I narrowed it down to AmdProcessorInitPeim, can u you help me out?
I narrowed it down to AmdProcessorInitPeim, can u you help me out?
I’m trying to mod the tdp on Lenovo AMD A-series laptops, any advise or help from anyone?
How about TurionPowerControl?
What is the command to adjust the TDP on Turion Power Control?
There is no documentation of the tdp command in the pdf.
D:\COMPUTER STUFF\AMD_APU_CPU_CONTROL_APPS\tpc-0.44-rc2\tpc-0.44-rc2\bin\Windows-amd64>tpc -gettdp TurionPowerControl 0.44-rc2 (tpc-0.44-rc2-r144) Turion Power States Optimization and Control - by blackshard
TDP is: 11.566406
D:\COMPUTER STUFF\AMD_APU_CPU_CONTROL_APPS\tpc-0.44-rc2\tpc-0.44-rc2\bin\Windows-amd64>tpc -boostdisable TurionPowerControl 0.44-rc2 (tpc-0.44-rc2-r144) Turion Power States Optimization and Control - by blackshard
Boost Lock Disabled. Unlocked processor Fid, Did, Vid, NodeTdp, NumBoostStates and CStateBoost can be edited Boost disabled APM disabled