[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

@muerte :

Due to the dependencies of the other 2 present original NVMe modules (Nvmesmm and NVMEINT13) I do not recommend to try that.
These seem to be better options:
a) Try to get Win10 installed onto the NVMe SSD by following point 4 of my guide’s "This is what you should do" chapter or
b) Remove all 3 originally present NVMe BIOS modules (Nvme, Nvmesmm and NVMEINT13) from the "DXE Driver Volume", after having stored the modifications insert the NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs file below the downmost listed DXE Driver and finally try to get Win10 installed in UEFI mode according point 4 of my guide.

@ESRR : I recommend to make a backup of the drive C, to store it somewhere outside the NVMe SSD, to redo the Win10 installation onto the NVMe SSD according to my guide (after having deleted all existing partitions of the NVMe SSD by the Win10 Setup) and finally to restore the previously saved system partition (drive C:).

@palindrome8 : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Since you had solved your problem yourself, I have merged your 2 posts and moved them into this better matching already existing thread.
Furthermore I have removed the misleadingly renamed attachment. If you want to offer your modded BIOS for other users with the same mainboard, you should start a new thread within >this< Sub-Forum and attach the compressed BIOS as *.ZIP or *.RAR archive.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank!!, Flashing success on P8H77-V, altho idk if the nvme will work cus I dont have that rn
Edit: here is the mod nvme bios (DONT USE EZFLASH, use ASUS EZ Update (AI Suite II)

P8H77-V-ASUS-1905-MOD.zip (4.19 MB)

unmod BIOS (if you want).zip (4.18 MB)

@5xq : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Your attached BIOS seems to be properly modified. So I am rather sure, that you will succeed while trying to get any NVMe SSD bootable.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hey all, just thought I’d report back that this is now up and working on the Supermicro X10DRH-iT board with Debian 10. For further hardware I used multiple Supermicro AOC-SLG3-2M2 2 slot nvme adapters. I also have six SATA drives installed, (non-raid) that didn’t interfere with anything.

With the mod installed, it’s possible to use the create new boot device functionality in the bios and direct it to the UEFI boot file on the nvme drive. I set that as the primary boot device and all is working, though I did have to disable the UEFI shell as boot device to stop me constantly getting kicked into the UEFI shell at boot.

Note that I didn’t attempt to install to the nvme drive, I created a debian installation on a test rig and then transplanted the drive.

Anyway, thanks for all the help, great mod! I’m now off to reconfigure my infiniband on the new install.

First of all I would like to thank Fernando and all others for all their hardwork and many years of effort in this NME boot project
I have an Asus P8Z77VLK on bios 1402
I followed the instructions on page one of this thread and made 2 bios mods
one with the MMTool and the other with the UEFITool
I compared these 2 modde bioses with hdx and they were identical to each other

next i checked a mod bios with original bios for any "pad" file differences using UEFITool and did not seem to find any "PAD" difference either additions or deletions
It is funny a search for "pad" does not show any result in UEFITool but pad files are present

After all this I am still scared/hesitant to flash my modded bios and would like to be 100% sure nothing humanly detectable is wrong
In that regard I hope Fernando would be willing to take a look at my modded and original bios and give me an opinion
Thanks again for indulging a yet another newbie
Here is a folder containing the 2 bioses

P8Z77VLK 1402 original bios.rar (3.87 MB)

P8Z77VLK 1402 bios-modified by mmt.rar (3.88 MB)

@aiz2000 : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
If you want, that I check your modded BIOS, you should give me the password for the extraction.
Tomorrow I will compare both BIOSes (provided, that I got the missing password).
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi, I am on flashing BIOS back after NVMe modding for HP Compaq 8200 Elite sff. I am stuck with this. What manual/procedure I need to follow to make new BIOS sucessfull load ? I am placing two Bios BIN files. Original J01_0233 and modded one for NVMe boot adjustment. Would be great to have my modification for modded bios extra checked.

modded.zip (4.98 MB)

J01_0233.zip (4.96 MB)

@Fernando : My sincerest apologies

There should be no password as is in the other file
I inadvertently put one on, when checking to make sure file was under 6mb
Here it is again and I made sure to check for no password.
Thanks again dfor taking the time for this
I would pm you but cant due to new status, but i have pp’ed you for you excellence in this and all matters

EDIT by Fernando: Fully quoted post replaced by directly addressing (to save space within this voluminous thread)

P8Z77VLK 1402 bios-modified by mmt.rar (3.89 MB)

P8Z77VLK 1402 original bios.rar (3.87 MB)

@mode_bios_user : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Your modded BIOS seems to be fine. Regarding the specific flashing procedure for HP mainboard BIOSes >this< thread is the appropriate one.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@aiz2000 : Thanks for having re-attached the unencrypted modded BIOS file. I checked it and it seems to be fine.

