Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.1.0.1015/ v9.0.3.1026)

Hello! I understand everything you have RAID.

Update of the start post

  • new:
    • 64bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID drivers v17.5.2.1024 WHQL for Win8-10 x64 dated 07/06/2019
Thanks to Station-Drivers for the source package.

Enjoy it!
Dieter (alias Fernando)…cs-526836.shtml

This is kind of interesting maybe. I’m running 14.8 though and don’t have problems on v1903

There is no "Take the v13.2.4.1000 WHQL." drivers in this link and what about OROM for this MB and which RST software will cooperate best (the least bugs) with this GIGA z97X-UD5H


@PitKoz :
Your quoted post was written in 2015, when the currently latest Intel RST/RST(e) drivers were not yet available.
If you want to know, which Intel AHCI or RAID driver and RAID OROM BIOS module I recommend to use with your specific system, you should better look into the start post of >this< thread.

Update of the start post

  • new:
    • Intel RST AHCI & RAID Drivers & Software Set v17.5.2.1024 WHQL for Win8-10 x64 dated 07/24/2019
Thanks to Station-Drivers for the source package.

Enjoy it!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Anything different about these new drivers besides the date?

@NeoandGeoX :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
If you should mean the drivers, which will be installed by running the SetupRST.exe of the yesterday published “Intel RST AHCI & RAID Drivers & Software Set v17.5.2.1024”, they are identical with the “pure” ones, which were already published on 25th of July, and have the same date (07/06/2019). So only the date of the complete Set is 07/24/2018, whereas the driver’s date stays untouched.
By the way: Drivers (= *.SYS files) with a different version number generally have a different code.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Update of the start post

  • new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI & RAID drivers v15.9.8.1050 WHQL for Win7-10 dated 07/31/2019
  • new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.9.8.1050 WHQL for Win7-10 dated 08/08/2019
  • new: 32bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v16.8.3.1003 digit. signed by Intel for Win8-10 dated 07/15/2019
  • new: 64bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v16.8.3.1003 WHQL for Win8-10 dated 07/15/2019
  • new: Intel RST Drivers & Software Set v16.8.3.1003 for Win8-10 dated 07/30/2019

  • These drivers are usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 resp. Win8 up. Only the latest Intel Chipsets from 100-Series up (incl. X299) are natively supported by these drivers resp. by these Drivers & Software Sets.
    These drivers have obviously been released by Intel to solve the problems of some Win10 users to get the Windows Update to v1903 properly installed.

    Enjoy them!
    Dieter (alias Fernando)

    My first posting is a big THANK YOU for all these professional and detailed explanations.

    With your help I got Windows 10 v1903 (x64) installed even on the old mobo P6X58D Premiium. You can believe me it was a big deal. Making a long story short: Microsoft delivers on the installation media as Standard Storage Control Driver from Intel 02/07/2018 x64. This driver is absolutely unreliable for the ICH10 running my RAID1 system !!! Sporadic freezers happened and the In-Place installation procedure did not run stable.
    However, I could solve the problem following your proposal for modification of the installation media using NT_LITE. I deleted the Standard Driver from MS and added your RST driver v11.2.0.1006. With the new created ISO the In-Place Installation ran smoothly and the system is running stable now with all required updates. But I excluded, of course, new driver updates.
    Interesting to know might be that I never had the same problems with my yet older mobo P5WDH Deluxe with the Intel Chip ICH7. That chip is working better with the driver and had not the same problems like the ICH10.
    Anyway, I installed the drivers&software on that system as well and it is also running very stable and fast with SSD drives in RAID1 mode.

    @Leporello :
    Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your feedback!
    I am glad, that I was able to help you solving your problem.
    Dieter (alias Fernando)

    Thank YOU!

    What happened to me reveals clearly the strategy of Intel/Microsoft: Stop the support for older MOBOs even they are sufficient enough to run Windows 10 in the latest releases. MS’ implementation driver as Standard-Storage-Device for the Boot/Install Media shows up the evidence.
    OK, both companies say Windows 10 doesn’t support the mobos P5WDH Deluxe and P6X58D Premiium. Basically that’s right. However, with the right drivers this hardware is running very fine. It could be solved easily with some GoodWill !

    By the way, I’m still looking for an alternative to NT-Lite, because it only supports the required Image-changes by the expensive licensed professional version of NT-Lite. Who doesn’t like usage of any cracked version can only pay or find an alternative solution using another software.

    I appreciate any advice.

    @Leporello :
    You don’t need to buy a licensed NTLite version, if you want to remove the Win10 in-box Intel RAID driver and to replace it by the Intel RAID driver of your choice. The free NTLite variant can do it.
    An alternative is the tool WinReducer. You can get it >here<.

    @Fernando :
    Thanks for the info. I will give the WinReducer a trial.
    But the newest version of NT-Lite can not add or remove components in the free version. Maybe it was possible in older versions?? Anyway, many streets are leading to Rome …

    can I use

    for z97x gigabyte |?

    seems yes but … my chipset is not confirmed…

    Question is withdrawn just installed them :slight_smile: they work great, probably with 15 levels OROM will do better :slight_smile:


    Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) Version WHQL

    EDIT by Fernando: Link repaired

    Update of the start post

    • new:
      • 64bit Intel RST AHCI/RAID drivers v17.5.3.1026 WHQL for Win8-10 dated 07/23/2019
      • Intel RST AHCI & RAID Drivers & Software Set v17.5.3.1026 WHQL for Win8-10 x64 dated 08/02/2019
    Thanks to Pacman resp.Station-Drivers for the source package.

    Enjoy it!
    Dieter (alias Fernando)

    Hello, new to the forum. I am trying to get Windows 7 to work on my Asus Maximus Hero X board with Intel RST Premium. However, the bios rom version is Windows 7 is only compatible with v15.9.1.3271/v15.9.2.3386.

    How can I switch my Intel RAID ROM/EFI BIOS module version from16.5.0.3492 to v15.9.1.3271/v15.9.2.3386 so that the Windows 7 RST 15.9 series driver will be compatible?

    @b60khansen :
    Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
    You should be able to “downgrade” the Intel RAID modules of your BIOS, e.g. by using the UBU tool (look >here<).
    By the way - your question belongs to the Sub-Forum “BIOS Modding”.
    Dieter (alias Fernando)