HP XW4600 (X38/ICH9) + WIN XP - help with RAID?

Hi all,

First of all, HUGE thanks to @Fernando for all of the incredible work you’ve done - I’ve been scouring the internet for MONTHS trying to figure out why our (ancient) computers refuse to boot into AHCI or RAID with our (equally ancient) images of Windows XP…finally I have an answer!

Unfortunately, I don’t seem to be wise enough to figure out exactly how to implement the solution. I am hoping with just a little guidance, I will be able to take the next steps myself and get our many, many BSOD-stricken PCs back up and running - well, in something other than IDE mode, at least.

Anyway, here’s the sitch: I work for a computer repair company that refurbishes 2007-2011 era PCs used to control PC board inspection machines (AOI/AXI, ex. Agilent SJ50 Series 3). We work on HP XW4400 and XW4600 Workstations, among others, which need to be capable of RAID functionality when placed into the machines and used in production.

Currently, I’ve been tasked with refurbishing an XW4600 controller. I’ve been provided an .iso file to restore from, which in actuality is a Symantec Ghost image of someone’s pre-existing Windows XP Pro install (not my choice), complete with software and files they want pre-loaded for use in the AOI/AXI machines.

I’m able to boot from the disc, install Windows, and login - as long as SATA is set to IDE in the BIOS. If I change it to either AHCI or RAID (there is not a combined RAID+AHCI option) - regardless of whether it’s before booting the disc & restoring, between the restore and the next boot into Windows, or after the setup - I’m met with the instant, looping BSOD. Additionally, because it’s not a “clean” install, I don’t have the option to press F6 to load additional drivers. I’ve tried forcing other “official” Intel & HP drivers to install via Device Manager, but to no avail.

I’ve been digging through this forum all day trying to determine how to fix this. Here are my current specs:

HP XW4600 Workstation
Windows XP Pro SP2 (restored from Symantec Ghost image)
FMB-0702 (SP #441449-001)
Intel X38 Express / ICH9(R)?
SATA 0: Seagate SATA 160GB HDD
SATA 1: Seagate SATA 160GB HDD
IDE: Floppy Drive

Current storage drivers:
Intel (R) Matrix Storage Manager RAID ROM Configuration Utility
Intel v8.3.0.1011 (2/5/2007) - IDE ATA/ATAPI ICH9 2 Port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 2926
Intel v8.3.0.1011 (2/5/2007) - IDE ATA/ATAPI ICH9 4 Port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 - 2920


ISSUE: Cannot boot in anything other than IDE, and I’ve read that DEV_2926 and DEV_2920 are indicative of IDE mode. I want these devices to run in a RAID 1 (with SATA 1 as a mirror). I’ve seen mention that DEV_2822 is correct for RAID on the X38/ICH9R chipset, but I’m also concerned that I haven’t found these other device ID’s in any of the .INFs I read through.
QUESTION: How do I determine the proper DEV_XXXX to select?

ISSUE: Currently, I appear to have the old Intel (R) Matrix Storage Manager RAID ROM Configuration Utility installed.
QUESTION: Do I need to update/change the Intel RAID ROM version, or alternatively, should I be using the IMSM versions of drivers rather than IRST?

ISSUE: I’ve noticed that iaAHCI.inf typically has drivers labeled AHCI (logically!), but iaStor.inf has drivers labeled RAID; I’ve also noticed that none of the RAID drivers are labeled ICH9R.
QUESTION: Should I be selecting the RAID drivers over AHCI labeled for ICH9R? Should the same drivers be installed on both hard drives, or should one receive the AHCI and the other the RAID driver?

Any and all advice/suggestions/critiques are welcome and appreciated!

