Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.1.0.1015/ v9.0.3.1026)

@podkaracz :
Is it this what you want to see?

Intel RST driver v17.9.1.1009 Pic1.png

Intel RST driver v17.9.1.1009 Pic2.png

@100PIER :
Thanks for your report about an issue of the Intel RST driver v17.9.1.1009.
After having tested it with my Z170 chipset system running Win10 Build 20150 on a 500 GB Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe SSD, I cannot confirm your find.
I had no problem to return to the Samsung NVMe driver v3.3.0.2003 after having replaced it by the mod+signed intel RST driver v17.9.1.1009.

How did you try to re-use the formely running Samsung driver?
This is the way I succeeded:
1. Expand the "Storage Controllers" section of the Device Manager and right-click onto the listed "Intel(R) NVMe Controller".
2. Choose the options "Update driver software" > "Browse my Computer…" > "Let me pick…".
3. Click onto the "Samsung Nvme Controller", which should be listed within the box named "Show compatible hardware" and hit the "Continue" button.
4. After the reboot the OS should use again the Samsung NVMe driver.

I’m getting the same kind of issue after I upgraded. I was using the Intel NVMe driver v4.4.0.1003 for my Adata SX8200 Pro. After installing Intel RST v17.9.1.1009 for my secondary SATA RAID drive, the Intel NVMe driver now shows disconnected and has been replaced by the generic Microsoft driver. I tried rolling back Intel RST v17.9.1.1009 to the previous version and re-installing the Intel NVMe driver and it didn’t work.

Screenshot of Storage Controllers showing Intel NVMe driver that I previously used for my Adata SX8200 Pro as now disconnected and hidden. Also shows generic MS driver ("Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller") is being used now.


Screenshot of previously working Intel driver now saying it’s disconnected:


Screenshot of the Intel driver details:


Not sure what to do from here. Any help would be appreciated.

@Frames Did you read what @Fernando said in a post just above? NO “rolling back”, read the method!

I did, and things got weirder:

Now I have 2 Intel NVMe devices listed (I only have 1 NVMe drive):


Both have errors. One is still hidden/disconnected as shown in my previous post (Code 45 Error). However, the other one has a different error saying that Windows cannot load the required drivers (Code 31 Error):


The odd thing about all this is that the hidden/disconnected Intel NVMe device is the only one that shows a proper Hardware ID in the details section:


The non-hidden Intel device and the generic MS Storage Device only have "Root\Spaceport" as their Hardware IDs:



I also tried the modified Samsung NVMe driver from @Fernando and came up with similar results.

That is normal, uninstall the other one (v17.9.1.1009) and the new one should start working…

I tried to uninstall it twice. The first time I selected "Delete the Driver Software for this Device". I ended up getting a BSOD with the error, "INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE", and had to perform a system restore.

The second time I uninstalled without deleting the Driver Software, but no luck. It’s still showing the same devices with the same errors as in my screenshot above.

@Frames :

No, the device named "Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller" doesn’t manage the NVMe Controller. The generic MS NVMe driver is named stornvme.sys and the related Controller is named "Standard NVM Express Controller", which is not listed within your screenshot.
Your problem may be caused by the fact, that you have previously used different drivers
a) for the on-board Intel SATA RAID Controller and
b) for the NVMe Controller, which is within your Intel NVMe SSD.
Now - after having installed the new Intel RST drivers v17.9.1.1009 - both devices are supported by the same driver and the same Controller named "Intel(R) Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller".
That is why you had problems trying to return to the 2-drivers strategy by simply replacing the driver of the NVMe Controller.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

I tried your procedure without success, the Samsung NVMe devices are definitively seen as ‘not connected’ after using v17.9.1.1009.
Coming back to a logical coexisting drivers (Intel RST RAID to handle a SATA RAID0 and Samsung NVMe SSDs as before installing any Intel v17.9.xx branch) is IMPOSSIBLE.
The 2 Samsung NVMe devices are ‘hidden’ and seen ‘disconnected’ (err45):
No hidden option display:

Hidden option display:
[[File:Hidden_storage_ctrlr.PNG|none|auto]] [[File:Hidden_storage_ctrlr_Err45.PNG|none|auto]]

I don’t see how to get back to a ‘normal logical’ situation.

@100PIER :
After having looked at your screenshots I don’t see anything, which is abnormal or something to worry about.
The “Storage Controllers” section of your system’s Device Manager shows absolutely correctly, that your Intel RAID0 array and the 2 non-RAIDed Samsung NVMe SSDs are now exclusively managed by the on-board “Intel(R) Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller” and the related Intel RST NVMe and SATA RAID driver. That means, that the Samsung NVMe Controllers, which are within the non-RAIDed SSDs, are currently not in-use. Nevertheless both Samsung NVMe SSDs seem to still work fine, although they are now managed by the “Intel(R) Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller”.
Your only problem may be to restore the previously splitted Samsung NVMe and Intel SATA RAID Storage Controller management.
My tip:
1. Unplug all Disk Drives except the one(s), which contain(s) the OS and the boot sector.
2. Restore the previously installed storage driver and reboot thereafter.
3. Re-connect the other SSDs and boot into the OS. Now the Intel RAID0 array and the single Samsung NVMe SSDs should use different drivers, which can be updated separately.
Good luck!

Yes, i undesrtand your tip.
I’ll try it when I get time to go back to v17.8.xx branch which is working fine on my other Z390 machine which I never been installed a v17.9.xx branch version and where Samsung NVMe drive does handle in parallel all non RAID devices.
Thanks again for your help.

