Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.1.0.1015/ v9.0.3.1026)

@ all users with an Intel AHCI or RAID system:

Intel’s RST/RSTe AHCI/RAID/VMD Drivers

inclusive details about
a) their RST Console Software (>post #2) and
b) the different Intel SATA AHCI/RAID Controllers (>post #3)

(last updated: 10/02/2024)

new: 64bit Intel RSTe VROC SATA RAID drivers v9.0.3.1026 WHQL for Win10-11 x64 dated 09/03/2024
new: 64bit Intel RSTe VROC NVMe RAID driver v9.0.3.1026 WHQL for Win10-11 x64 dated 09/03/2024
new: Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v9.0.3.1027 for Win10-11 x64 dated 09/16/2024

History of Intel’s Rapid Storage Technology

  • Details: (open/hide by a click)Since the beginning of 2009 the Company Intel worked on the development of a completely new AHCI and RAID drivers and software technology named "Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology" (IRST), which should replace the old Intel AHCI/RAID storage management named "Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager" (IMSM). The first final version of the IRST series was v9.5.0.1037\. It has been compiled by Intel on 10/23/2009, got the WHQL stamp from Microsoft on 10/09/2009 and has been officially released by Intel on 01/16/2010. In July 2011 Intel decided to change their IRST driver management and functionality by adding a separate SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys and renaming the AHCI/RAID driver from iaStor.sys to iaStorA.sys. The first IRST drivers series with the new 2-drivers-strategy were v11.5.0.1149 and released in March 2012\. Due to the presence of the additional SCSI filter driver the behaviour of these new IRST(e) drivers from v11.5 up is considerably different to the "conventional" RST series using just 1 single driver named iaStor.sys (last version: v11.2.0.1006) and very similar to the special IRST "Enterprise Edition" (IRSTe) v3.x.x.xxxx drivers for X79 chipsets. To make these differences as clear as possible for the users, I have added an "e" in brackets to all IRST drivers from v11.5 up.

Function and (dis)advantages of the IRST/IRST(e) Software

  • Details: (open/hide by a click)The Software, which is part of all complete IRST packages and will be installed automaticly by running the installer, has the following main components:
    • the IRST Service (IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe), which is monitoring the IRST functions in the background as a special Win7/Win8 Service, and
    • the IRST Console (IAStorUI.exe), which gives the user some storage system informations and the opportunity to create a RAID array and to do some RAID settings from within the running OS.

    Although the IRST Service and Console may be useful for Intel RAID or AHCI users, they are not really essential. The management of the Intel SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers is exclusively done by the IRST/IRST(e) drivers without the assistance of any IRST software component (except the “Write-back Caching” feature for RAID users). That is why it is possible to waive the IRST/IRST(e) Software completely and to just install the Intel AHCI/RAID drivers manually from within the Device Manager without risking any errors or malfunctions.

    Advantages of the IRST Software installation:

    1. AHCI and RAID: monitoring of some details regarding the drives, which are connected to the Intel SATA AHCI resp.RAID Controller
    2. only RAID: creation, repairing and modification of a RAID array from within the OS
    3. only RAID: enabling of the “Write-Back-Caching” feature (boost of the write performance in RAID mode)

    Disadvantages of the IRST Software installation:

    1. extension of the boot time
    2. additional demand of resources (the IRST Service usually runs permanantly in the background)
    3. possible increase of system instability (some IRST Software versions have severe bugs)


    • AHCI users, who want a stable, performant system, should only load/install the IRST drivers and not the complete IRST package.

    • For RAID users I recommend to temporarily install the complete IRST/IRST(e) Drivers & Software Set just to get benefit of the “Write-Back-Caching” and the related write performance boost. After having enabled this feature, the “Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology” software can be uninstalled from within the Control Panel.
      Important: Once the “Write-Back-Caching” is enabled, the OS will keep this setting even after an update of the in-use RAID driver- no further RST Console Software installation will be required.

