I need to update a microcode of the bios of my H61MHV board, help me..

Hello friends, I need help, I have a h61mhv lga 1155 board, I bought an i7 3770 processor and it is fully compatible (according to the page) but when I put it on it does not give a video, that is, it does not recognize it… I was finding out the causes of this problem and finally I found this to replace a bios microcode I got to work to do it with the MMTools tool but it does not recognize the bios is .BSS changes it to .ROM and neither, I found a version of MMTools version 5.0 .0.7 but it does not give me the options to delete and add microcodes, please if you can help me I would appreciate it very much, I will leave a link to the bios and the updated microcode.



MMtool 4.x will open and can work the file, even as BSS… still do not think mcode is your issue, cause the IvyBridge mcodes are already present in the bios, its not a new revision mcode, the miracle here.

mcodes present:
CPUID=306A6 Rev=04 2011/11/14 CRC=1D1150A5 Off=2DBEC0 Size=2000 Plat=1,4
CPUID=306A9 Rev=12 2012/04/12 CRC=44BB9C4A Off=2DDEC0 Size=2C00 Plat=1,4
CPUID=306A8 Rev=10 2012/02/20 CRC=E44A4EF2 Off=2E0AC0 Size=2800 Plat=1,4
CPUID=306A5 Rev=07 2011/09/09 CRC=08E38731 Off=2E32C0 Size=2400 Plat=1,4
CPUID=306A4 Rev=07 2011/09/08 CRC=7E23E5AF Off=2E56C0 Size=2400 Plat=1,4
CPUID=306A2 Rev=08 2011/05/18 CRC=A0E51FEB Off=2E7AC0 Size=2000 Plat=1,4