Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.1.0.1015/ v9.0.3.1026)

I wonder when Intel will finally release a new Intel RAID ROM update+Intel RST(e) drivers for the X99 platform.
Do you think that the Intel RAID ROM RST(e) drivers that were officially released
with the X99 platform is all we are likely to get or do you think there will be a Intel RAID ROM+RST(e) drivers
update at some point for this platform?

Would you recommend installing this driver, which sd classifies as beta, non whql, non official; over the last one? Thanks

@ sinders:
You should better ask Intel these questions.
Since the beginning of the "Enterprise Edition" Intel C600/C600+ Series Chipsets Intel had severe problems to develop the appropriate RAID drivers for them.
I never understood, why Intel had created a special RSTe driver platform instead of just adding the related DeviceIDs to the INF files of the already existing and very good running Intel RST(e) drivers from v11.5 up.

If you should mean the last version of the v14.5 development branch (v14.5.0.1041), I recommend to update it by this newer (and probably better) one, but I personally would not replace the Intel RST(e) v14.0.0.1143 WHQL driver by this Beta version (unless you have already an Intel 100 Series Chipset system).

Thanks again, I neglected to actually check your download area this time which would have reminded me that this is 14.5 branch over the 14.0 one :), but thanks for the detailed answer. I am on z97 using the

@ all:

Update of the start post


  • new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v14.5.0.1081 dated 06/03/2015
  • new: Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v14.5.0.1081 dated 06/12/2015

  1. The included AHCI/RAID drivers are digitally signed by Intel and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
  2. Only Intel 8-, 9-, X99 and the upcoming 100-Series Chipsets are natively fully supported by these drivers.
  3. Thanks to Pacman for having found and to Station-Drivers for having published the source package.

Important info:
Yesterday I have done some Intel RAID driver benchmark comparison tests with my Z97 RAID0 system.
The tested Intel RST(e) drivers v14.0.0.1143 WHQL and v14.5.0.1059, which ran fine with my Z97 system in AHCI mode, were unusable while running in RAID mode.
As soon as I stressed the system anyhow (e.g. by running the benchmark tool), I got an immediate freezing of the system.
My advice:
Intel RAID users should wait with the installation of the brandnew Intel RST(e) drivers v14.5.0.1081 until I have completed my current tests.
EDIT: After having installed the Intel RST(e) RAID driver v14.5.0.1081 onto my Z97 RAID0 system, I got the same freezing problem as with the other Intel RST(e) v14.x.x.xxxx drivers. As a consequence I do not really recommend to install these drivers onto an Intel RAID system.

Good luck with these brandnew Intel AHCI and RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Si it wasn’t only because I had an older chipset - Z77, but they are just not stable on RAID!

You are absolutely right regarding this point.
Nevertheless I want to remind all Intel RAID users: The newest Intel RST(e) drivers can be installed onto all Intel RAID systems from ICH8R up (due to the "universal" DeviceID DEV_2822/282A), but this does not mean, that they will be fully supported by them.
Despite the uniform external DeviceID the functionality and the features of the Intel SATA RAID Controllers are quite different (example: TRIM in RAID0 support).

Si it wasn’t only because I had an older chipset - Z77, but they are just not stable on RAID!

14.x ROM and Drivers more than stable with P55 (5 series) in RAID1 mode. some bugs fixed and better performance instead 13.x versions.
Right now my specs:
Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3
ROM: / Driver: WHQL

Hm, that means it could be an only RAID 0 problem…?

@ KRyouCK:
Thanks for your interesting report.

Ok, there may be a difference between a RAID0 and a RAID1 array regarding the stress situations.
What means "more than stable"? Have you ever compared the stability of the Intel RAID drivers v12.9.4.1000, v13.6.3.1001 and v14.0.0.1143?

Hopefully Intel will sort the RAID0 issues out with the Intel(R) RST/RSTe 14.x Drivers when used with an older chipset by the time the 100-Series Chipset motherboards are officially released.
There is no point in them making the Intel(R) RST/RSTe 14.x Drivers backwards compatible with older chipsets if they won`t work properly or run stable on these chipsets.

sure. as i said i use P55/RAID1
14.x - have better performance for RAID1 and work well with single devices (i use them more than 2 months),
13.x - OK, but have some little bugs for my old chipset (it was fixed in 14.x),
12.9 - if AHCI and they are last officially supported, you know it

It is an illusion to believe, that a chipset manufacturer like Intel will fix any driver bugs of an old development platform (here: v13) within a completely new one (here: v14).
The truth is, that they start with absolutely new bugs, when they begin a new development line by integrating completely new features into the drivers.
That is why I repeat my earlier statement: Users, who want an absolutely stable driver, should not choose the newest available one, but the latest of the development branch, which fully supports their system.

Why i can’t install any RST software on my PC? I’ve version installed and everytime i try to install a newer version it says “this paltaform is not supported”.

Any idea?

@ zt3:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

As long as you don’t tell us,
a) which chipset your system has,
b) which SATA mode you have chosen for the Intel SATA Controller and
b) which OS you are runnng,
we don’t have any ideas.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hi Fernando, thanks.

My chipset is:

I’ve AHCI mode and i’m running Windows 8.1.1.

It is your chipset, which is natively not supported by the newest Intel RST/RST(e) drivers from v13.2.x.xxxx up. Please have a look into the start post of this thread.

Oh, i see. Although i have and i can’t install any 13.2.x.xxxx as you said. You are probably referring to your modded drivers, am i right?

The reason i wanted to try new version is that i’m experiencing some locks up of my computer, the system freezes and from searchs that i’ve made some talk about being some problem with RST but i believe in my case has nothing to do with that.

Anyway do you recommend installing your v13.2.4.1000 version of RST? any benefits or any dangerous move on doing that in my chipset?

You can try the newer Intel RST(e) drivers from v13.2 up, but you have to use the modded versions and to force the installation by using the "Have Disk" button.
There is no reason to be afraid. It is not dangerous at all. If you are not satisfied, you can swith back very easy to any of the previously installed drivers.