GbE/PDR warnings can be ignored

Test what again :slight_smile: i don’t think there is a file called spi.bin
I’ll check tghe when i get back home
Edit: oh i get it. The first command dumps the spi.bin.
Hey uhh is flashing spi.bin safe?

You are making the file spi.bin, follow along as mentioned and it will happen. Good on you for stopping though, FPT can easily make a brick, so it’s good you paused
Yes, you got it!

SPI flashing simply means entire BIOS (FD, GbE if present, ME, BIOS region) vs doing any single region one at a time. You can name it whatever you want, doesn’t have to be SPI

@Lost_N_BIOS ok but is spi flashing throug ftp safe?.

SPI Flashing is BIOS flashing, SPI is simply the name I used for the entire BIOS as this is what it’s commonly called.

Yes, this is best way to flash BIOS vs AFU or built in BIOS flashing tool, which you cannot flash mod BIOS with.
Any and all BIOS flash have risk of issues when flashing, even stock BIOS with stock method. So yes, any time you flash the BIOS in whole or in part, it’s a risk, always.

Kinda scared me there :frowning: maybe i should do this sometime else. Like when i have some money and can repair it if something goes wrong. Im kinda broke at the moment

@celloh - You are fine, I mod BIOS all the time, all day long! Very rare I make a mistake with this kind of BIOS editing, it’s too easy
Plus, you have programmer, so you can recover any time you want. You just gave up too easily on this before, and got in too big of hurry for no reason.

I’m not sure why mention of “SPI” got you worried all of a sudden?? You were all gung ho and in a hurry ready to flash, ripping off BIOS chips unnecessarily, wanting to reflash all this and that when only BIOS region was mentioned.
SPI is same thing, only FD and ME included along with BIOS regon. We don’t have to flash that way if it’s worrying you, never did, you can flash BIOS region only as that’s all that we’re modifiying anyway. I only wanted you to dump the entire chip at once and reflash it with FPT
as a test, to see if error or not, maybe something else needs unlocked etc. And it didn’t have to be called SPI either, could have said >> FPTw.exe -d BIOS.bin = same/same

This is only an initial test, let me know which BIOS shows you chipset now
Please test in the following order, stop once you see chipset in BIOS, no need to test other file
1. ChipStringOnly.bin
2. ChipStringBCP.bin

Once chipset is unlocked, I will unlock all rest of the menus at once.
Also, once you do see chipset, please let me know if it looks like all is visible in BIOS vs AMIBCP, or you think some stuff is missing/empty etc.
If you do think some stuff is missing, please take images where you think stuff is missing and zip for me.

Flash via >> FPTw.exe -bios -f nameorderabove.bin (ie #1 first, then if not chipset #2)…282377861813388

DO NOT flash these with AFU, if you get error with FPT like 368 or 280, it simply means we need to unlock BIOS or SMI/SMM lock. Wait, I will help you do that