Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

Yes, the ME firmware is corrupted. It might be easy to fix it in your specific case so try the following: Download/Decompress the attachment and run Flash Programming Tool with command "fptw64.exe -me -f ME_B85M-G_3602.bin" followed by "fptw64.exe -greset". If you don’t see any error, the system will reboot automatically. Afterwards, try MEInfo -verbose again.

@plutomaniac Ok Thanks.

I did Unlock Intel Flash Descriptor

I’ve done fptw64.exe -me -f ME_B85M-G_3602.bin, followed by fptw64.exe -greset

PDR and GBE Region does not exist
Error 217: Setting Global Reset Failed

Is it ok?

At first restart Intel Management Engine Interface does not show up in the device manager, but after power off and restart it does show up.

Now, what should I do next? What MEI Driver and Software should I install?

Use FWUpdate tool under DOS or EFI. Read the first post on how to use FWUpdate tool and what firmware to use with it. It’s all there.

The next step is to read the first post. It’s all there.


FWUpdate done, thanks alot

So I ended up creating a bootable USB with MS-DOS and used the DOS version of fwupdlcl.exe with the BIN file provided by my motherboard manufacturer. The update to worked. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the help.
Couldn’t figure out how to use the EFI version.

New Consumer/Corporate ME from Lenovo:…dN1VRG.firmware

CSME 11.8 Consumer LP C NPDM v11.8.83.3874


CSME 11.8 Corporate LP C NPDM v11.8.83.3874


@ eray:

Thank you. I saw these as well at the same time. I’m glad someone else is checking LVFS as well. It’s a great resource. I hope Microsoft Update Catalog can be easy to use/check someday.

For monitoring ME updates, if you don’t do that already:…mid=101&lang=fr

CSME 13.50 Atom N A v13.50.10.1252


PMC JSP N A v135.3.00.1028


PCHC JSP v13.5.0.1009


CSME System Tools v15.0 r4 - (2021-02-12)

CSME System Tools v14.0.20+ r12 - (2021-02-12)

CSME System Tools v13.0 r5 - (2021-02-12)

CSME System Tools v11 r38 - (2021-02-12)

CSME 14.1 Corporate H A v14.1.51.1517


PHY P CMP v12.14.212.2012


CSME System Tools v14.5 r5 - (2021-02-17)

CSME System Tools v14.0.20+ r13 - (2021-02-17)

CSME System Tools v12 r31 - (2021-02-17)

Note: How to use FWUpdate Tool at CSME v13+ section has been updated.

CSME 15.0 Consumer H A (B) v15.0.22.1595


PHY P TGP v12.14.212.2012


Hooray, the first ME firmware update on the Z590, build with the binary files and tools found here.

Thank you for the feedback Ataemonus. Can I see a MEInfo -verbose output for reference purposes? Also, a firmware dump using "fptw64 -me -d csme.bin", if possible. I don’t have these for CSME 15.0 H.

By the way, if someone with a H410 or B460 (CSME 14.5) board can provide a firmware dump (fptw64 -me -d csme.bin), that would be great. Same with Lakefield (CSME 13.30) but my chances there are slim to none.

Sure thing.

meinfo.txt (12.2 KB) (1.85 MB)

CSME System Tools v15.0 r5 - (2021-02-20)

CSME 14.0 Consumer LP B,A v14.0.48.1605


CSME 14.0 Corporate LP B,A v14.0.48.1605


CSME 15.0 Consumer LP B (C) v15.0.10.1574


CSME 14.1 Consumer H A v14.1.53.1602


FWUpdate_15.0.10.1574.rar (472 KB)

Trying to build the image for updating the ME firmware on a Z490 with, yet the latest version of FIT will not accept any CMP file.
Error 208: [Fit Actions] Chipset Init Product version does not match the configured PCH SKU type. and so on.

PS. It worked in the end, what the hell ? I did not change anything, weird.

PMC TGP LP C v150.1.20.1032


One quick question, I somehow got it right by mistake yesterday, but now … not sure, I deleted the built image and now I need to build it again for a H470 board.
Where does the PHY file go, as the iUnit Binary file, or as PDR Binary file, because I can load it for both with no error ?

Have you read the updated “How to use FWUpdate Tool at CSME v13+” instructions? It’s at the same place as PMC and PCHC.