Intel ESB2 SATA RAID Controller - Volumes greater than two terabytes


First of all, sorry for my bad English.

I’m trying to create a 3Tb RAID1 volume with two 3Tb hard drives but the RST aplication tell me: "The OROM version is not compatible with volumes greater than or equal to two terabytes"

I have been looking for how to update the OROM version but I have found info for many RAID Chipset models other than mine. Do you know if is possible to update the OROM versión to my RAID Controller?

My motherboard is an Intel D5400XS and the the vendor ID and Device ID is:


Vendor ID: VEN_8086
Device ID: DEV_2682

thanks in advance.

Nicolas Calvo.

@ nicoach:
Hello Nicolas,
welcome at WinRAID Forum!

Your old Intel ESD SATA RAID Controller DEV_2682 would not work with an Intel RST RAID ROM v10.5.x.x.xxxx or higher, because all Intel RST RAID ROM modules are designed for being used with an "Intel(R) Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller" having the DeviceID DEV_2822/282a.
That is why an update of the Intel RAID ROM version of your Intel D5400XS BIOS will be useless.
If you want to use the full capacity of your 3TB HDDs, you either have to run them in IDE mode or connect them with another (more actual) Intel RAID system.