I. Newest/best Intel RST/RSTe Drivers

Download Links:

The *.RAR files have to be extracted by a tool, which supports the modern v5 RAR compression!

Supported Operating Systems and Intel Southbridges:

  1. Operating Systems: Usually the listed Intel RST/RST(e)/RSTe drivers do support modern Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up. Windows XP is only supported by the Intel RST drivers (first section).
  2. Southbridges: As mentioned above, there are some restrictions regarding the supported Intel SATA AHCI/RAID Controllers. Nevertheless it is possible to get nearly all Intel AHCI/RAID drivers installed onto officially not supported Southbridges, if you are using any of my “modded” drivers (look >here<).

Integration of Intel RST/RST(e) drivers into a Win7/Win8 image:
All Intel RST/RST(e)/RSTe drivers can be integrated into the image of the OS (look >here<), but usually the Win7/Win8 Setup will detect automaticly the HDDs/SSDs running in AHCI or RAID mode. Only exception is the “clean” UEFI mode OS installation onto a RAID array by using an actual EFI RAID SataDriver module. In this case you should either integrate a suitable up-to-date 32/64bit Intel RAID driver into the OS image or prepare a separate USB flash drive with such driver.

Information for SSD users regarding TRIM support:

  1. All 32/64 Intel AHCI Drivers since v9.6.1014 do fully support TRIM. That means, that the related cells of the SSD/SDDs will be cleaned and reusable directly after having deleted their content of data.
  2. According to Intel all recently released Intel RAID Drivers do support TRIM as well for SSDs, which are running in RAID mode (only exception: SSDs, which are members of a RAID array).
  3. For Intel 7-Series Chipsets the actual Intel RAID drivers from v11 up (except v12.5.0.1066) natively do support TRIM even within an Intel RAID0 array (only in combination with an Intel RAID ROM v11 or v12). Users with an Intel P55/P67/Z69/X79 Chipset are able to get the “TRIM in RAID0” feature as well, if they are using a BIOS with an especially modified Intel RAID ROM or EFI RAID “SataDriver” module. For details please look into >this< thread.

Additional information:

a) Correlation between Intel RAID driver and BIOS Module

  • Details: (open/hide by a click)
    • This chapter is only relevant for RAID users. As long as the Intel SATA Controller is running in AHCI mode, the presence and the version of the related Intel RAID BIOS modules don’t matter, because they will not be used by the AHCI system.

      Generally the functionality and the performance of all SATA RAID Controllers depends on

      • a) the specific in-use RAID driver(s) and
      • b) the related Intel RAID Controller “Firmware” modules (as part of the mainboard BIOS) (here: Intel’s RAID OROM resp. EFI “SataDriver”/“RaidDriver” modules).RAID users will get the best results, if the RAID driver version and the RAID Controller “Firmware” match each other, that means belong to the same development branch (example: RST v11.2.x.xxxx or RST(e) v12.6.x.xxxx).
        Due to the relationship between the in-use Intel RAID driver and the related Intel RAID ROM/EFI BIOS module versions the Intel RAID functions and features are limited by the oldest component of them. Users may even not be able to get the newest Intel RAID drivers installed as long as the BIOS contains an absolutely outdated Intel RAID ROM module version.
        As a consequence of the mentioned dependency between the Intel RAID driver and OROM module version it is a good idea to check the “Firmware” (OROM) version of the Intel SATA RAID Controller and to compare it with the version of the actually available RAID ROM modules. RAID users will see the currently working RAID ROM version of their system very quick as popup while booting (unless they have disabled the OROM popup within the BIOS). Alternatively they can enter the “Intel RAID Configuration Utility” by hitting CTRL+I at startup, which will show the Intel RAID ROM version very clearly. Users, who are currently running their system drive in “AHCI” mode, should change temporarily the SATA Cotroller mode to “RAID”, if they want to see the Intel RAID ROM (don’t forget to undo the BIOS setting after the test).
        RAID users, who verify, that the Intel RAID ROM/EFI “RaidDriver” version is outdated and doesn’t match the actually running or desired Intel AHCI/RAID driver version, should look into the support pages of their mainboard/system manufacturer and search for a newer BIOS with an updated Intel RAID ROM/“RaidDriver” module. If they don’t find it, but want it nevertheless, they may update the related BIOS module of their mainboard BIOS themself (only recommended for experienced users, who know about the risks and do the needed precaution actions). They will find a detailed guide about how to do it within >this< Forum section.