I had the same issue, except using the old Intel NVMe driver instead of Samsung (see above). I originally uninstalled/deleted the 17.9 driver but ended up with a BSOD. After I system restored, I then attempted to roll it back to an old version, however, the issue of the hidden/disconnected drives remained. I also tried the Samsung NVMe driver with no avail.

My theory is that the new 17.9 driver is baking itself into either the boot or recovery partitions. Not a good look for Intel.

i do agree with you the Intel v17.9.xx branch driver versions are absolutely not recommendable.

@Frames : @100PIER :

I doubt, that you are right.
For me it seems to be absolutely correct, that the Device Manager lists the formerly used, but now disconnected Storage Controllers like the "Samsung NVMe Controller" as hidden and currently disconnected devices.
It would be indeed a severe issue, if the drives themselves would be disconnected, but as far as I understood your reports, the OS has still access to all previously used disk drives (HDDs and SSDs).

I do not totally agree. The Intel RST v17.9 branch drivers may be a very good choice for modern Intel chipset systems
a) without any NVMe SSDs or
b) with an Intel NVMe RAID array, but without any SATA connected devices.

EDIT: Meanwhile I have added a "Warning" regarding the installation of the v17.9 branch Intel RST drivers into the start post of this thread.

Intel RST v17.9 branch drivers (for modern PCs) may be a "not bad" solution only for only very restricted configurations such as no NVMe SSDs (whatever the manufacturer are) or only for Intel NVMe RAID Array but without SATA (simple mode or RAID mode) connected devices.
I do prefer previous v17.8 branch drivers which does offer more flexibility and better performances when using proprietary NVMe drivers (for instance for Sansumg NVMe SSDs devices).

@100PIER @Fernando :

I figured it out with the help of the Station-Drivers forum. Turns out the 17.9.xx RST drivers are automatically modifying the bios settings. Here’s what I had to do the fix it and get the correct drivers back for my NVMe SSD:

1. In your bios settings, under wherever your “SATA and RST Configuration” menu is (mine was under IO Ports for my Gigabyte AORUS Z390 Pro), change the option labeled “PCIe Storage Dev on Port X” (Mine is Port 9) from “RST Controlled” to “Not RST Controlled”:


2. Reboot your computer. Windows won’t load but we want to force it into Recovery Mode. You may have to restart it a couple times to trigger the recovery menu.

3. Once in Recovery Mode, follow the steps here to boot into Safe Mode.

4. In Safe Mode, open your Device Manager and under Storage Controllers it should now show your NVMe SSD and with Microsoft’s “Standard NVM Express Controller” driver loaded:

Standard NVME.png

5. Update the NVMe driver to your liking. In my case, I updated it to the modified Intel NVMe driver v4.4.0.1003.

6. Reboot into normal mode and your chosen driver should now show up properly:


You could also save yourself a few steps by configuring Windows to load into Safe Mode before modifying the bios setting.

Update of the start post

  • new:
    • 64bit Intel RST AHCI/RAID drivers v17.8.11.1080 WHQL for Win8-10 x64 dated 06/03/2020
    • An Intel RST Drivers & Software Set v17.8.11.1080 is not yet available.
Thanks to Station Drivers for the source package.

Enjoy it!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Fernando Intel VROC / RSTe drivers dated 13.02.20 can be found here- it’s the complete installation package including preboot- files.

@lfb6 :
Thanks for the info and the source package.

Update of the start post

  • new:
    • 64bit Intel RSTe SATA/sSATA AHCI & RAID drivers v6.3.0.1022 WHQL for Win8-10 x64 dated 01/13/2020
    • 64bit Intel VROC NVMe RAID driver v6.3.0.1022 WHQL for Win8-10 x64 dated 01/13/2020
    • Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v6.3.0.1031 for Win7-10 x64 dated 02/13/2020

Thanks to lfb6 for the source package.

Enjoy it!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone stay safe during this time of pandemia.

I do hope anyone can help me out.
I am having issues also with the Samsung 960 PRO 1TB not showing up on the storage controllers.

I was using the RST v17.9 Series drivers until I saw yesterday here that some were saying that it mas missing from within the Storage controller in windows, I checked and was a surprise to find out that it was missing.

I am using the current configuration at this moment:

1: Intel 900p main OS
2: Intel 750 storage

I have tried disabling my Intel optane (only reason why I use raid at this time so I could speed up my HDD) with 17.7 Series drivers and v17.8 Series drivers and still I cant manage to make the Samsung 960 PRO controller to show up.
Yesterday I installed the nvme driver for both my Intel 900p and Intel 750p and still can not make the Samsung controller to show up.

Either way I am going to install windows from scratch and I would like to ask some questions about all of this.

1: Which RST version does not interfere with the Samsung SSD controller?

2: I only used Intel Optane to speed up one of my HDD where most of my games are installed and I was thinking of make a RAID 0 while using my current 960 PRO 1TB and the new 970 evo pro 500GB just for that; I understand that RAID 0 is quite dangerous but since my main OS will be installed on my 900p and most of my games are saved on my NAS I should not worry if something gets corrupted as I back everytrhing.

3: Which driver works best for these 2 Intel SSD’s I have got? - Either the or the generic 17.7 Series drivers and v17.8 Series?
I will not use the 17.9 until further notice.

4: I have also discovered that Intel MAS does not work well with 17.7 Series drivers and v17.8 Series but with the nvme driver like it does work just fine, it allows you to TRIM and to check for any firmware update.

Thanks to Fernando for this website anyt everyone here helping each other.

storage controlle 2.jpg

storage controller 3.jpg

storage controller 4.jpg

storage controller 5.jpg

storage controller.jpg