[HowTo] Get full NVMe Support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS

Sorry i dont have time but yes all go fine on optiplex 9020mt with include small dxe4.ffs so before bios is correct. Problem was that pc not save modded bios on fisrt time maybe for it that dual bios …But i try second time and after is ok… thanks for help.

I got an Asus P8Z77-M MB. I tried the same procedures but failed. There’s nth shown in the boot option.



It doesn’t till it gets on OS on it and a Boot manager entry, read the guide again and ull see Fernando mention to the subject.
Assuming that the mod is ok and flashed…

@kmkkwok : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
Please re-read the guide (= start post) and make sure, that you followed it step-by-step.
If you are unsure, whether you have inserted the NVMe module correctly into the BIOS, please attach the modded and the original BIOS as *.ZIP files.
Once you have inserted the freshly created USB Flash Drive with the OS Image on it, you should see it as "EFI" bootable USB Flash Drive (provided, that your BIOS settings allow booting in UEFI mode).
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Here is the mod BIOS.

P8Z77-M-ASUS-2203-mod.zip (8.54 MB)

Ur mod seems OK. Read the guide again for a clean UEFI OS install.

Hi, has anyone done a bios mod for p8q77-m?, currently nvme is detected but the system does not boot from pcie x4

Detection is always possible but for booting an OS u need to do the mod urself, attach here the mod and later some one will check it before u flash it.
Use MMtool method.
As this board has no USB BFB feature u need to follow guidance here: [Guide] How to flash a modded AMI UEFI BIOS

EDIT: Seems OK and well placed… why the small DXE, the Standard will fit.
A NOTE: CAP modified bios files will not be accepted by Asus EZ, do please read the linked post on how to procede.

here is my mod

P8Q77-M-ASUS-1303.rar (3.18 MB)

Sorry if this is a dumb question. I have a Asrock Rack server board (EP2602-4L/D16) that I want to add an ASUS Hyper (x4) controller card to and boot from a Samsung 980 M.2. For an OS I would like to run Proxmox, which is a Linux Debian variant (currently booting from spinners). Will this mod work with OS’s other than Windows?

@trev.mlt : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
According to my knowledge the BIOS and its EFI modules are not OS specific. So the inserted NvmExpressDxe module should be loaded while booting off any Operating System in UEFI mode.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi guys,

I was wondering if someone could verify my BIOS mod for the GA-Z68A-D3H-B3. I used the BETA UEFI U1d bios as the source.
I followed the guide and think I managed it correctly, but I’d like some confirmation :slight_smile:
Please find both the original and modded version. I had to use the Small variant due to size constraints.

Thanks in advance!

bios.zip (5.69 MB)

Sry, but no, the mod file had removed a pad-file from the original bios, use UEFItool 0.28 to insert the DXE module.

EDIT: Use UEFItool on ur new mod and compare the 2 files, search for modules/guid locations and compare.

EDIT: @Warstomper , Since u didnt reported back anything on the use of the UEFItool, i can confirm that ur 2nd attempt mod is correct now, good luck.

Ah, I see it :(.
My new attempt is attached.

Mod BIOS.zip (5.69 MB)

Thank you for the great tutorial! Everything went exactly as expected with MMTool, but I did get a little lost in validating the insertion (my main question is if the only area of concern is the DXE i.e is that the only place pad file may be affected?). I think I have done this correctly. Here is my original and modded BIOS for a EP2C602-4L/D16 mother board. Am I safe to flash?

Thanks again for this amazing work!

EP2C602-4LD16(1.90)ROM.zip (3.95 MB)

nvmep602_4d1.zip (3.94 MB)

Ur mod seems seem ok, in the correct volume and keeping the original pad-file at the end.
About the question…Safe to flash? No one can assure u that. Its a bios mod with all the risks by the user ONLY, as we all take it or we dont.

EDIT: @Fernando the previous mod from Warstomper, i didnt checked his 2nd attempt, i was encourage him to use and learn UEFItool… but ill check it in a bit. DONE

Although you haven’t made it clear by directly addressing, I suspect, that your last post has been designed for the Forum member trev.mlt, but what about Warstomper’s request?

@MeatWar : Thanks, point taken about the safety…just wanted to make sure it wasn’t suicidal LOL. Thanks again.

Please help me! i have a MSI B85M-E45 motherboard, according to the instructions i have fully MOD BIOS and flashed but the BIOS still cannot recognize the NVME ssd on boot. I definitely double checked the BIOS with UEFITool, my nvme ssd showed up in windows10.

Seems that u didnt read ALL the guide from Fernando… go read again.
EDIT: Go read point#4 about OS installation, after the bios mod flash operation. This is a mod, do u expect this to work without reading and learning?