Intel CSME 12.0 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v12.0.3.1092
If my Asus Maximus X Formula comes with the Intel CSME 11.8 Consumer PCH-LP Firmware v11.8.50.3470 firmware it’ll update to the Intel CSME 11.8 Consumer PCH-LP Firmware v11.8.50.3474 firmware just fine I found out but can it run the latest 300 series 12.0 firmware or does an 11.8 firmware board HAVE to run the 11.8 firmware.
It doesn’t, Z370 is PCH-H
It doesn’t, Z370 is PCH-H
ME Analyzer does say it’s the H version in the BIOS but 3470 and when I run FWUpdate with ‘’ it updates from 3470 to 3474.
Intel MEI v1826.12.0.1146 for Consumer systems Drivers & Software
Intel MEI v1826.12.0.1146 for Corporate systems Drivers & Software
Intel CSME System Tools v12 r7
There seem to exist firmware,,, and All from June 2018. Probably some new vulnerability for (CS)ME 9-12. They’ll be uploaded here when found.
Hi Guys,
After the recent windows update I had some driver issues with MEI and although the driver update seemed to resolve it (on the surface) I have now gone down the rabbit hole of ensuring I have everything updated to the latest fw/sw and running as expected.
I have read through this thread for relevant information and just can’t seem to wrap my arms around the fw status and update due to errors when determining my current set up with meinfo and other tools. Since I have exhausted myself at this point, I was hoping you guys could help!
System is an Asus Deluxe II x99
Intel Core i7-6900K Processor FC-LGA14A
Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Intel(R) ME code versions:
BIOS Version 1902
MEBx Version
Error 328: Invalid descriptor region.
GbE Version Unknown
Vendor ID 8086
PCH Version 5
FW Version H
Security Version (SVN) 1
LMS Version Not Available
MEI Driver Version
Wireless Hardware Version Not Available
Wireless Driver Version Not Available
FW Capabilities 0x40100940
Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED
Service Advertisement & Discovery - PRESENT/ENABLED
Re-key needed False
Platform is re-key capable True
TLS Disabled
Last ME reset reason Power up
Local FWUpdate Enabled
BIOS Config Lock Disabled
GbE Config Lock Disabled
Host Read Access to ME Unknown
Host Write Access to ME Unknown
Host Read Access to EC Unknown
Host Write Access to EC Unknown
SPI Flash ID 1 Unknown
SPI Flash ID 2 Unknown
BIOS boot State Post Boot
OEM ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service Enabled
OEM Tag 0x00000000
Slot 1 Board Manufacturer Unused
Slot 2 System Assembler Unused
Slot 3 Reserved Unused
M3 Autotest Disabled
C-link Status Disabled
Independent Firmware Recovery Enabled
EPID Group ID 0xAD8
LSPCON Ports Not set
5K Ports Not set
OEM Public Key Hash FPF Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “OEM Public Key Hash”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
OEM Public Key Hash ME Not set
KM SVN FPF Not set
GuC Encryption Key FPF Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “GuC Encryption Key”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
GuC Encryption Key ME Not set
— –
Force Boot Guard ACM Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “Force Boot Guard ACM Enabled”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
Protect BIOS Environment Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “Protect BIOS Environment Enabled”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
CPU Debugging Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “CPU Debugging”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
BSP Initialization Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “BSP Initialization”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
Measured Boot Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “Measured Boot Enabled”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
Verified Boot Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “Verified Boot Enabled”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
Key Manifest ID Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “Key Manifest ID”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
Enforcement Policy Not set
Error 57: Failed getting variable “Error Enforcement Policy”,
Please make sure you are running on appropriate SKU
Not set
ME Analyzer v1.55.4 r129
X99-DELUXE-II-ASUS-1902.CAP (1/1)
Firmware Family - ME
Firmware Version -
Firmware Release - Production
Firmware Type - Region, Extracted
Firmware SKU - 1.5MB
Security Version Number - 1
Version Control Number - 12
Production Version - Yes
Firmware Date - 2015-11-07
Firmware Size - 0x17D000
Flash Image Tool -
Chipset Support - LPT/WPT
Firmware Latest - Yes
Windows 10 Professional (x64) Version 1803 (build 17692.1004)
Boot Mode: UEFI with successful Secure Boot
All other system drivers are the latest.