b) Switch from Intel RST to RST(e) drivers (or vice versa)

  • Details: (open/hide by a click)
    • Generally all users with an Intel AHCI or RAID system and a Southbridge from ICH7R/M up are free to decide, if they want to use either
      • a) one of the “classical” Intel RST drivers (latest: v11.2, using just 1 single driver named iaStor.sys)

      • b) any of the newest Intel RST(e) drivers (from v11.5 up, using the AHCI/RAID driver named iaStorA.sys and additionally an SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys).According to my experiences actual Intel AHCI and RAID Controllers are working fine with both types of the Intel AHCI/RAID drivers. Nevertheless there are some noticeable differences, which depend on the specific hardware configuration and the preferences of the users (for details you may look into >this< thread). That is why I recommend to test it out yourself, which Intel AHCI/RAID drivers series (RST or RST(e)) and which driver version is the best for you and your system.
        Usually the “update” or “downgrade” of the in-use Intel AHCI/RAID driver version will not induce any problems, but the users should be aware of the fundamental differences between the RST and the RST(e) drivers. That is why I strictly recommend to uninstall the previously used RST software from within the “Control Panel” and to reboot after having done that, before any other Intel RST or RST(e) package should be installed.
        Attention: If possible, you should avoid a “downgrade” from any of the Intel RST(e) drivers to one of the “classical” Intel RST versions. This procedure may even end up with endless BSODs while rebooting and the necessity to do a fresh install of the OS.
        Additionally there seems to be a bug regarding the uninstall procedure of some Intel RST(e) driver versions, with the result, that the SCSI filter driver named iaStorF.sys may be still active in the background and lowers the performance of the system permanently. This issue is caused by some RST(e) registry entries, which obviously are not deleted by the uninstall commands. Further informations regarding this issue and a guide how to solve this problem can be found >here<.

      1. The previously running “Intel(R) Rapid Storage” software should be uninstalled before you are going to install any other Intel AHCI/RAID driver package.
      2. If you want to compare different Intel RST and RST(e) drivers, it will be a good idea to start the tests with an RST driver, because the later “upgrade” to any of the RST(e) drivers will be safe (contrary to the vice versa direction).

Note: Due to the limited place and for a better overview I have moved the informations about the Intel RST Console Software and the related screenshots into the second post of this thread.

Good luck with Intel’s RST resp. RST(e) drivers!


II. Intel RST Console Options
for AHCI and RAID Users

Finally I want to give you some informations about the appearance and the main options of the Intel(R) RST Console software, which will automaticly be installed, if you you run the installer of the complete RST resp. RST(e) package.
Furthermore I want to show you the differences between an Intel AHCI and RAID system, when the related users are running the various options of the Intel RST Console Software.

Procedure details:
  • All screenshots were taken in February 2015 on my Z97 system running Win8.1 x64, but with a different Intel SATA (AHCI/RAID0) configuration
  • The used "Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology" Console Software was the currently newest v14.0.0.1081.

