[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

@summitsahin :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
This thread is about the modification of normal AMI UEFI BIOSes and not about Insyde ones. Since my knowledge about Insyde BIOSes is very limited, I cannot help you.
If you want to modify an Insyde BIOS, you should better have a look into >this< thread.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hello) Does anybody have a ASUS P8Z68 PRO GEN3 motherboardā€™s modded bios here with NVMe driver in it? I found an p8z68-V pro gen3 bios, but because i have another motherboard i cant flash it.

@Fernando okay, thank you anyway. have a nice day ^^

@OzzyFox :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

The chances, that such Forum member reads your post, are very low. If you donā€™t want to modify your mainboard BIOS yourself (it is much easier than you may think!), you should better search for the desired modded BIOS within >this< Sub-Forum.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

I check my motherboard andā€¦I have a -V version ._.
Ok, I try to flash moded bios on it and i have an arror that thstā€™s not uefi bios. How i can fix this? Thanks for answer)

@OzzyFox :
There are some very old BIOSes for Intel 6-Series chipset mainboards, which do not fully support booting in UEFI mode.
Since non-UEFI BIOSes can not be modified to get full NVMe support, you have to look or ask the ASUS support for an UEFI BIOS for your mainboard.
If you would attach (as *.ZIP archive) or give me the link to the latest BIOS for your mainboard, I would do a look into it.

Resolve of my problem is to move a modded bios to FAT32 usb flas drive and asus tool say thats all ok with it)

@OzzyFox :
Flashing of a modded BIOS will be no problem with your mainboard, but the BIOS has to support UEFI, if you want NVMe support.
Where can I get the latest version of the BIOS for your mainboard?

At the official ASUS site. Asus P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3

The bios that I have flashed: https://yadi.sk/d/cdR7VeH3O99b-w

Thanks for the excellent work, even if itā€™s a bit too difficult for meā€¦
I have a GA-Z77X-UP4 TH card and I need some information:
- Can I install a PCIe adapter card and then install an NVME ssd? which one do you suggest ( or are all almost the same )? and can I make this ssd bootable ( windows 10 )?
- I read that there are some NVME ssd that allow you to avoid modding the bios ( the thing scares me a bitā€¦ ): what are they? just the samsung Evo 970?
- But most of all: would I EFFECTIVELY make a big progress by switching from a ssd SATA (I currently have a San Disk SDSSDA-240G) to a SSD NVME? Or would I get a result not very different buying maybe a Samsung EVO SATA (without having to make the leaps and bounds to install everything)?
Thanks in advance for the information

@OzzyFox :
Thanks for having linked the original and the modded BIOS for your mainboard.
After having done a deeper look into both of them, here is my statement:
1. The original BIOS supports booting in UEFI mode (has a "DXE Driver" Volume).
2. You have inserted the NVMe module into the correct location, but you have obviously not used one of the NVMe modules, which I recommend within my guide (= start post of this thread).

@skywalkers :
Welcome to te Win-RAID Forum!
Here are my answers to your questions:
1. Yes, you will need an M.2>PCIe Adapter card and an NVMe SSD. I do not recommend any specific adapter, regarding the NVMe SSD I personally would prefer the Samsung 970 EVO series.
2. The ony NVMe SSDs, which are bootable in Legacy mode (without NVMe module within the BIOS), are the Samsung 950 Pro and maybe the 970 Pro as well. I recommend to buy an NVMe SSD with UEFI boot support.
3. The access time of an NVMe SSD is much shorter and the performance while reading/writing big sized files is much better than with a SATA connected SSD. You will not regret the replacement.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you very much Fernando, you were very kind.
I will follow your advice faithfully.
Thanks again.

Thanks for the great work @Fernando and anyone else who contributed.

FYI, I just installed this mod on an Asus Z9PE-D8 WS (dual Ivy Bridge Xeons, C602) and it worked great!

I tested with an Intel 600P in an Asus Hyper M.2 x4 Mini card. The final install will be my Samsung 960 pro.

Dual CPU = lots of CPU PCI express 3.0 lanes (80?). No PCI express 2.0 slots on this board :slight_smile: Great for several more NVMe drives.

@correcthorse :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your feedback.
It is fine, that you succeeded and donā€™t regret the BIOS modification, and I am glad, that I was able to help you to do it.
Enjoy the access time and the performance of your future NVMe SSD!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hey! Just wanted to say that thanks to you my Asus P8Z77-V LX now works perfectly with MVMe!

@schlatrice :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your feedback!
Enjoy the instant access and perfect performance of an NVMe SSD with your old mainboard!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi Fernando - thanks to you and all the forum members for continuing to support this excellent resource. I hope you may assist me with a couple of questions:

Q. After reading and following the forum advice I have successfully managed to insert NVMe module into bios v1903 for my Asus Maximus V Gene and install Windows 10 and boot etc. I originally inserted NvmeExpressDxe module (which works) but now see that there is a more recent NvmExpressDxe_4 module. Using MMTool is is OK to remove the old module and then insert the updated module? If yes, what may be the benefit?

Q. I also have an Asus HM87M-E and when I load the bios (v2201) into MMTool I note the following modules are present Nvme.ffs, NMVINT.ffs, NvmeSmm.fss. I cannot get the system to boot from my PM981 - so should I insert the NvmExpressDxe_4 module so that there would be 4 nvme files in the bios or should I remove the 3 existing files and replace with just the NvmExpressDxe_4 module?

Q. Does module PciExpressDxe (present in the Maximus V Gene bios) need to be added into the HM87M-E bios or is it not needed to boot from PM981. What is PciExpressDxe actually needed for?

Thank you to anyone who can offer me some assistance.

Someone solution with the GRYPHON Z87 asus bios, who can send me the file to update the bios? Board link https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/GRYā€¦pDesk_Download/
I thank you for trying everything. Thank you

@delprong :
Here are my answers:

  1. Instead of removing the old and inserting the new module I recommend to use the ā€œReplaceā€ tab of the AMI MMTool v4.50. Benefit of the newer NVMe module: Nest possible support of the latest NVMe SSDs resp. their Controllers.
  2. Are you sure, that the original BIOS 2201 for the ASUS H87M-E (an ASUS HM87M-E doesnā€™t exist) contains the 3 NVMe modules? If yes, there is no need for a BIOS modification.
    After having downloaded the BIOS from the ASUS pages and opened it by using the AMI MMTool v4.50 I couldnā€™t find any NVMe module. If the BIOS 2201 with NVMe support has not been released by ASUS to the public, please attach it as *.zip archive).
    Additional question: After having entered the BIOS, do you see the NMe SSD listed as bootable Disk Drive within the ā€œBOOTā€ section?
  3. Although I donā€™t know the exact function of the BIOS module named PciExpressDxe, I do not recommend to extract it from another BIOS and to insert it into the BIOS of the ASUS H87M-E mainboard.
    Reason: Such module is missing in many BIOSes, which definitively support booting off a PCIe connected NVMe SSD.