BIOS UEFI: American Megatrends Inc. 1902 04/19/2018
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 [Display adapter] (2x)
Intel(R) C600+/C220+ series chipset SATA AHCI Controller
Intel(R) C600+/C220+ series chipset sSATA AHCI Controller
Intel(R) C610 series/X99 chipset USB Enhanced Host Controller
The X99 chipset always seems to fall in this weird space that leaves me with limited info compared to the x299 for example.
What is the latest firmware/driver I need? Any other relevant information is sincerely appreciated!
Thank you!!!
Thank you so much for that info! Mine seems to match yours but I do have tons of Not Capable and Disables in the Firmware capabilities section of HWinfo. Is that typical?
I don’t worry about ‘capabilities’ information. For me it does seem normal to have ‘not capable’ and ‘disabled’ MEI features reported for our specific MEI version running well.
Thank you!
Intel CSME 12.0 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v12.0.5.1117
Intel CSME 12.0 Slim PCH-H Firmware v12.0.1.1085
Intel CSME 12.0 Slim PCH-LP Firmware v12.0.1.1085
Intel CSME 11.8 Corporate PCH-H Firmware v11.8.55.3510
Intel CSME 11.8 Consumer PCH-LP Firmware v11.8.55.3510
Intel CSME 11.8 Corporate PCH-LP Firmware v11.8.55.3510
Intel PMC CNP PCH-H B1 Firmware v300.2.11.1014
Intel PMC CNP PCH-LP C0 Firmware v300.1.20.1009
Intel CSME System Tools v12 r8
Intel CSME System Tools v11 r13
Notice about CSME 12 FWUpdate Tool: Starting from CSME 12, Intel FWUpdate tool does not work with bare RGN or EXTR CSE firmware as it requires that they are first combined/stitched with the equivalent Power Management Controller (PMC) firmware, which is updated alongside the main CSE firmware. The CSME v12 archives below always include bare RGN or EXTR CSE firmware images so you must always stitch the equivalent PMC firmware first, via Flash Image Tool (FIT), before using Intel FWUpdate tool. To check if a CSE RGN/EXTR firmware region is already FWUpdate compatible, input it at ME Analyzer tool and make sure that “FWUpdate Support” is reported as “Yes”.
To generate FWUpdate compatible CSME + PMC firmware via FIT with OEM SPI/BIOS images as input:
- Load the full SPI/BIOS image into Flash Image Tool
- Set “Flash Settings > Flash Components > Number of Flash Components” to "0"
- Build the image and use “cse_image_FWU_Base.bin” at Intel FWUpdate tool
To generate FWUpdate compatible CSME + PMC firmware via FIT with CSME RGN/EXTR images as input:
- Load the bare CSME RGN/EXTR firmware into Flash Image Tool
- Input the compatible, based on PCH SKU & Stepping, Power Management Controller (PMC) firmware at "Flash Layout > Ifwi: Intel(R) Me and Pmc Region > PMC Binary File"
- Adjust the PCH SKU selection at the top of the FIT window to the equivalent “H or LP Series Chipset” so that it matches the one from the CSME and PMC firmware
- Set “Flash Settings > Flash Components > Number of Flash Components” to "0"
- Build the image and use “cse_image_FWU_Base.bin” at Intel FWUpdate tool
CSME & Changelog:
- Fixed security vulnerabilities CVE-2018-3655, CVE-2018-3657, CVE-2018-3658, CVE-2018-3659, CVE-2018-3616, CVE-2018-3643 & CVE-2018-3644
- Intel AMT might fail to connect to 802.1x WLAN Environment
- Intel FWUpdate tool hangs when attempting to perform an update on a corrupted image
- Intel MEInfo returns an error after running MEInfoWin64.exe
Have a stupid question regarding Intel CSME 11.8 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v11.8.50.3474. When I opened up the image I noticed it says its a Production-Extracted release. I thought Extracted MEs are dirty and not safe to flash unless they are cleaned first?
If you know the question is stupid then you must know that reading the first post is a requirement.
I did read the first post and followed the cleanup guide which stated that if FIT tool warns the extr region me is unconfigured you must clean it. As there was no warning and I couldnt imagine why on this thread anyone would post a dirty ME putting ones firmware at risk I wasnt sure if the image file was already cleaned. In anycase until we know for sure I am staying away. Thank you for your reply.
Really wish someone could have shed light on my question though. Thanks.
bummer . No Consumer PCH-H update?