Installation of the Intel RST Software:
  • Don't install any Intel RST Software version on top of another one. If you have already an Intel RST Software running, uninstall it and reboot, before you install another RST Software version.
  • A proper function of the Intel RST Software requires the presence of .NET Framework v3.5.
    Consequence: Before you start with the installation of the Intel RST Software, you should make sure, that Microsoft's .NET Framework 3.5 has been already installed (open the "Control Panel" > "Programs" > "Programs and Features" > "Turn Windows Features on or off"). The option ".NET Framework 3.5" has to be ckecked. After having turned this "Windows Feature" on, a reboot is required.
  • The Intel RST Software can be installed either by running the SetupRST.exe file as part of a complete "RST Drivers & Software Set" or by executing the RST_x32.msi (for a 32bit OS) or RST_x64.msi (for a 64bit OS). The latter option will install just the RST Software and no drivers.
  • After having finished the installation of the RST Software, you have to reboot.
  • Now you will see the "Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology" within the Start Menu or as an "App" of your Windows OS.
  • Be aware, that some RST Services are automaticly running in the background (unless you disable them manually) and may drop your system performance.

Informations about the RST Console options in AHCI and RAID mode

After having hit onto the "Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology" link you will see the RST Console with the following tabs:

  1. Tab "Status":
    This is what you see in AHCI mode (left pic) resp. in RAID mode (right pic):

    RST Console AHCI - Status.png

    RST Console RAID - Status.png

    The "Status" tab gives you an overview about your current "Manage" and "Performance" settings and shows the storage devices (HDDs/SSDs/Optical Drives), which are managed by the Intel(R) RST Software.

  3. Tab "Manage":
    These are the differences between systems running in AHCI mode (left pic) or RAID mode (right pic):

    RST Console AHCI - Manage.png

    RST Console RAID - Manage.png

    Within the "Manage" section RAID users are able to change their RAID settings (upper red marked area) and to change the important "Write-Back Caching" settings (below red marked area). AHCI users can only see their current "Disk Settings", but are not able to change any of them at this place.

  5. Tab "Performance" (new since v12):
    The appearance of the RST Console "Performance" section is very different depending on the Intel SATA mode BIOS setting.
    AHCI users are only able to enble or disable the "Link Power Management":

    RST Console AHCI - Performance.png

    RAID users will see much more setting options:

    RST Console RAID - Dynamic Storage Accelerator Settings.png

    [[File:RST Console RAID - Power & Performance Settings.png|none|auto]]
    The tab "Performance" allows to boost the performance by changing the "Dynamic Storage Accelerator" (only for RAID users) and some "Power & Performance" settings (very limited for AHCI users).

  7. Tab "Preferences":
    This RST Console section looks very similar for AHCI (left pic) and RAID users (right pic). The only difference is the "Verify and Repair Scheduler" for RAID systems:

    RST Console AHCI - Preferences.png

    [[File:RST Console RAID - Verify & Repair Scheduler.png|none|auto]]
    Whithin the "Preferences" section the user can choose, which notification icons they want to see within the RST notification area.

  9. Tab "Help":

    RST Console - Help.png

    After having hit the "Help" tab, you will see a new Console area with the tabs "Contents", "Index", "Search", "System Report", "Online Support" and "About".

  11. Tab "About":

    RST Console - About.png

    This tab shows the RST Software version.

RST Console RAID - Power & Performance Settings.png

RST Console RAID - Verify & Repair Scheduler.png

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III. Intel AHCI and RAID Controllers
and their DeviceIDs

Many users of an Intel Chipset system have problems, when they are going to install/update or to load/integrate the appropriate Intel AHCI or RAID driver, because they don't know the exact model of their currently working Intel SATA Controller. Some of them do not even know, with which mode (IDE/AHCI/RAID) their Intel SATA Controller is running. The names of the various Intel SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers, which are shown within the Device Manager, were given by Intel and are not always helpful, because Intel has changed them very often without any comprehensible logic.
To make it easier for all these users, I have create a list, which contains
a) all Southbridges/Chipsets, which ever have been manufactured by Intel since 2007, and
b) the DeviceIDs of the various Intel SATA Controllers while running in AHCI and RAID mode.

