How to extract setup module of AMI BIOS dump through command line/C++

I’m working on a software for BIOS modding right now and I need a way to extract the setup module of AMI BIOS dumps automatically through console with the GUID 899407D799FE43D89A2179EC328CAC21 of thePE32 image section module (or any other way). I need to extract the sct file so I can decompile it automatically and find certain offsets of settings. I think I remember that there is an .exe file that does extract the module automatically but I can’t find it anymore. Or is there maybe a C++ library that I can use for that too? I’d appreciate any suggestions.

IFR extractor

UEFIExtract imagefile GUID_1 … [ -o FILE_1 … ] [ -m MODE_1 … ] [ -t TYPE_1 … ] -
Dump only FFS file(s) with specific GUID(s), without report or GUID database.
Type is section type or FF to ignore. Mode is one of: all, body, header, info, file.
Return value is a bit mask where 0 at position N means that file with GUID_N was found and unpacked, 1 otherwise.

donovan6000/Universal-IFR-Extractor: Utility that can extract the internal forms represenation from both EFI and UEFI modules. (

LongSoft/Universal-IFR-Extractor: Utility that can extract the internal forms represenation from both EFI and UEFI modules. (

LongSoft/IFRExtractor-RS: Rust utility to extract UEFI IFR data into human-readable text (

LongSoft/UEFITool: UEFI firmware image viewer and editor (

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I tried to compile this but it gives me some errors in Visual Studio after I ran CMake, could you send me the compiled file please?

Sorry, all that was linked are not my projects, my tools or responsibility.
What’s the problem with the compiled ones on the releases tab???

Nevermind I didn’t check that :joy: thanks anyaway