@plutomaniac - do you have system tools package to work with this type of ME from Supermicro X11DPi-NT
Family - CSE SPS / / Purley chipset
I can open the ME region in V12, but in MEA I noticed is shows FIT version 4.xx, so assumed it’s probably best to find that tool and similar version if possible.
CSSPS 4 is based on CSME 11. It requires its own spsFITc which, contrary to CSME or CSTXE, it varies between different platforms of the same generation and looks nothing like the normal tools. Incompatible tool/firmware will either crash it or corrupt the image.
Sorry for bothering again
I’m very appriciated for trying to help
with the issue
Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools (245)
and providing modded bios and comand line
Intel Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware & System Tools (245)
First, I decided to try swapping backup and main bios using Ctrl+f10(I can confirm that pressing Ctrl+f10 during boot works on my board). I don’t know the Bios chips are really swapping or reflashing each other, but during each swapping process I could see two progress bars “updating main bios” and “updating backup bios”.
First time it worked flawlessly(I also did power cord out for ~1 min after it) but it didn’t solve the main issue. I also could see in CPUZ that bios ver. didnt change. So it means that during warranty they reflashed both chips with the latest bios or chips are not simply swapping but first swapping and then reflashing each other(so physically the bios chip changes but firmware stays the same)
As the main problem still persisted, I decided to swap back. But this time, after swapping process PC refused to start several times(black screen and only coolers work few seconds and then PC is turning off - exactly the same symptoms that were when motherboard was new). Then it finally started, but during booting process I’ve got “Error sending End of Post to ME. System Halt!!” (also did power cord out but it didn’t affect). So I removed the power and took battery out. Seems it helped and don’t see error any more.
So my queastions are:
1. What does “Error sending End of Post to ME. System Halt!!” mean? I already wanted to forget about trying to fix the main problem, but this error again made me think that something is wrong with ME stuff.
2. Can be the same command line(fptw -rewrite -f H81MHD32.FB) used to flash stock BIOS from Gigabyte home page?
Intel MEI Driver v1828.12.0.1151 MEI-Only Installer
Intel MEI v1828.12.0.1151 for Consumer systems Drivers & Software
Intel MEI v1828.12.0.1151 for Corporate systems Drivers & Software
Intel CSME 12.0 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v12.0.6.1120
Intel CSME 12.0 Corporate PCH-H Firmware v12.0.6.1120
Intel CSME System Tools v12 r9
Warning for all CSME v12 systems: Power Management Controller (PMC) firmware always targets a specific PCH SKU (H/LP) and PCH Stepping (A, B, C, D etc). The versioning scheme is Platform Series (CNP = 300 etc) + PCH SKU (1 = LP, 2 = H) + PCH Stepping (0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C etc). For example, a hypothetical 300-series PCH-LP Stepping B1 system must use PMC 300.1.1x.xxxx firmware, a hypothetical 300-series PCH-H Stepping A0 system must use PMC 300.2.0x.xxxx firmware, a hypothetical 300-series PCH-LP Stepping D2 system must use PMC 300.1.3x.xxxx firmware etc.
@ andr84:
Follow the same instructions as before.
Could someone please suggest a way to update Intel ME to the latest version free of known vulnerabilities. The version I currently have on a five-year-old laptop is the following:
Intel(R) MEInfo Version:
Copyright(C) 2005 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
GBE Region does not exist.
Intel(R) ME code versions:
BIOS Version: P11ABK
MEBx Version:
Gbe Version: Unknown
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 4
FW Version:
UNS Version: Not Available
LMS Version:
MEI Driver Version:
Wireless Hardware Version: 0.0.70
Wireless Driver Version:
FW Capabilities: 0x01101C60
Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED
CPU Upgrade State: Not Upgradable
Cryptography Support: Disabled
Last ME reset reason: Power up
Local FWUpdate: Enabled
BIOS Config Lock: Enabled
Host Read Access to ME: Disabled
Host Write Access to ME: Disabled
SPI Flash ID #1: EF4017
SPI Flash ID VSCC #1: 20052005
SPI Flash BIOS VSCC: 20052005
BIOS boot State: Post Boot
OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled
Capability Licensing Service Status: Permit info not available
OEM Tag: 0x00000000
Localized Language: Unknown
Independent Firmware Recovery: Enabled
Thank you!