Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

Intel CSME 11.21 Corporate PCH-H Firmware v11.21.55.1508


Intel CSME 11.11 Corporate PCH-H Firmware v11.11.55.1509


Intel CSME System Tools v11 r14

Intel ME System Tools v10.0 r7

Intel ME System Tools v9.1 r7

@ Duggyhow:

Check the discussion between user crown_nick and me from 30th November 2017 up until 5th December 2017. This issue is OEM BIOS specific so you need to contact them.

When I’m searching the BIOS in UEFI Tool I find the easiest way is to just search Re-Flash, it finds the PE32 to extract the body directly. :slight_smile:

Intel CSME 12.0 Slim PCH-LP Firmware v12.0.5.1117


Intel PMC CNP PCH-LP C Firmware v300.1.20.1015


Hello, I wanted to update the Intel ME firmware of my ASUS P9X79 Pro, since I have always had problems with the installation of the Code 10 driver.
I am in windows 10 x64 with the latest version of BIOS 4801 mod support for NVME.

I decided to update the Intel ME firmware with the FWUpdLcl64 tool and the firmware: Intel ME 8 1.5MB Firmware v8.1.70.1590, which I believe chose the right option for my X79 chipset.

But after flasear with: FWUpdLcl64 -f and finish the process correctly, I restarted the PC and never again turned on.

My motherboard is a brick. When you hit the start button, it only starts for less than a second and goes off, then enters an infinite loop of arrays so that it does not reach a second.

I have tried to flase the BIOS with several different versions from the USB FLASHBACK P9X79PRO.CAP but although the process stops working and finishes correctly, the PC follows exactly the same, with an infinite loop of start attempts that do not last even a second.

How can I recover my ASUS P9X79 PRO Motherboard?


If you can boot from a DOS boot disk I can make a bios.bin you can flash the original IME firmware from, but you likely need to do an EFI boot disk on another USB to enable the IME flash first.

If you can boot to a EFI AND DOS boot disk I can walk you through it, if not, I dunno. :frowning:

Did you transfer your settings from BIOS to the ME before you flashed it? If not, that may be why, you need to follow the clean ME guide to prepare the ME file with your BIOS ME settings, before you flash it in.

If KedarWolf can’t help you recover, then you need to order a CH341A flash programmer, they are cheap only $3-4, then you can recover.
If you get one of those, do not write to the BIOS until you have successfully made a 100% verified backup from your BIOS, this way you do not loose your board details (UUID, serial, LAN MAC ID, etc_

I’m thinking he can’t boot to USB so that’s the way to go, Lost…

Yes, if he can boot to USB that would be good. If not, maybe you can help him try the USB Flashback again, and make sure it finishes it’s process (Flashing, not solid LED), smaller cheaper USB better.
And since this is ME related, he maybe should be doing the “ERALL” flashback recovery method instead of normal, if you could help him do that it should work too.

Meant to quote them. :frowning:

Try flashing this P9X79 Pro BIOS with USB Flashback. If it works and you can boot, just flash the latest BIOS after. This is the 1203 .rom BIOS renamed to ERALL.ROM. :slight_smile:…Idb2zBOYzGQg1JU

Also try this.

Thank you all for your quick response.

My computer does not start, there is no image, there are no beeps, just try to start for a second and it turns off and restarts in an infinite loop.

My only action I can do is flase through USB Flashback. Or I could also extract the chip from the 8-pin ROM and put it in a raspberry-Pi and reprogram it.

The issue is that I have tried to flash almost all ROM BIOS available on the official website of ASUS and the process is done correctly but the motherboard is still not lit later.

What I do: I download the ROM image for example: P9X79-PRO-ASUS-4701.CAP I send it to P9X79PRO.CAP, I copy it in a 4Gb USB PEN formatted in FAT32. I put it in the USB White of the rear panel and I press the “BIOS” button for 3 seconds, it starts flashing for 5 min each time faster until it turns off completely. Ready, apparently the process to finish correctly but still not booting.

I’m going to try the file that you tell me ERALL.ROM, then when I get home, but I have to rename it to P9X79PRO.CAP ??

I have already checked that the BIOS files .ROM does not flase with this method, only the .CAP

Regarding the ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3, if the PC does not start a second, I think it will not boot from a USB with this utility.

Thank you.

He used FWUpdate tool. Settings transferring or cleaning is not needed, as explained at the first post.

@ Chumet:

I don’t think you did anything wrong. You only used FWUpdate tool, right? Nothing else? Try removing all power from the system (AC, potential battery backup) for 1 minute while pressing the power button 2-3 times to clear the resistors. If that fails, try leaving only one RAM DIMM or switch them or their slots.

I’ve tried all that, too. Now I have the motherboard with absolutely nothing connected, except a RAM module in slot A1.
I removed the battery, press the clear CMOS button, I kept the ignition button pressed for a minute. I had the plate without power or battery for a whole day. And it has not been solved.

Tonight I upload a video of what the computer does. It seems to me something incredible that by a flaseo wrong of the firmware Intel ME already has bricked the plate and can not even restore it by means of a restoration of the BIOS with USB flashback.

No, leave it ERALL.ROM. Start PC, then put USB in with the ERALL.ROM on it.

Or you can try ERALL.CAP I think. But named from .CAP BIOS. Higher than 1203. :confused:

Did you try turning the PC on and putting the support DVD in the DVD-ROM after you turned the PC on?

You can program BIOS in programmer, but not the encapsulated BIOS, you need to remove body from .cap. Did you already do that, or were you meaning you consider it? If you have the tools now, do this, you’ll be done long time ago!
Open .cap BIOS file in UEFITool and right click on the first entry in middle Capsule, choose extract body. That is what you program with the programmer, programming cap file will not work.

I have not tried it, but it does not stay on for more than a second, it goes out and starts again infinitely. It will not read anything from the USB or DVD-ROM, it does not reach that step. I can only reflash with the computer off from the USBFLASHBACK that does not need the system to start.

I have not tried it, I said it was a possibility I could try. I will try to program the bios as you tell me and a programmer. Well I wanted to use a Raspberry-PI for it. I hope to find tutorials on how to do it …

I have not tried it, but it does not stay on for more than a second, it goes out and starts again infinitely. It will not read anything from the USB or DVD-ROM, it does not reach that step. I can only reflash with the computer off from the USBFLASHBACK that does not need the system to start.

If you have a corrupt BIOS, turning the PC on, then putting the support DVD in and letting it continue often fixes the trouble even if PC won’t boot. You won’t know if you don’t try it, this is the Crash Free BIOS Option. It works even if PC won’t boot.

Start the PC, it’ll boot loop, put Support DVD in, see if it works.

Meant to edit that, not new post. I’m forum deficient. :confused: