I5-8250u, MX150 (10w) Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3 FPS DROP due to IMON Slope Tweak

Greetings! I own an i5-8250u, MX150 (10w) Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3.

After editing the IMON Slope to 50, CPU did no longer throttle at 15w (TDP is probably controlled by an EC, thus not allowing to go past 15w), BUT I experienced heavy frequency drops and random power throttling on my MX150 10w. This did not occur before the tweak.

So I began digging deeper and edited the GPU VBios TDP values to 20w, but that changed nothing except for higher TDP in the game menu (the VBios tweak worked, but did not help the frequency drops).

I think this behaviour is due to an embedded controller on the laptop’s motherboard limiting its total current or voltage. I want to know people’s opinion on this very weird situration.

Thank you in advance.

resolved, had to plug in the battery