Intel® NUC 9 Extreme Laptop Kit - LAPQC71B BIOS Bricked

cleanCSME with highest ver.rar (5.6 MB)
csme12.0.65.1567.rar (5.5 MB)

i tried cleaning and replacing with FIT with different csme versions but everything still can’t work.

it seems that cleaning/re-initializing the ME partition has not been very effective so far.
by the way can you tell me how to turn off Measured Boot and Verified Boot.

I found the phrase about them here but don’t know how to turn it off

Update MEA to latest version, yours is from 01/21!

Your links don’t work.

Which machine?

Why did you want to clean the ME region / what does “but everything still can’t work.” mean??

Post the complete output of MEInfo* (in a spoiler)

Why did you want to clean the ME region / what does “but everything still can’t work.” mean??

As written it seems that you either put together the different regions in a wrong way or just flashed the 10 MB bios region alone. At least there in the programmer windows flashing content starts with NVRAM (first part of bios region) which is completely wrong. Use UEFIToolNE for structure and UEFITool or hex edit for changing complete regions.

I just want the computer to run again. sorry i am not professional in this. My editing or cleaning is quite messy, but so far, flashing the bios for the computer to work has not worked.

I edited the link above.

Post the complete output of MEInfo* (in a spoiler)

cleanCSME with highest ver.bin.rar (718 Bytes)
is it this file?

Sorry, didn’t recognize that you were the threadstarter, long time no activity and another poster in between…

Latest MEA wont give any errors:

Measured boot and verified boot is the Boot Guard Profile setting in FIT, but this setting is fused into the PCH and can’t be changed after manufacturing mode is closed.

Forget about MEInfo, it requires a booted system, result would’ve been relevant for the question regarding measured / verified boot.

The structure of the images look good, but there’s corruption in one NVRAM store with an incomplete setup variable as last entry. That might be one reason.

Where did you get the firmware from?

Try first: (6.8 MB)

If that doesn’t work you may try: (6.1 MB)

But I am not very optimistic, Intel NUC is quite a pain if firmware once get corrupted.

Thank you so much for your help and listening all this time. It’s really precious.

I downloaded the ME Analyzer update! the latest but they don’t seem to work on the machine so I edit this bios file. adding the dll doesn’t cause it to launch either. Windows 7 is overwhelmed with new things. when I switched to windows 11 I was able to read them without any errors. Thanks again for the advice.

Where did you get the firmware from?

I got it from user yezishu here:

this is the only option I can find on the internet so far

Try first: (6.8 MB)

If that doesn’t work you may try: (6.1 MB)

But I am not very optimistic, Intel NUC is quite a pain if firmware once get corrupted.

I have tried both files but the symptoms are still the same. I don’t know if the information in this photo of the device can change that:

This file is different from the file in the other thread you linked but you used it for all your tries. Seems to come from the same machine, but do you remember where you did find this file?

You might try the original file from the linked thread, but I don’t think this will work either.
QC7 0114 dumped bios (7.1 MB)

Unfortunately bios 114 isn’t available any longer, so it’s not possible to check what the correct 114 binary is. But anyway- since a clean stock bios doesn’t work this bios won’t work either.

Would’ve been good to have a complete backup of your original backup, but anyway.

I’m sorry,out of ideas!

all i had on hand after the device was bricked was this file

it completely lacks the bios region part, so I cut the bios region part from the bios file that user yezishu uploaded in the article above to merge it into the testcompare01 file

Still unclear, couldn’t have worked this way as the part you could “save” was ønly 2 MB and flash descriptor and me-region are already 6 MB, bios region 10 MB.

So in this case nothing else can be done ? When the computer is bricked, is it so difficult to restore it :smiling_face_with_tear:

Might as well not be firmware / bios related… Nothing more to do for a firmware forum.

I have to say that my file is LAPQC71A BIOS, which means GTX1660Ti, It may be different from your RTX version. Also, I don’t know whether or not the method “cut the bios region part from the bios file” works. I can only confirm that it should work if you flash it completely to QC71A.

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unfortunately I couldn’t find anyone else with a bios of LAPQC71B. why is it so hard :smiling_face_with_tear: the bios downloaded on the homepage of retailers and intel themselves listed them (LAPQC71A and LAPQC71B) as common to all drivers and bios so I thought they could be used together, that’s the last hope I could find.

Hi, can you share the bios of LAPQC71A? I have the same model and it is bricked after a failed BIOS update. Please

You shouldn’t use and the user may not share the files with you, if it contains his mainboard original data, like MAC, UUID, SN, etc…
Make a dump of the SPI of your system.

I also had the same problem as yours. So how much space is left in the bios file after the failed update takes place?
I also have a similar computer still running here, but it seems that copying the working computer’s bios to the computer with the broken bios doesn’t fix the problem.
it still cannot run.

Sorry but I think you are knowledgeable in this matter.
So is there any way to make the bios file of a running device compatible with other devices of the same type?

Same model and hardware, yes it should be possible…
Now was it done with a programmer? Is correctly verified after programmed, did you dumped again and compared? This is tiny details that matters… of course, it can also fail and the method doesn’t work with that machine… general rule it works.
And remember that some boards have other ICs besides the main bios, like tpm, me and ec

I’m sorry but it’s a rough product. taken directly from the running computer via fptw64 and CH341A. it hasn’t been approved by a programmer yet.
In fact, after many days of throwing away the device with a broken bios, I found someone who could lend me a similar device 3 days ago so I could continue researching.