How to unlock VDDIO voltages of a Gigabyte X870E AI TOP F4b BIOS?

I have a modded BIOS with VDD and VDDQ voltages unlocked but the modder doesn’t know how to unlock VDDIO voltages using the below UEFI Tool/IFR decompiler code. The partially modded BIOS is attached. (9.0 MB)

[color=blue][u]Edit by Fernando:[/u] Thread title specified and shortened[/color]

The best addressee for your request would be the person, who had modded the related BIOS.

They posted that quote in my first post, they don’t know how to mod those strings.

To make it clear which part of the first post has been quoted and not written by you, I have re-edited the start post and renamed the title.
If I should have misunderstood your recent post or if you have a better idea, please re-edit the first post.