How to mount old Z97 RAID data on new Z790 system?

Hi folks,

Just rebuilt a 10 year old machine and having trouble mounting two old HDD drives to transfer contents to new MB/SSDs.

Old build from 2014 had a Gigabyte GA-Z97X-UD3H board with RST control. Setup a matched pair of 2TB HDD in AHCI/RAID1 when I built it. Ran that way for years on Win7 and later Win10. Then used RST to break the Raid array and set both drives as separately addressable, but without reformatting them. As they were just data drives and not OS drives, continued to work fine.

New build has a Gigabyte Z790 Aorus Elite AX 1.x with UEFI drives. Got my old OS drive cloned and transferred over to the new build but I can’t mount the old HDD data drives to transfer contents. And stupidly overwrote the old m.2 OS drive so I can’t boot up the old motherboard to mount the data drives.

Any suggestions on how to get to the 2TB of data on the old, formerly Raid, AHCI drives? Tried enabling VMD on the new board but OS won’t boot. Should I try to make a boot disc on the new motherboard, enable VMD, and transfer files? Or am I better off making a Win 7/10 AHCI boot disc and rigging up the old motherboard to try and transfer files over my network?


Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
Although I don’t have any own experience with an Intel Z790 chipset system running in VMD mode, here are some advices/comments:

  1. To be able to get access to the data of your former Intel RAID array, you will have to enter the BIOS and to enable VMD.
  2. It would anyway be the best option for your system (regarding its performance and stability) to do a clean installation of the OS (after having done a backup of your important data).
  3. Since your problem neither needs nor can be solved by a BIOS modification, I have customized your start post.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)