Make these changes in the registry, then reboot to BIOS and enable AHCI or RAID and see if you can then boot windows or if you get the 0x000007d error

Enable all boot modes IDE/AHCI/RAID modes by changing "Start" Values in these keys to 0


Once you make these changes, before booting to the operating system, save/apply/exit BIOS and then reboot immediately back to the BIOS.
Find the boot disk priority menu and make sure your main drive is first in the list, this is not the same setting as the first, second, third boot device (HDD/CD/Floppy etc)

I'll let @Fernando answer you on the rest of the RAID/Driver questions because I am not sure. Since you already have Intel MSM installed the above should get you sorted for booting in the other modes, then you can update drivers per his suggestions.

In order to setup RAID before installing your ghost image of the system is probably not possible, but you can get it all going as a single disk, then make a new image and use that image, setup RAID in BIOS first, then put the image back onto the array once you've created an array.
You will need a third disk temporarily to store your newly created system image on, to then restore to the two 160GB disks setup in an array. You can't restore image to the same disks the backup image is stored on, at least not without a lot of partition dancing and odd RAID array creation/sizing issues.

@aclark :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Only the first one is a real storage driver, the other 2 are simple Intel Chipset Device INF files and not required for a proper function of the Intel SATA Controller. These INF files just give the related device a specific name with the word “Intel” in it.

If you want to create a RAID array consisting of the 2 Seagate HDDs, you have to do the following:
1. Enter the BIOS, set the Intel SATA Controller to “RAID” mode, store this new BIOS setting and power-off the PC.
2. Power on the PC and hit CTRL+I while booting. Now the Intel MSM Utility should be visible and usable.
3. Create the desired RAID1 array by using the Intel Matrix Storage Manager Utility.
After having done that, you can install the desired OS onto the freshly created RAID1 array, provided, that you either have integrated or loaded (via F6) the needed Intel RAID driver. I recommend to take the 32bit Intel RST RAID driver v10.1.0.1008 WHQL).

You can check the HardwareIDs (VendorID and DeviceID) of the on-board Intel SATA Controller by doing a right-click onto it and choosing the options “Properties” > “Details” > “Property” > “HardwareIDs”. The Intel SATA Controller is listed either within the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers” (if running in IDE or AHCI mode) or within the “Storage Controllers” section (only if set to “RAID”) of the Device Manager.
Note: The DeviceID of the Intel ICH9 SATA Controller depends on the SATA mode setting within the BIOS (IDE/AHCI/RAID):

  • IDE mode: DEV_2920 (name: “Intel(R) ICH9 4-Port SATA IDE Controller” or similar) or DEV_2926 (name: “Intel(R) ICH9 2-Port SATA IDE Controller” or similar)
  • AHCI mode: DEV_2922 (name: “Intel(R) ICH9R/DO/DH SATA AHCI Controller” or similar)
  • RAID mode: DEV_2822 (name: “Intel(R) Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller” or similar)

There is no need to replace the currently working Intel MSM RAID ROM v7.6.0.1011 by an Intel RST RAID ROM (e.g. v10.1.0.1008), but it would be a good idea to try it (if you know how to do it).

The Intel MSM or RST SATA drivers do support the AHCI and RAID mode, but not simultaneously. So you have to decide, which SATA mode you want to use with your desired OS. The installation has to be done by using different INF files (iaAHCI.inf for AHCI mode and iaStor.inf for RAID mode). You cannot install an Intel RAID driver on-top of an Intel AHCI driver (or vice versa).
By the way: As long as the Intel SATA Controller is running in IDE mode, none of the Intel SATA drivers can be installed. Only the OS inbox Microsoft IDE drivers do support them.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Tonight, I will write out for you how I would handle this, with a third disk and a copy of another better free program. It’s quick and easy to do, and would save you a lot of time and hassle.

Since this image you use already has Intel MSM installed and running, that means at one time it probably already was in AHCI mode, or RAID, so one of those is likely already a zero in the registry.
I also thought of IaStorV might be IaStor only without V, since this is such an older MAM version and older OS install, so you may only find that in the registry keys.

Hi @Fernando and @Lost_N_BIOS ,

Thank you both for your prompt & thoughtful responses! They have been a great help already, and I have a number of things to test today.

