Increase max supported RAM on Win7 x64

Hello everyone.
Both Win2008r2 and Win7 x64 are based on kernel 6.1, but the first one supports up to 2TB of RAM, while the last one only 192GB. Is it possible to unlock the max size of RAM for Win7 x64 and increase it till 256GB or more?

Windows kernel checks values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions
It can be patched (e.g. by patching ZwQueryLicenseValue), but not allowed.

Thank you for the asnwer.

So, the OC will crash?
Are there more stable solutions for this issue?

No, patched system will be stable. You can find solutions in Google.

Can’t find any links…Would be interesting to know how to resolve 192gb limitation.

Or we just need to create registry parameter?

No, system kernel need to be patched.

No, system kernel need to be patched.

Any instructions on how to do this?