Any update for our X299 issue https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/…l-sa-00525.html
!New_cpu00A00F11_ver0A001133_2021-04-27_A320B42E.zip (5.67 KB)
Thank you "[P3D] Crashtest", the attachment has the new microcode but the link is probably wrong as no image within includes it.
New try:
There could be a Microcode for Milan-B2 inside !?!
Ok, found it myself as well. Same board but rev 3, not rev 1:
I’m not seeing any other new microcode besides this one.
Nothing new in Windows 11 build 22000.120.
Marvin, please don’t do.
CU’s do not contain microcode updates!
Intel cpu90675_plat03_ver0000000D_2021-08-16_PRD_198412D5
Intel cpu90672_plat03_ver0000000D_2021-08-16_PRD_198412D8
Intel cpu806D1_platC2_ver0000003C_2021-07-16_PRD_B88F5FDB
Intel cpu606A6_plat87_ver0D0002D0_2021-06-25_PRD_886F1017
AMD cpu00580F20_ver05000103_2011-05-26_0B62D9CA
uCodes.rar (568 KB)
Intel cpu606A6_plat87_ver0D0002E0_2021-07-27_PRD_DA008C96
cpu606A6_plat87_ver0D0002E0_2021-07-27_PRD_DA008C96.rar (281 KB)
Nothing new in Windows 11 build 22449.1000. The microcodes are newer than the 22000.x builds, but nothing new for us.
Intel cpu90661_plat01_ver00000014_2021-06-23_PRD_8E251E9E
cpu90661_plat01_ver00000014_2021-06-23_PRD_8E251E9E.rar (20.2 KB)
AMD cpu00A00F12_ver0A00121D_2021-06-09_F6A386D7
AMD cpu00A00F11_ver0A001137_2021-06-09_DE458D71
AMD cpu00A00F10_ver0A001046_2021-06-09_6F08DAFE
uCodes.rar (5.14 KB)
Any good news regarding AMD cpu00A20F10 ?
As always, if something is found, it will be posted here and/or Github repo.
!New_cpuA0671_plat02_ver0000004C_2021-08-02_PRD_544B4ECE.zip (99.2 KB)
Nothing new in Windows 11 build 22454.1000.
Intel cpuA0671_plat02_ver0000004D_2021-08-08_PRD_0F37A0DA
Intel cpu206F0_plat05_ver00000005_2010-07-29_PRD_3E473C93
cpuA0671_plat02_ver0000004D_2021-08-08_PRD_0F37A0DA.rar (98.3 KB)
cpu206F0_plat05_ver00000005_2010-07-29_PRD_3E473C93.rar (9.12 KB)
Nothing new in Windows 11 build 22458.1000.
Intel cpu90675_plat03_ver0000000F_2021-09-02_PRD_72CFC094
Intel cpu90672_plat03_ver0000000F_2021-09-02_PRD_72CFC097
uCodes.rar (188 KB)