Thank you for checking my BIOS modding load. I am however completely lost in how to upload modded BIOS to my HP Compaq 8200 Elite sff. I tried to follow link messages with may tries with different tools however no success. I do need more helping hand.

@mode_bios_user : This is not the appropriate thread for your specific problem how to get your modded HP BIOS properly flashed. Please use the “Search” option of the Forum by entering “HP BIOS”.
Have you already read >this< guide?

Yes, and what is more I have two HP 800 G1 sff ones and I followed the upload description with modded BIOS. Both of HP 800 are stunting. They are jut WOW ones. They boot with NVMe without any issues.

Finaly not being able to flush back the modded BIOS I just used DUET_EDK2020_REFIND.
Procedure used:
- make USB with USBSetup following all steps except of DUET (so only CLEAN, FORMAT, BOOT and REFIND)
- use: default_selection Microsoft
in a file refind.conf (@ USB_DRIVE:\EFI\Boot)

Update BIOS with its HP latest release J01_0233.BIN using HP dedicated for HP Elite 8200 sff tool

HP 8200 boots without user action after marking USB boot option in BIOS. Than I used Mini Partition Wizard for coping partition from USB (made with DUET_EDK2020_REFIND) to HDD. Now HP 8200 starts itself without any user action. Not the very efficient way around however works.

Dear Fernando,
I have Gigabyte motherboard with H81 Chipset. Model no .H81M-DS2 ( Ver 2.0 ). I have modded bios with NVMe support , after the process it shows additional PAD file in it. Should I use this for for flashing or avoid using it ? Files have been attached for your reference.
BIOS.BIN — Original BIOS
8JUN21.rom — Modded BIOS with full NVME support DXE

I used UEFITool v 0.28.0. Image shows listing of PAD File entry .

Thank you in advance.

Modified BIOS.jpg


First update all in UBU, then use AMI MMtool and insert small dxe module. No more PAD file.


Hello again!

Thanks to Fernando (God bless you!), 3 years ago I modded the bios of my old Gigabyte G1.Sniper 5 motherboard to boot from SSD/PCIE using a Samsung SSD 970 Evo M.2 2TB and it’s still working like a charm!

Now, I would like to know if it’s possible to do the same on a ASRock Z68 Extreme7 Gen3 (preferably) or a Gigabyte G1.Sniper 3 motherboard?

Here are the BIOS files:

Kind regards,


The Asrock is here already NVMe mod: [OFFER] Modded BIOSes for all ASUS Z68+P67 MBs (NVME+microcodes)

The G1 Sniper3 u can use the small DXE module.

EDIT: Sorry, didnt notice it was the 7 GEN3, here u go, the L2.33A Beta with mcodes updated and NVMe module (Nothing more updated/other modules).
ASROCK Instant Flash from UEFI ONLY not OS environment, user OWN risk as im not responsible for any system failures due to provided files.

And here the G1 Sniper3 F8n Beta with mcodes updated and NVMe module (Nothing more updated/other modules).
GigaByte Q-Flash from UEFI ONLY not OS environment, user OWN risk as im not responsible for any system failures due to provided files.

Hi MeatWar,

Thanks for your answer!

Sorry but I cannot find a mod for my ASRock Z68 Extreme7 Gen3 in: [OFFER] Modded BIOSes for all ASUS Z68+P67 MBs (NVME+microcodes) - can I use Asus for my ASRock?

For G1 Sniper3 (and ASRock Z68 Extreme7 Gen3 as well) I want to use one of my old Samsung SSD 970 Evo M.2 2TB - Form factor M.2 (2280).


@Fernando Thank you for providing this informative and detailed tutorial…:slight_smile:

When I opened my original bios Dump using UEFI Tool 0.28.0, it shows the below message…

parsevolume: unaligned file 17088572-377F-44EF-8F4E-B09FFF46A070

However, the error was gone when I open the modded Bios (after inserting the ‘NvmExpressDxe_4.ffs’ and saving it as new file).

Is it normal? MMTool Aptio does not have the option to show those messages.

No, you should not even try to flash an ASUS BIOS into an ASRock mainboard Chip.