Just a few things I want to be sure I’m clear on:

1. Is there any way at all to set up a RAID, with Windows XP, without a fresh Windows XP install? ie. Inserting the correct drivers via Device Manager? What about creating a fresh install w/ correct drivers, then imaging that installation & loading the image onto other hard drives? (I think perhaps this is what @Lost_N_BIOS was explaining at the end of their post?)

I ask primarily because this is my company’s biggest concern - they seem to believe that anything requiring a “fresh install” is a universally unnecessary nuisance, though I am inclined to disagree. (:

2. If only the AHCI or the RAID driver may be installed at once, does this mean if the user wished to switch to AHCI (from RAID, or vice versa) it would not be possible without again re-installing Win XP?

Thank you both again for all you help and generosity!!

Hey @aclark - You’re welcome!

The way I mentioned is without a fresh install, but you will need to clone/image the already installed system and store this on a third drive (or USB drive if you have one large enough), then create the array and restore that image back to the array.
All that clone/restore will be done on the already installed system, but in order to do that you may need to reinstall your current setup to the third spare drive I mentioned.
That way you will have that system up and running, to then restore the saved image onto the newly created RAID array, then you can wipe the third disk if you want and create a new final image to put on other matching RAID setup systems.

Hmm, I see that kind of looks like a ramble, sorry I am not best at explaining how I do things, but maybe it will be more clear once I lay out a step-by-step (I have done this myself many times)

But to answer you “In general”, no, you can tell them a “Fresh install” is not necessary, but due to the setup and limitations they’ve put you on it will require some dancing around, another 3rd HDD, and possibly a few more re-images than they originally intended.
Once you have what I will outline complete, you can then make a final new “Image” or Ghost Image" if they prefer that, and then use this to restore onto other RAID array like systems.

Switching from RAID to AHCI is fine, system will then still use the RAID driver, even if restoring back to a single disk system.
This can only be done with the registry changes I mentioned above, and only after the matrix drivers are installed already, which you mentioned they are in the initial image.

I agree with your thoughts, a clean install, even though it may take more time to reinstall stuff, would make getting everything setup on an initial machine to then re-image for use on other machines, a whole lot easier and quicker!

Let me write out a step-by-step for you, on how I would personally do this within your current limitations (For sanity reasons). Hopefully you can use a third drive temporarily, or have a large enough USB drive for another new image backup for this process.
I think once you see my step-by-step it will be more clear to see what I mean, and if you don’t already you’ll understand how this will work and be helpful for setting up the other machines later.

I will edit this step-by-step into this post once I have it done, so if you’re reading this now I’m still working on it.
Due to your initial post I will assume you know plenty about getting around in computers and such, so I will not include images of the process as the steps progress, I think you’ll be able to follow just fine!

* Edit @aclark - Here’s the step-by-step, apologies for the wait and hopefully you can follow along easily.
If my steps get you lost, or you have any questions ask away! This may look more involved than you thought I meant, but I think this is the easiest way to do this with your current situation.

This can be completed on your already installed single disk, but it may save some time to go ahead and reinstall the same current setup from the ghost image to the third spare drive I mentioned.
This way you can go ahead and create the RAID array and restore right to it after saving the initially setup image w/ RAID enabled.

If you want to do it with the ghost image installed onto the third drive, start over, with all three drives connected and restore the ghost image to the third spare drive. Leave the 2x160GB not in RAID yet.
Then once XP is setup again on the third drive, make the registry changes I mentioned in post #2 above, and if needed add in same change to zero on this key as well (if IaStorV key is not in the registry)

If you do setup XP on a third drive for this procedure, if possible only use half the drive space and create a second partition later with Macrium Reflect, this can be used to store your new system image temporarily.
If it’s not possible to do that with the partitions and ghost restore, you can do it later with Macrium Reflect

Doing things how I’ll outline below works around having to use the Macrium Reflect bootup recovery disk and downloading 400MB+ WinPE recovery environment

Download Macrium Reflect - https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree

And here’s a general how to use guide in case you run into any seemingly should be easy to solve issues

