[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS


Successfully added NVME in P8H77-V-LE
1. Read (backup) full bios through FTK8\DOS to file.
2. Add "NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs" by MMTool 5.02_patched to bios file.
3. Remove lock (find offset by AMISetup_IFR, unlock by boot EFI command line)
4. Prepare bios file by FD44Copier
5. Flash by FTK8\DOS

@beeper :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum and thanks for the report about how you succeeded!
Enjoy it!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hay gays, problem resolved. I make a New instalation usb Disk by Rufus and… its work. Thank you for the instruction and all help. Regards.

Hello to all,

I have an Asus rod G751JY and i followed the instructions of the very first page of this thread.
I managed to add NvmExpressDxe_4_small.ffs to my original bios file downloaded from Asus (version 211).
I tried both ways to mod (UEFITool and MMTool) but when i am going to flash the modded bios it says "invalid file" and so I cannot proceed with the update.
I even downgraded my bios to 210 and tried then to upgrade to modded but the same error appears.
I have tried both winflash (with /nodate) and Easyflash
Can anyone help me about this issue?
Thank you in advance

@gantlet :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Since your problem to get your modded BIOS successfully flashed is a common one and has nothing to do with the specific topic of this thread, please read the start post of >this< thread.
If your ASUS notebook doesn’t support the ASUS “USB Flashback” feature, you may have to ask a BIOS flashing expert like @Lost_N_BIOS for help.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)


Please check whether correctly I have made modded BIOS.


Original BIOS.ZIP (5.4 MB)

Modded_BIOS.zip (5.41 MB)

@pqi :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Please attach the modded BIOS by using the Forum software. Your chosen hoster doesn’t work for me (I didn’t get the link via eMail)…

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thanks, I have corrected last post.

@pqi :
You have inserted the NVMe module correctly, but unfortunately your used tool (UEFITool) deleted the pad-file, which had been just beyond the last DXE Driver module.
Bad consequence: Your modded BIOS may not have worked.
So I have modded the original BIOS by using the AMI Aptio MMTool and I am pretty sure, that this BIOS will work and support NVMe as well. My work is attached.
Good luck while doing the flashing procedure. Please look into the start post of >this< thread, before you start.

E7752IMS_modbyFernando.rar (5.18 MB)

Hello. I have EVGA’s x79 Dark. And I’ve tried to mod the BIOS to get an NVME SSD works but
the BIOS looks different from another BIOSes and I gave up. :frowning:

Can you help me to mod the BIOS to get the NVME SSD please?
I’d appreciate you if you can help me. Thank you very much!

M/B:EVGA x79 Dark BIOS ver. 2.14(The latest one)
SSD:Intel SSD 760p M.2 PCIEx4


Hello everybody! I am new in this so after 3 or 4 hours of search in web i found this forum and i would ask for help if you may! So i got the Gigabyte motherboard GA-990FXA-UD3 R5 and i had installed a pcie m.2 on it! i can see the m.2 inside the windows in my computer and if i run win10 installer but i cant boot from it! i cant see it in bios to! i have tried everything! had changed pcie disconnected sata cables but the same! i can boot from my ssd 960 normanly and i can see the m.2 and the files i have inside from the clone i did or even format it! so any ideas? can someone help me? i am on the F2 bios ver. is there any bios mod for me? thank you for your time.

My MB link! : https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-…support-dl-bios

mb_bios_ga-990fxa-ud3-r5_f2.zip (2.84 MB)

@AlexMarshal89 :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

After having checked your attached original BIOS I can confirm, that it doesn’t contain any NVMe module.
So to be able to boot off your NVMe SSD, you have to add the missing NMe module according to my guide (= start post of this thread) and to flash it.
Since I do not modify any BIOS upon request (otherwise it wouldn’t have made sense to write the guide about how to do it), I want to encourage you to do the BIOS modding yourself.
If you are unsure regarding the result of your modification, you can attach the modded BIOS. Then I will do an inspection and tell you, whether it seems to be well done or not. So this way you can minimize the risks of a bricked mainboard by flashing a wrongly modded BIOS.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Dear All,

just stumbled over this forum, tried the search function but didn’t find anything helpful - so hopefully its ok to jump right into this thread…
I just want to use the method described in the first post of this thread to mod my bios to support booting from my brandnew Samsung MZ-V7E1T0BW 970 EVO internal nvme disk (via pci-e adapter)
My question: Is this possible ?
Bios: AMI
Board: Supermicro X8DT3 Chipset Intel 5520 (according to CPU-Z)
CPU: 2x Intel Xeon X5675

Would be great if you could give me a thumbs up !


@Softwoolf :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Unfortunately your mainboard has an Intel ICH10R Southbridge and is too old for the option to get full NVMe support. After having downloaded and checked the latest BIOS for your mainboard, I got the verification: It is not an AMI UEFI one.
Since an AMI UEFI BIOS is strictly required to be able to boot off an NVMe SSD, you cannot use the guide, which is layed down within the start post of this thread.
Nevertheless you will be able to get the OS installed onto the NVMe SSD, but the boot sector has to be outside of it.
>Here< and >here< you can find two different methods to get the NVMe SSD working within your old non-UEFI system.
Please write your further questions into the related thread, whose method you would prefer.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Fernando, thanks for the help, very appreciated !

Hi, nice tutorial :). Im trying to change HP ELite 8300 ami bios, with this tut. In comment [Guide] How to get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS (256) are pictures. On those,modded bios supposed to have “pad files”. I have oposite situation. In my original bios file pads are missing, but after save modded version, “pads” shows up :/.

I have used MMtool
Can i just delete it, or nvm and it is only in UEFITool?

Link me to original BIOS (or original dump, whatever you have, that’s not modified) @lakimakromedia so I can do the mod with both tools and see what’s going on there. Do not flash any mod BIOS until we figure out!

Here is plain bios from hp website

@lakimakromedia - This is signed BIOS, any edit may brick the board, be ready with known recovery method or flash programmer before flashing any modified BIOS to this system. Unless you’ve read others somewhere flashed mod BIOS already without issue.

In this case, for the issue in question, only MMTool 4.50 or 5.07 causes this issue, the created BIOS by MMTool may be safe/OK to use, but I would not test that without programmer in hand.
For me, the proper looking method to do this edit is to use UEFITool 25 or 26, both insert NVME module correctly and do not create this new pad file nor delete any others that are originally there.