How to TAKE AFFECT!! on moded aptio V bios(asus)

@superb123 - BIOS settings are stored and used by BIOS in three areas, Setup Module, NVRAM, and AMITSE/SetupData module. Normally changing setup is all you need to do for BIOS Lock or SMI/SMM lock.
I’ve NEVER seen any system need these settings changed in NVRAM or AMITSE/SetupData (What AMIBCP Changes), this includes the Asus Z170 series. I have a few of these myself (Z170-A and Pro Gaming one), and have helped 100’s of users unlock their Asus Z170 BIOS lock to reflash their boards too.
I do have a “K” model here too, but it’s broken , so I can’t fire it up to show you this is all you need to edit and reflash normally. I think your use of /GAN has messed something up, none of what we’ve been having to do is ever required

NVRAM is edited using UEFITool and Hex editor, but you need to learn a lot about BIOS modification and hex editing before you can edit NVRAM and AMITSE/SetupData.
Sorry, I have not written any guides or info on this as it’s too involved and often tricky to navigate in the BIOS files too, especially NVRAM because it’s stored in 2-4 or sometimes more locations and in the two main ones settings are often duplicated many times in different entries.
It’s not something I can easily explain or show you how to do. Maybe someday I can find some time to write out a guide on this

ok here is the another summery.
Tested with another new version motherboard(as am away from 170k pc rightnow)
bios build version:1207 and has APTIO version V

before /GAN applied the firmware was fresh factory version.
now the story
got dump used afu /GAN versionGUI then modified it with AMIBCP (bios lock-disabled|intel virtualization enabled|Vt-D enabled) saved the ROM.Hope that saved in " AMITSE/SetupData"
then followed your 368 bios block bypass technique. disabled “bios lock” in “Setup Module” by hexeditor,also enabled intel virtualization in Setup Module by hexeditor, saved the ROM, hope that saved in “Setup Module” section.
Could not change anything in NVRAM as i don’t know how to change in NVRAM.
anyway now flashed with afuwinx64 hexedit_AMIBCPedit.rom /N /GAN from windows,rebooted, haaaa nothing took affect, even bios 368 lock not removed:( remain same not affected as bios 170-k version)
then I shutdown the pc for few minutes then turnup, remain same(non affected).
here are those dump file of new bios for check, If i did any mistake
fresh dump file(before /GAN applied and edited)


dump file after mode applied(include AMIBCP and Setup Module area edit)

dump file after /GAN applied and reboot

dump file after shutdown and turnon pc

looks like tinyupload fuckedup today

@superb123 - PLEASE Stop using AFU and /GAN, or I can’t help you anymore!!!
This is messing up your BIOS, now you are using it on another motherboard and wanting me to try and help you fix it now, after you’ve used AFU /GAN again after I’ve repeated numerous times to not use this / it’s not for your board / it’s not for your BIOS / this is causing the problems etc.
Your result from this test is expected >> hexedit_AMIBCPedit.rom /N /GAN << Since you only flashed a non-edited NVRAM with that command.

Again, please stop using AFU and /GAN or I cannot help! This board may be ruined for editing/reflashing now too, until you get flash programmer and program back in the original BIOS dump that you hopefully made.

The ONLY edit needed to unlock BIOS lock and if necessary SMI/SMM lock is grub edit, then you can flash dumped FPT BIOS after you then edit that dump to disable these locks, and whatever other mods you want.
NO OTHER EDIT or method is needed, and AFU should not be used for any of this process or any BIOS flash on this board as it’s not required at all!

Yes, I agree, tinyupload has been messed up for me all night and day, can’t upload at all. I did not check any of your file, sorry, but until you take my advice and do this properly there’s nothing for me to check here.

Reflash stock BIOS using EZ Flash on this board, and pray it’s OK. Then unlock SMI lock if enabled, and BIOS lock, using grub setup_var, then in windows dump BIOS region, edit that to disable BIOS/SMI lock and all other edits you want to make.
Then FPT flash the modified BIOS region… Done (unless BIOS already broken now due to AFU /GAN)

For your reference, so you see this is all that’s needed on those boards (this includes Z270 too, but I don’t have personally, but have helped user do on these), this guide was directly created with and for Asus Z170 boards
ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming & Z170-A / Z170-P BIOS + HPET Option

Additionally, please be sure you are using AMIBCP 5.02.0031, in case 0023 is causing some issues on these newer BIOS for you on rebuilds.
If you cannot find this, send me a PM

finally managed to restore them(170k and 270k) used original cap file via EZ flash, they are both under default firmware version week I will update more.
I think /GAN is about just showoff, it can’t do actually update bios even bios dump showing those are updated lol, i don’t know maybe there is another area call Ghost area where only /GAN can update and fool us.

/GAN works/is flashing your BIOS, I checked your previous dumps several times and everything you give it is written as commanded with flags or without, but it’s also messing something up, which I don’t have time to try and track down why it’s causing you those issues.
It’s old, outdated, not meant for these BIOS, and should not be used these days for many reasons, including this one. Hopefully EZ flash stock BIOS corrects the problems it created within the BIOS, hard to know for sure if EZ flashes writes entire BIOS or not, especially since BIOS from Asus is not a complete BIOS to begin with anyway
So even FPT cannot overwrite all of the onboard BIOS with Asus stock BIOS, stock “upgrades” in this case only contain one NVRAM volume and within that only the stddefaults are overwritten when BIOS flashing with standard methods (AFU/EZ Flash/FPT).
That is why I kept saying stop using AFU /GAN, it’s breaking something and you can’t fix it with anything after that. FPT can write it all, but only if you’ve dumped it all first to begin with, before you did anything else.

Easy way for you to find out if EZ flash fixed it or not, unlock BIOS lock and SMI lock via grub setup_var, then dump BIOS region via FPT, then write it back.
If it fails then still broken and you need flash programmer if you ever want to fix this (and do not use AFU /GAN on any modern board again, like anything after Z87)

tested with both 170k and 270k,grub easily unlocked them and fpt flash is working now. so there is another lock call SMI lock somewhere maybe?, how to find them in the bios dump where I can lock the bios to its default?

By the way for NVRAM edit, just give me little clue about how to search bios lock in NVRAM section by which value(I know there is no way to find the value in NVRAM by putting simple text word "bios lock). you can PM if necessary

See, I told you that is all you need to do! Yes, some BIOS have SMI/SMM lock, right above BIOS Lock usually. NVRAM edit is not required for unlocking either BIOS lock or SMI/SMM lock, both can be done directly from grub, by using the setup module IFR output to get the variable.
Both SMI/SMM and BIOS lock can also be directly edited in setup module via hex/IFR to then be flashed into the board for all BIOS moving forward. Same as you can make the edit in AMIBCP to AMITSE/SetupData for all BIOS moving forward too if you wanted.
NVRAM editing is complicated, I can’t explain it simply, a full guide is needed and I don’t have time to create one when it’s really not needed for this especially. Well, it is simple to edit, but it’s complicated to extract the correct thing, and edit the correct place, and then reinsert it properly
Maybe some day I will have some time