Intel (Conv.Sec.) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools (2-15)

@Geth , @GnarZ77

Yes, version 2214.0.85.0 is the latest. Clearly Windows has some kind of signature problem. Microsoft (old) vs. Intel (new). You might want to use an older version. Maybe 2211.2.3.0 is the previous one.

By the way, 2214.0.85.0 works fine for me with Windows 11 (25145.1011). True, it’s an old ME (series 11).

2211.2.3.0 is working fine, thanks (previously I’ve used 2204.2.62.0).
Btw, one board is at, the other one is at firmware-wise. Odd.

Windows version? 21H1 ( or 22H2 ( I assume the former.

I have reverted back to ME driver 2210.2.80.0, the one included with the driver & software package v2216.16.0.2805. Running W11 21H1.

Csme 16 clean Possible ?

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Your task only:

Some unknown pre- production CSME, PCHC, PMC according to MEA, but it’s already posted on

Otherwise not looking like a valid image, odd region order, large empty padding at the end.

its csme 16 very new not added in me analyzer so it will not show properly but if u open in fitc it will open without errors.

address (6.2 MB)

pre-production me 16 csme pchc pmc

║ Platform Controller Hub Configuration ║
║ Family │ PCHC ║
║ Version │ ║
║ Release │ Pre-Production ║

║ Power Management Controller ║
║ Family │ PMC ║
║ Version │ ║
║ Release │ Pre-Production ║

║ Region_ME_ME_region.rgn (1/1) ║
║ Family │ CSE ME ║
║ Version │ ║
║ Release │ Pre-Production ║

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this fitc ver will not work
need new version

its not in me analyser database so it shows you error ,
file is ok .

try with this

Hi, just a small note. In the OP, one of the images is missing for me

USB Type C Physical (PHY) .

Starting from CSME 12+ , the main CSME firmware must first be combined/stitched with one or more obligatory IUPs , before initiating an update procedure via FWUpdate tool. Whenever CSME + IUP merging is required, equivalent instructions and firmware are provided below. The following CSME/IUP Table lists the CSME 12+ firmware Major.Minor versions which require the presence of IUP(s) and their respective versions or SKUs. You’ll need to consult this table while following the update instructions below to choose the correct CSME + IUP combination for your system.


Engine Security Version Number (SVN):

All (CS)ME >= 8 and all IUP firmware are defined by a Security Version Number (SVN) like 1,2,3 etc which is used to control the possible upgrade/downgrade paths provided by Intel’s FWUpdate tool. The SVN gets incremented if there is a high or critical security fix that requires a Trusted Computing Base (TCB) recovery operation, a significant event in the life cycle of the firmware which requires renewal of the security signing keys in use. A downgrade to a lower SVN value via FWUpdate tool is prohibited whereas an upgrade to the same or higher SVN is allowed. For example if your current firmware has a SVN of 2, you can update to another firmware with SVN >= 2 (for example 3) but you cannot downgrade to another firmware with SVN < 2 (for example 1). Trying to flash a firmware with lower SVN will result in the error “The image provided is not supported by the platform” or similar. To view the SVN value of any (CS)ME or PMC firmware, you can use ME Analyzer tool.

In the gap of the quoted section there appears to be a line of code linking to an embedded image of the chipsets and PMC/PCHC/PHY sub modules. It was/is a useful visual guide for me - is there any way it can be restored to displaying how it was? It did survive the original forum move, but has since disappeared.


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CSME 14.1 COR H A v14.1.65.1990

Weird, some formatting issue. A space was apparently needed above the image tag. It is fixed now. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! :smiley:

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I have tried and build a FW update for my rocketlake and i get the following results, there are some changes in the sizes of the firmwares and there is also the “file system state” being unconfigured vs the original fw from bios as can be seen in the picture, i also get the warning bellow about the missing 4k alignment padding but that should pose no problem has been stated in this thread.

If plutomaniac could have a look at the comparison it would ease my mind to go ahead and flash this on a very recent (new) pc, since the manufacturer is neglecting the IME firmware as shown.

thanks in advance.

Deleted- didn’t read the first line in the ‘disappeared picture’ post…

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15 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot update CSME 14 firmware

FWUpdLcl_16.0.15.1817.rar (498.5 KB)

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Unlock undervolting for Dell G15 5511

MEInfoWin64_FWUpdLcl64_16.0.15.1829.rar (438.7 KB)

2 Likes (8.5 MB)

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