So your opinion seems to be that the exact same tools are fine to be distributed, just as long as they were left on some OEM’s public FTP server by accident? OK.
This is quite funny. I’m sure writing a web crawler is very hard work.
I see a number of posts in this thread asking for these. Maybe you should read it.
Hmmmmmmmm. Well at least we still have your valuable contribution. Great first post, hope to see more in the future.
Funny argumentation, many of the firmwares found here are found accidentally and in many of the toolsets posted here versions aren’t identical, so what’s the point?
If you think this is someone elses work that’s reposted- please post a link or a source.
I think the forum generally lacks from contributions and structural work, there’s no need for a discussion about “correct” and “incorrect” contributions…
Yeah, they aren’t identical, but you will never find v16.0 in v16.1 real Intel csme tool kit. As you will not find v14 in v15… This is what i mean saying incorrect.
I know it, the source is on the dark net. Who wanted to find it, found it.
Talking about dark web… would be great to find out if the recent MSI published leak (MSI didn’t payed off) has any AMI more recent tools…hehehe, it would make my day!!!
I don’t know what exactly you were doing wrong and why you had a Key manifest mismatch error. I didn’t get any errors building fw image. I just followed the guide
Also you could just download bios update from HP site, extract already configured CSE region and merge it with your bios region.
When motherboard manufacturers drop support for their products within 2 years,
those tools should be very much public, unless you like manufacturers manipulating every bit of the market for only their profit augmentation.
It seems you belong to that group who wants only themselves to have all the benefit of tech.
Sure i’ll keep buying new stuff every year because they want it, not because it is necesarry at all.
Go Scr*w yourself please. But let everyone else try to keep their systems safe and bugfixed,
which the manufacturers omit on purpose.
Why are you even on this forum with such a stance toward users fixing their own stuff ?