A. List of the Intel RST/RST(e) SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers:

Intel Chipset/Southbridge: DeviceID AHCI Controller: DeviceID RAID Controller:

Intel ICH 6R (Desktops) DEV_2652 (specific) DEV_2681 (specific)
Intel ICH 6M (Mobiles) DEV_2653 (specific) no RAID option
Intel ESB2 (Desktops) DEV_2681 (specific) DEV_2682 (specific)
Intel ICH7R (Desktops) DEV_27C1 (specific) DEV_27C3 (specific)
Intel ICH7M (Mobiles) DEV_27C5 (specific) DEV_27C6 (specific)
Intel ICH8R (Desktops) DEV_2821 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel ICH8M (Mobiles) DEV_2829 (specific) no RAID option
Intel ICH8 (Mobiles) DEV_2824 (specific) no RAID option
Intel ICH9R (Desktops) DEV_2922 (specific) DEV-2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel ICH9M (Mobiles) DEV_2923 (specific) no RAID option
Intel ICH10R (Desktops) DEV_3A22 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel ICH10D/DO (Desktops) DEV_3A02 (specific) no RAID option?
Intel ICH10 Type A (Mobiles) DEV_3A03 (specific) no RAID option
Intel ICH10 Type B (Mobiles) DEV_3A23 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 5-Series / 3400 (Desktops) DEV_3B22 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 5-Series 4-port (Mobiles?) DEV_3B29 (specific) no RAID option?
Intel 5-Series 6-port (Mobiles?) DEV_3B2F (specific) no RAID option?
Intel 6-Series Express (Desktops) DEV_1C02 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 6-Series Express (Mobiles) DEV_1C03 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 7-Series / C216 (Desktops) DEV_1E02 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 7-Series (Mobiles) DEV_1E03 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 8-Series / C220 Type A (Desktops) DEV_8C02 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 8-Series Type A (Mobiles) DEV_8C03 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 8-Series / C220 Type B (Desktops) DEV_9C02 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 8-Series Type B (Mobiles) DEV_9C03 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 9-Series Type A (Desktops) DEV_8C82 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 9-Series Type A (Mobiles) DEV_8C83 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 9-Series Type B (Desktops) DEV_9C82 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 9-Series Type B (Mobiles) DEV_9C83 (specific) no RAID option
Intel Baytrail Series (Mobiles) DEV_0F23 (specific) no RAID option
Intel SM35 Express (Mobiles) DEV_0816 (specific) no RAID option
Intel Atom CPU Type A (Mobiles) DEV_0F23 (specific) no RAID option
Intel Atom CPU Type B (Mobiles) DEV_22A3 (specific) no RAID option
Intel Celeron Pentium CPU Series (Mobiles) DEV_5AE3 (specific) no RAID option
Intel NUC Kit Series (Mobiles) DEV_31E3 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 6th Gen. CPU Series (Mobiles) DEV_9D03 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 100-Series C230 (Desktops) DEV_A102 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
Intel 100-Series (Mobiles) DEV_A103 (specific) no RAID option
Intel 200/300-Series (Desktops) DEV_A282 (specific) DEV_A286 (specific)
Intel 300-Series (Desktops) DEV_A352 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific
Intel 300-Series (Mobiles) DEV_A353 (specific) no RAID option?
Intel 400-Series (Desktops) DEV_34D3 (specific) DEV_34D7 (specific)
Intel 400-Series (Desktops) DEV_02D3 (specific) DEV_02D7 (specific)
Intel 400-Series (Desktops) DEV_06D2 (specific) DEV_06D6 (specific)
Intel 400-Series (Desktops) DEV_06D3 (specific) DEV_06D7 (specific)
Intel 400-Series (Desktops) DEV_A382 (specific) DEV_A386 (specific)
Intel 500-Series (Desktops) DEV_43D2 (specific) DEV_43D6/43DE (specific)

B. List of the "Enterprise Edition" Intel RST(e) SATA AHCI and RAID Controllers:

Intel Chipset/Southbridge: DeviceID AHCI Controller: DeviceID RAID Controller:

Intel C600 Series Desktops (X79 etc.) DEV_1D02 (specific) DEV_2826 (RSTe mode) resp. DEV_2822 (RST mode)
Intel C600+ / C220+ Series Desktops (X99 etc.) DEV_1F22 (specific) DEV_2826 (SATA) resp. DEV_2827 (sSATA)
Intel C600++ /C220++ Series Desktops (X299) DEV_A282 (specific) DEV_2822 (externally shown, but unspecific)
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Today Station-Drivers has published new inofficial Intel RST(e) drivers v12.0.7.1002 WHQL dated 04/05/2013 (look >here<).

