How to get a Hyper X Predator PCIe SSD bootable with an Intel X79 system?

how would i get my x79a-gd45 plus to see hyper x predator pcie ssd it wont show up so I can boot to it or use it for storage

EDIT by Fernando: Thread title specified (original title has been “bios help”) and moved into the “BIOS Modding” Sub-Forum, hoping, that the thread opener gets some useful tips

@cmoneytheman :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
If you really want “bios help”, you should post your request into the “BIOS Modding” Sub-Forum and not into the “Drivers” one.
Furthermore i suspect, that you have better chances to get help from anyone of our BIOS modding Gurus, if you give the thread a more meaningful title (like “How to get a Hyper X Predator PCIe SSD bootable with an Intel X79 system?”).

Dieter (alias Fernando)

i tried they didnt answer

It’s an AHCI PCIe SSD. It should work fine out of the box.

people say it needs a bios update but mine only have one from 2014 thats why i came here to see if its a mod

I believe all PCIe AHCI devices require CSM enabled for UEFI boot as no board supports them natively. The SATA mode should also be set to AHCI (and not RAID) as this affects PCIe AHCI devices too.

@cmoneytheman :
To raise your chances to get useful help from one of our BIOS Gurus, I have moved your thread into the correct Sub-Forum and gave it a more meaningful title.

Good luck!

@cmoneytheman :
Please stop posting your statements about your problem and the “missing help” into various threads.
This is your original thread (now within the correct Sub-Forum and with a meaningful title) and should be used by you.
All your wide spread posts have been either deleted or moved here.

@LocutusEstBorg :
Thanks for having tried to help cmoneytheman within >this< thread, although his problem has nothing to do with the topic “NVMe support”.
I have moved your contributions into this thread as well.