HP Pavilion 15-e051sx Notebook, turns off after 30m

I have a laptop HP Pavilion 15 e051sr (D9X45EA(R)), it turns off after 30 minutes after turning on every time, there are no problems with RAM, SSD, battery and power supply. I read that the problem may be in the me region. Is this true? Can anyone help me solve this problem and tell me what to do next?

Check if the bios settings displays ME FW version as, usually in laptop bioses may not be any as it depends on OEM bios menu personalization on displaying certain settings, then read the guide:
[Guide] Clean Dumped Intel Engine (CS)ME/(CS)TXE Regions with Data Initialization - Special Topics / Intel Management Engine - Win-Raid Forum


ME FW version not displayed.
I also noticed another problem: sometimes after turning off the laptop, when I press the power button, it does not respond for a few seconds. In some cases, the power button may work, and the laptop starts to start, but after half a second it turns off again. Sometimes this process alternates, but eventually after several attempts the laptop turns on. It happens that this problem does not exist at all. Is this still a problem with the BIOS?

That behaviour with the power button, differs across bios platform/oem/models, during the laptop POST the bios vendor had programmed sub-routines for actions like recover, enter diagnostic tools mode, etc…
Nothing to do with the related 30m shutdown, widdly know and common reported, around the web.

So you check for it or you dont, without checking you’ll never know, so making other assumptions is a mistake without any CONFIRMATION done, good luck.

Okay, I read the guide, what to do with the outimage.bin file next?

As you read the guides quite well…dont know…maybe put in a “fancy” USB drive and glue it to your best wall in thouse…for decorative purposes, how about it humm!!!

What are the hardware specs- especially chipset- of this machine?