Update of the thread opener:
Since these Intel RST(e) drivers are the newest within the v12.0 series, I have put the download links into the start post and replaced the older Intel RST(e) drivers v12.0.4.1001 WHQL by them.

Have fun with these new Intel RST(e) drivers!

These drivers show better benchmark results with my Z77 RAID0 system than the Intel RST(e) drivers v12.6.0.1033 WHQL.
Here are the ASSD results with the Intel RST(e) drivers v12.0.7.1002 WHQL:


Hi Fernando,

Can you educate me on Intel’s driver naming convention? At first glance, it seems is newer than

Thank you…

Obviously the Intel RST driver development stuff actually is simultaneously working on the following Intel RSTe driver version branches:

  1. v3.7.x.xxxx (latest version: dated 03/20/2013)
    Note: This Intel RSTe driver branch is only designed for Intel’s C600/C220 Series chipsets like X79 and maybe the upcoming X89 (unsure regarding the name).
  2. v11.7.x.xxxx (latest version: v11.7.4.1001 dated 03/05/2013)
    Note: This is the latest Intel RST/RST(e) driver branch, which officialy does support some Intel 4-Series chipsets (ICH9M and ICH10R)
  3. v12.0.x.xxxx (latest version: v12. dated 04/05/2013)
    Note: This RST(e) driver branch has been designed for the upcoming Intel 8-Series chipsets. The AHCI/RAID drivers of this series do support all Intel chipsets from 5-Series up as well, but these older chipsets will not be able to use all built-in features.
  4. v12.6.x.xxxx (latest version: v12.6.0.1033 dated 04/22/2013)
    Note: This is the newest RST(e) driver branch for the upcoming Intel 8-Series chipsets with additional features. Although the drivers seem to be backwards compatible with all Intel chipsets from 5-Series up, I doubt, that they are really optimized for all of them.

So the driver dates of the different driver series branches should not be compared with each other.
The user has to decide, which of the listed driver series may be the "best" for his system and then should look for the newest driver of that series

Hoping, that this answers your question

Hey Fern; I love what you’ve done. I was just stopping to tell you about the 12.7 rom, but you beat me.

Now I just need some time to read all your posts.

Last night our member Pacman has published >here< the link to Intel’s first RST(e) drivers of the v12.7 branch.
These brandnew drivers v12.7.0.1018 were compiled and digitally signed by Intel on 05/05/2013.
Since these drivers seem to run fine with actual Intel chipsets, I have updated the start post of this thread.
For further details and some test results you may look into the linked thread, which has been opened by Pacman.

Have fun with the new Intel RST(e) drivers v12.7.0.1018!


Intel is removed Intel RST(e) drivers v12.6.0.1033 WHQL from download page.

Hello ex58,
welcome at Win-RAID Forum! It is fine to see you here.

Yes, they have already been pulled on 30th of May, but we haven’t yet seen any information regarding the reason.


Today Station-Drivers has published the successor of the Intel RST(e) drivers v12.6.0.1033 WHQL, which have been pulled by Intel from their Download Center on 05/30/2013.
The new RST(e) drivers are v12.6.3.1000 WHQL dated 05/30/2013, the related RST Software obviously is v12.6.3.1001.
Further details about this new RST(e) Drivers & Software Set can be found >here<.

Have fun with the AHCI and RAID drivers!

