I need my GTX460 Vbios

I have a GTX460 768 mb GPU

but this gpu Vbios is dead.

so I will tryed flashing some another Vbios.

I find something many GTX460 768 model

my GPU model type is L-ver.

I need type L ver. bios

I,m tryed serach many GTX460 Vbios but
I can’t find that.

I need help everthing

. plz

Lets try a little harder and proper make a correct post with real value information…
Upload correctly to a shared service

  • Provide brand and labels on the card
  • Provide fotos of the bios chip or correct ID
  • Provide fotos or correct ID of the ram chips
  • Provide fotos of the pcb and port layout
  • Provide fotos of NVidia GPU chip or correct ID

EDIT: I dont need a pcb ram displacement schematic, i need real IDs… a drawing???
And its not relevant for a bios, thats only an OEM pcb design and we all know that its a GF104…

Sorry, I’m first time forum today. :frowning:

I,m trying understand the forum system and english grammer.

Thank you for your advice.