A few months ago, due to the failure of my laptop increased RAM and processor to use the Intel h81c I can not find any resources. I7 4712mq processor Intel Extreme Tuning Utility software with all cores up to 3193 GHZ’ çıkarabiliyorum photos will add BIOS’ da maximum multiplier X40 as I set. I’ve seen some people get up to 4.7 Ghz levels with this processor and with the laptop! Some games up to 90% use of my processor RX 580 graphics card. How can I do this with this desktop motherboard in my hand? A powerful tower cooler my current processor does not exceed 65 degrees at full load. With the Universal BIOS toolkit, I got my BIOS backup, is overclocking possible with microkod? And the link I received from the motherboard.
AmericanMegatrendsInc.-4.6.5.rar (1.8 MB)
Make TXT-report of CPU-Z.
Post a screenshot of ThrottleStop when TS Bench is running.
Have you a hardware programmer?
Yes, I have the ch341a device, if that’s what you’re asking.

You need to downgrade version of microcode to 0x07 to get 3400 MHz with all cores.
If you want more then you must downgrade version of microcode to 0x01.
So can I recover with ch341a with the backup I got in any problem?
Do you think I could reference this source? By doing the same process.
Yes, it’s the original source of this information.
Would you check the same backup I received from the modify source? MMtool gives me the error Unable to open the file. AMI Aptio mmtool > load picture > open your modified ROM; go to the CPU Patch tab and verify that the CPU ID is not 06C3. Can you check this guy out for me?
am?modifiyeb?os.rar (1.78 MB)