Note - I am using Macrium Reflect 5.3 in my system, unsure of latest version, but mentioning in case anything is named differently in the current
version vs what I say in this guide. I updated to 6.3.1852 about 3/4 way through just to check, all looks about the same settings-wise

I’ll assume C is your main drive here, if not choose accordingly

Creating a disk image

1. Start Macrium Reflect, go to “Disk Image” tab on left and then “Create Backup” section in the middle/center
2. Select/click on main drive in the listed disks. On the far left of the main disk you want to image (C), put checkmark in the main box.
2a. If you created two partition on this disk, select only the main partition with the OS installed onto it, unchecking the entire disk checkmark on the left and only checking the checkmark underneath the partition you want to image.

3. Right below main drive (C), you’ll see “clone this disk” and “Image this disk”, choose "Image this disk"
4. Choose a disk/folder location and uncheck the Image ID box and give the file a name you will recognize, or it will autoname if you leave name
blank w/ Image ID box checked, then click next
4a. This saved file location cannot be on the same partition as the main partition you image.
5. Uncheck Differential in the middle area, leave “Full” backup selected
6. You should now be at “Imaging Summary” Click “Finish”, no advanced options need changed
7. Uncheck “Save this backup XML” and leave “Run this backup now” selected, then click OK.

Backup will now commence, once completed go to “Restore” tab and find this backup image and choose "Verify Image"

If you have not already, once the image backup is completed above, reboot to Intel Matrix Storage Manager (Control + I) during bootup, possibly a little past initial BIOS/POST screens.
Here, create your RAID array with the 2x160GB drives, save and exit back to the BIOS, reboot back to BIOS if necessary to get to BIOS. Once in BIOS, go to the boot disk order priority section and make sure your main/single drive is still
first at the top of this list, then save and boot back to windows for the image restore to the RAID array. Once in windows, go to disk manager and initialize your RAID array MBR and give it a drive letter

Restoring disk image to target drive (RAID Array in this case)

1. Start Macrium Reflect and go to the “Restore” Tab on left
2. Browse down to where you see backup images (Top-most is the restore to drive layout). Select the image you just created, you may need to browse to your saved file location.
3. Choose Restore Image. Source image is on top, target on bottom, select your RAID array disk.
3a. If restoring entire disk, make sure top/bottom match completely, all checked. If restoring partition image to RAID array make sure entire disk/partition in the image section is all checked (left and right bottom checkmark under partition image at top source).
On the bottom/destination area select your RAID array disk if not already selected previously.

4. Choose “Copy selected partition” in the middle area

5. Under destination disk image, choose “Restored Partition Properties” Make sure partition type is set to active, drive letter C, for alignment set XP. Here you can also set the new drive partition size, original size, min/max, etc.
5a. No advanced changes needed here, however, if it fails to boot you may come back to this step if forced to redo and in advanced settings MBR section choose “Do not replace MBR” Default is replace.

If this fails to boot, see 5a, MBR can be fixed by either trying restore again changing advanced option to do not replace MBR.
Or actual XP SP1-2 install disc can be used to fix MBR by booting to install disk, choose repair by recovery console and at prompt run “FixMBR” and once that is done run "Fixboot"
If you end up needing a guide for this XP stuff I can link one later. That shouldn’t be needed though, one way or the other with Macrium Reflect restore/advanced setting defaults or change MBR will work.
I suggest leaving as it is first, always worked for me (both work usually, depending on how you setup the target disk initially I think).

@aclark :
As you have already realized, any change of the SATA mode will give you an unbootable system (due to the relationship between the boot sector and the required, but not present specific informations about how to manage the related storage driver).
The simpliest and safest way to get a proper running Windows OS after a switch of the SATA mode within the BIOS is to do a clean install of the OS after having done the SATA mode BIOS switch.
Nevertheless it is possible to switch the SATA mode (to AHCI or RAID without the creation of a RAID array) from within an already running OS without getting a BSOD resp. to restore later on your current OS installation. This is what Lost_N_BIOS was/is going to explain.