I have issues with DUET-REFIND on my legacy bios x79 bios (dl380p gen8)

I connected my USB stick preloaded with DUET-REFIND and booted into it using my DL380p Gen8 but it doesnt work, it doesnt show any boot options at all but im on windows 10 right now, but whenever I plug it into my laptop which has UEFI it actually works for some reason and also on the bios in my pc it lags bad for some reason

Well, I’ve found the bootloaders for just about all the uefi emulators have pretty bad compatibility in general. I’d wipe that usb stick and format it with ntfs then make it grub4dos 0.4.6a bootable using bootice.

Use this menu.lst file so you can choose between 3 different uefi emulators

title Load OpenCore EFI Emulator
find --set-root /bootx64
chainloader --force --load-segment=0x2000 --load-offset=0x200 --boot-cs=0x2000 --boot-ip=0x200 /bootx64

title Load Clover EFI Emulator
find --set-root /boot7
chainloader --force --load-segment=0x2000 --load-offset=0x200 --boot-cs=0x2000 --boot-ip=0x200 /boot7

title Load DUET EFI Emulator
find --set-root /efildr20
chainloader --force --load-segment=0x2000 --load-offset=0x0 --boot-cs=0x2000 --boot-ip=0x200 /efildr20

Lastly, I’d copy refindplus to \EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi

Now you have a very versatile usb stick that should be able to run uefi with at least one of them. I’ve found opencore works the best.