Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

I was doing that right now, reading the guide for the 15th time :slight_smile:
However, in FIT, the PHY partition is not marked as such, the other ones are marked just as you described them in the guide, but not the PHY one. I figured it is not the iUnit as in Imaging Unit, hopefully I am right, and the PDR Platform Data Region is the one that is PHY.
I mean…"If your chosen CSME firmware requires PHY IUP, input its firmware at "PHY Image" > "PHY Binary File" field." but nothing is marked clearly as PHY.

Are you sure you’ve selected the correct SKU for CSME 14.1 at the top, as the guide says?


Perhaps different version of FIT ?

I downloaded again and FIT is the same version I was using, showing same options.



But…you are at the wrong section. Go to "FW Update Image Build" tab on the left.

Ha, so true, my bad.
Thank you so much, all done now.

CSME 15.0 Consumer LP B (C) v15.0.10.1618


CSME 15.0 Corporate LP B (C) v15.0.10.1618


Note: Update to ME Analyzer v1.189.2 or newer for proper CSME 14.5 and 15.0 LP FWUpdate Support check. Thanks to Pacman for the bug report.

FWUpdate_MEInfo_15.0.10.1618.rar (394 KB)

Hi All, forgive my ignorance but I would be grateful for any advice on updating the Intel ME on My MSI X99A Gaming 9 ACK motherboard (current Bios; 7882v381(beta).

What steps do i need to follow ?

ME Analyser shows this from current firmware;

E7882IMS.381 (1/1)
Family : ME
Version :
Release : Production
Type : Extracted
SKU : 1.5MB
TCB ver : 1
Version Control number : 12
Production Ready : Yes
Date : 2015-11-07
Size : 0x17D000
Flash Image Tool :
Chipset Support : LPT / WPT
Latest : No

CSME 12.0 Consumer LP C v12.0.72.1757


CSME 12.0 Corporate LP C v12.0.72.1757


CSME 11.8 Corporate H D,A v11.8.83.3874


FWUpdate_MEInfo_12.0.72.1757.rar (1.84 MB)

FWUpdate_MEInfo_14.0.48.1605.rar (397 KB)

CSME 12.0 Corporate H B,A v12.0.72.1757


CSME System Tools v15.0 r6 - (2021-03-05)

CSME System Tools v14.0.20+ r14 - (2021-03-05)

CSME System Tools v12 r32 - (2021-03-05)

CSME System Tools v11 r39 - (2021-03-05)

1 Like

You should be able to update to version Download here:…ydgZOQLyYCa_oNI and then follow the instructions in the first post.

CSME 11.8 Consumer H D,A v11.8.83.3874


Thanks! I suggested earlier to post on the forum if we manage to flash the new versions of CSME. This way if there are any problems we are at least warned!
I will do the same for my ASUS Z170-WS motherboard.

Aspire VN7-792G
Intel 100 series / C230

Firmware successfully updated to v11.8.83.3874
Driver successfully updated to 2102.100.0.1044

CSME System Tools v11 r39
CSME 11.8 CON H DA v11.8.83.3874
Intel ME v2107.15.0.2173

PMC CMP H A v140.2.01.1018


CSME 15.0 Consumer H A (B) v15.0.22.1622


CSME 14.1 Consumer H A v14.1.53.1617


PMC TGP H B v150.2.10.1013


CSME 14.1 Corporate H A v14.1.53.1617


FWUpdate_14.1.53.1617_EFI64.rar (148 KB)

MEI Driver v2102.100.0.1044 (Windows 8, 10 <= 1703)

CSME 12.0 Consumer H B,A v12.0.72.1757


@plutomaniac I have a question:

In How to use FWUpdate Tool at CSME v12: it says

•Run Flash Image Tool (FIT) and adjust the Chipset Platform drop-down menu at the top to either “H Series Chipset” or “LP Series Chipset” based on your system’s Chipset Platform. For the purposes of FWUpdate, there is no need to further adjust the Chipset SKU on the right.

My South Bridge is

Intel(R) Cannonlake H Series Chipset HM370

Does it mean that I don’t need to input HM370 part? But I DID input that part. Will anything happen or it’s ok?


Nothing will happen, it is ok/useless.

Asus Z87-K, trying to update bios (current1103 but wont go forward because MEI is wrong version? Intel ME Version: 9.0, Build 1345, Hot Fix 2. this is from HWiNFO. Found this page via toms hardware where they suuggested use with Z87-A board to choose Intel MEI Driver v8.1.40.1416 ( MEI-Only Installer, but its not on the first post list anymore.
Now im confused what to choose because referred driver version is no there.
Win10 64-bit on this drive and Win7 on other for trying the bios updater, if that makes difference.
Any help appreciated.