How to update BIOS file in AMD CPU MicroCode?

First, attach a very early article:
Help extracting AGESA OrochiPI v1.5.0.6 from (Dell Server BIOS M915 Version 3.2.2)

I want to state first that I am not going to update AGESA OrochiPI in the BIOS file (6950AFFF-6EE3-11DD-AD8B-0800200C9A66)

I want to update the CPU MicroCode (DE3E049C-A218-4891-8658-5FC0FA84C788)

Although MicroCode can be easily extracted using the MCE tool in UBU, it is very, very difficult to update itself

Can someone help to provide a detailed tutorial with pictures, how to manually update the CPU MicroCode? Thank you :slight_smile:


Your best bet seems to do it the old fashion way with HxD Editor. You can follow the “alternative” guide here. The only differrence with the guide is that after the update is done, you have to rebuild the GUID with UEFITool because you have an UEFI Bios.