Hello, I have a gigabyte mobo with the MX25U12872F chip, I have the ch341a programmer with its 1.8v adapter, I used the neoprogrammer software and the closest one that it detects is the MX25U12873F chip, I decided to test the reading and unfortunately it does not read anything, there were programs like asprogrammer Apparently they read something so I decided to follow the process, unfortunately when I reached the erase ic option, there was a problem and an error appeared warning about write protection. I have tried many things and I can’t remove that error. Do you know any program that does contain the specific name of my chip? The chip is soldered to the mobo so I don’t know if that could affect it.
Well… you may have to take it out from the board.
The missing DB IC id may not be of concern at all… from 72 to 73
There’s a link here but really not clearly confirmed if it worked, using other ids.
I spend MONTHS helping a friend with a MX25U12872F from a Gigabyte B450M DS3H WIFI using a CH341A with no success: [Need help] Reviving bricked Gigabyte B450M-DS3H after bios update - #20 by zir_blazer
The first combination that worked was a Raspberry Pi 3, Linux flashrom, and an overcomplicated setup in a breadboard to use the CH341A 1.8V adapter with the desoldered chip on top of it similar to this one: Recover Bricked BIOS using FlashRom on a Raspberry Pi | Rototron
After the first time that flashrom reported success and he had the first confirmed good dump, he noticed than his Gigabyte BIOS starts with quite a lot of KiBs of FF FF and rechecked previous CH341A dumps that were though to be empty but had some stuff on them, but I don’t recall if he managed to get a full dump using it, so I can’t confirm if the CH341A actually works or not.
Oh, and the best part? After flashing latest BIOS and resoldering the chip, the board is still dead with same symptoms, so it seems it was not the BIOS…
Yes, I had seen that post and it didn’t work for me, but do you think that if I buy that chip (W25Q128JWSQ) and program it with the bios of my board and then solder it, could it work? both are 1.8v
oh, I only have the ch341a and I tried several chips and it works on all of them except this one, I haven’t removed it from the mobo yet, I was looking at your post and I see that they recommended programming without 2 pins on the chip (I don’t remember the name), did you tried with that?
Probably not, it may have a chance if its ID/vendor is present in VSCC.
UEFI tool and FIT (Intel only) can check it.
EDIT: Have you noticed that we still don’t know where that IC of yours is? A washing machine or a vacuum cleaner?!?!
Flash Image Tool error adding entry to VSCC table - Intel Community
Could you explain to me a little more what you mean by VSSC or exactly what it should match? I am new to this type of repairs and I am interested in knowing a little more.
Hi. I was able to write a MX25U12872F with the CH341a. I modified it and used the Colibri software.