As you may have already seen within the start post, there are new Intel RST(e) drivers v12.7.0.1022 available. They are dated 06/12/2013 and digitally signed by Intel (not yet WHQL certified, but easily to install even under Win8). These new drivers have been published by asder00 on 18th of June at Station-Drivers - a big thankyou goes to him.
Meanwhile I have some experience with these new RAID drivers v12.7.0.1022, which I am using since yesterday in combination with the Intel EFI "SataDriver" BIOS module v12.7.0.1936. After having done 24 hours of work and some benchmarks I am very satisfied with these new Intel RST(e) drivers. Everything runs very smoothly, the boot time is very short, TRIM in RAID0 works as it should.
My impression: These are very stable and performant drivers for my Z77 RAID0 system.

Here are the benchmark results with my actual Intel RST(e) combo
If you compare these scores with those I have posted within the second post of this thread, you will realize, that the RST(e) drivers v12.7.0.1022 are the best performing Intel RAID drivers for my system since the last "conventional" Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006.

Have fun with these brandnew Intel RST(e) drivers!


Hi Fernando,
Here is the benchmark result on my P8Z77-V DELUXE combo
However i have a recurrent problem when shutdowning the PC after a more or less long period of inactivity.
When clicking on Stop the PC does not stop and is setting in hybernation than reboot automatically !!
i don’t know why ?

Unfortunately I cannot see them. How did you try it, by uploading it to any picture hoster or by attaching it to your post?

Neither do I. I have recognized the same shutdown behaviour as you.

i have tried to send 2 files by attaching and i get “uploading …” message a very very long time with apparently no progress, nothing happening,…
then i do ‘submit’.
how can i include in the text the bench results .png format ?

did you observed at least once a shutdown problem ? you have to wait at least 10 or 15 mn more to get the problem.
the shutdown screen appears, then a hdd seems to restart, then the black screen occurs, then the pc reboot as if i had requested a restart and not a shutdown…
i have checked iRST parameters and specifically power link management is well deactivate, i have set also in bios all peripherals ‘hotplug’ active as it is recommended with RAID 0.

This is the way how to do it (maximum size of the file: 2 MB):
1. Hit "Attach file" (right hand at the bottom).
2. Hit "Select Files" ("Dateien auswählen") and navigate to the JPG or PNG file you want to attach.
3. Hit "Upload".
4. Navigate the cursor to the location you want to insert the picture.
5. Hit "Insert".

Thanks for the new driver 12.7.1036 WHQL :slight_smile:

Our partner site Station-Drivers has just published brandnew WHQL certified Intel RST(e) drivers v12.0.0.1036 dated 06/27/2013.
Meanwhile I have put the download links to the 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers and the complete Drivers & Software Set v12.7.0.1036 WHQL into the start post of this thread.

With these newest RST(e) drivers of the v12.7 development branch many issues (bugs) of previous builds/versions have been solved. They are listed within the related ReleaseNotes, which you can download from >here<.

Have fun with these new Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!

Since I have a dual boot system with Win8 x64 and Win8.1 x64 Preview on my RAID0 array, I just have installed the new Intel RST(e) drivers v12.7.0.1036 on both partitions and made a benchmark test. The Intel SATA RAID Controller is managed by the EFI SataDriver v12.7.0.1936.

Here are the results:

  1. Win8 x64 with Intel RST(e) v12.7.0.1036 WHQL:
  2. Win8.1 x64 Preview with Intel RST(e) v12.7.0.1036 WHQL:

As you can see, the Preview of Windows 8.1 is less performant than the final version of Windows 8.
Nevertheless I am pretty sure, that the RTM version of Windows “Blue” will be minimum as fast as Windows 8.



Today fdrsoft at Station-Drivers has published the first Intel RST(e) drivers of the upcoming v12.8 Series.
They have the version, are dated 07/08/2013 and digitally signed by Intel.
Look here:

Intel RST RAID driver v12.8.0.1008.png

[[File:Intel RST(e) Console v12.8.0.1008.png|none|auto]]
You will find the direct download links to the 32/64bit drivers and complete Drivers & Software Set within the start post of this thread.

Have fun with these brandnew Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!

Intel RST(e) Console v12.8.0.1008.png