Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.2.3.1018/ v9.0.5.1040)

Only the latest Intel Chipsets from 100-Series up are natively supported by the Intel RST v15 line. Like khanmein has already written, you will be able to get the v15 drivers installed nevertheless, if you take the drivers, which I have been modified and digitally signed.

kann ich quasi v4.5.4.1031 auch auf mein notebook asus g751jy mit 8er Serie Chipset, muss ich dann einfach die digitale Signatur deaktvieren um es installieren zu können über Geräte-Manager?
du hast geschrieben man kann dann so auch den neusten Treiber WHQL, installieren?
sind da iwelche Nebenwirkungen zu beachten bzw. Risko, kann ich dann wieder zurückkehren zu den 14.8…Treiber?


@kingjezdi :
This is an English language Forum.

Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) Version WHQL

Date & Version: 06/10/2016,

@ all:

Update of the start post
- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v14.8.10.1055 WHQL dated 06/10/2016
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v14.8.10.1055 dated 07/20/2016


  • These new AHCI/RAID drivers are WHQL certified by Microsoft and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
  • Only Intel Chipsets from 8-Series up (incl. X99) are natively supported by these drivers.
  • Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for having published the source package.

Meanwhile I have tested the 64bit RST(e) driver v14.8.10.1055 WHQL driver with my Z170 system and the 1 TB Samsung 850 EVO SSD in AHCI mode. This driver is running fine and gave me slightly better benchmark scores than the v14. driver. >Here< you can see the related benchmark results.

Good luck with these new Intel AHCI and RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@Fernando ,
Installed and tested v14.8.10.1055 x64 on my X99 under W10 x64 v1607 build 14393.51. It works fine.
Please correct the version typo, it is v14.8.10.1055, not v10.8.10.1055 when you said have tested the RST(e) driver…

The new 14.10 still does not support all 8 ports of the C236 in AHCI mode, what a pity…

That is fine. Thanks for your feedback!

Done! Thanks for the info.

Finnaly! On my X99 system, correctly spins down the idle HDD’s. Last driver that worked before that was but that old version gives me slightly slower performance.
Thank you for the updates.

Is that also for drives which are part of a RAID array or only Non-RAID drives (the spin down)?

Sorry, I’m not using RAID so I can only say that it’s working with a Non-Raid setup (ahci).

Dear Fernando

Thanks for taking all this effort to help the internet community!!

Now regarding my new X99-A Asus board: I have 2 SSDs in raid 0 and 3 HDDs in raid5. So all RAIDs. Essentially I have read all your postings regarding old and new RSTs and was wondering the following: All questions are performance and trim related (in raid)

1) My BIOS RST OROM version is Is this the old or the new one? Would I benefit from an OROM update?
1a) I am using ASUS bios 3101 and there’s an updated 3301 version however I don’t know whether they have updated the Intel RST OROM.
2) In Intel’s SSD Toolbox, the optimizer (=trim) never worked on the raid. Also I was never able to run the secure erase function on the individual SSDs.
2a) However the Win10 buildin “optimize” function works and trimcheck program verifies trim is working.
3) In the drivers I was shocked to see that SATA driver was 10.0.10586 (the old microsoft one). However the raid driver appears correct from Intel. Vendor Id in both is 8086.

I updated Intel RST to latest version (with uninstall and restart) from you (Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v14.8.10.1055) with the same results above. Performance from RAIDHDD to RAIDSSD copy is ca 250MB/s sustained above 200MB/s in large files copy.

Your thoughts are appreciated in order to get the best performance possible!!

Many thanks!!!


The latest Intel RAID ROM/EFI RaidDriver modules of the v14.8 branch are the v14.8.2.2397. I recommend to update the Intel EFI RaidDriver to that version by using the UBU tool.

The Intel Toolbox doesn’t fully support RAID arrays (as Samsung’s Magician), but you can easily use the Win8/10 “Optimizer” (= former Defrag Tool) instead.

10.0.10586 is not a driver version, but the version of the OS you are running. If you want to see the really in-use driver of the on-board Intel SATA RAID Controller, you should right click onto it and then choose the options “Driver” > “Driver Details”.

The Intel RAID driver with the by far best performance is the old “classical” RST driver v11.2.0.1006, but I doubt, that you will get this old driver properly installed onto your X99 system. So you probably have already installed the best possible.

@ all:
Update of the start post
- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.0.1.1040 WHQL dated 06/03/2016
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.0.1.1040 dated 06/14/2016


  • These new AHCI/RAID drivers are WHQL certified by Microsoft and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
  • Only Intel 100-Series/C230 Chipsets and Systems with an Intel Skylake CPU are natively fully supported by these drivers.
  • Thanks to Station-Drivers for having published the source package.

Good luck with these new Intel AHCI and RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

@ Fernando:

I don’t know if this has already been posted but there is also a 15.1 RST branch driver. This one is old (April) and Alpha but I thought it might interest someone.…

On a Samsung laptop with HM76 Chipset, I tried manually updating the SATA/AHCI driver in Device Manager with v13.1.0.1058 driver from this thread. The system could not update the driver. Then I tried updating with v12.9.4.1000 driver which got successfully installed. Earlier the Device Manager showed “Standard SATA/AHCI controller” under IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. After the update, it shows “Intel 7 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller”. I found that only one driver iaStorA.sys is installed and the other driver iaStorF.sys hasn’t been installed. Also, contrary to the information given in the OP, the driver is still listed under IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers instead of Storage Controllers. The system seems to work fine though. Have I done something wrong? How should I install the other driver if it is important to have both running on the system?

Also how should I update this driver if I wanted to update it to v13.1.0.1058? Shall I first uninstall the current driver from Device Manager and then manually update it or is it ok to just manually update the current driver with the newer one?

Thanks for your feedback.
You are right: Only Desktop systems with an Intel 7-Series Chipset (e.g. Z77) are natively supported by the Intel RST(e) drivers v13.1.0.1058 WHQL. For unknown reasons Intel has not added the HardwareIDs of the Intel SATA AHCI Controllers, which belong to the 7-Series Chipset Mobile systems like yours. I have just crarified this point within the start post of this thread.

Windows 8/81 and Win10 do not install the SCSI Filter driver named iaStorF.sys, because they do not need it.

This is caused by the fact, that Win8/8.1 and Win10 neither need nor use the SCSI Filter driver named iaStorF.sys. Meanwhile I have corrected this part of the start post as well.

No, not a all.

As I already have written: The newest Windows Operating Systems don’t need the SCSI Filter driver and will not install them.

The latter option is the best and the safest, but only valid, if you haven’t installed the complete Intel RST Drivers & Software Set (the RST Software has to be uninstalled from within the Control Panel “Add/remove Software” option as first step).

Thanks Fernando for addressing all the queries!

It’s very convenient to download Intel RST, Intel Chipset INF and Intel ME drivers from Win-RAID forum. Thanks for the great work!

@plutomaniac :
Your download link to the Intel RST(e) drivers v15.1.0.1016 doesn’t work. I get an “Invalid or Deleted File” message from the hoster.

@ Fernando:

RST v15.2.0.1008 Drivers & Software Set
RST v15.1.0.1016 Drivers & Software Set

@ all:
Update of the start post

- new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) drivers v15.2.0.1008 dated 06/17/2016
- new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.2.0.1008 dated 06/24/2016


  • These new AHCI/RAID drivers are digitallysigned by Intel and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
  • Only Intel 100-Series/C230, 200-Series Chipsets and Systems with an Intel Skylake CPU are natively fully supported by these drivers.
  • Thanks to plutomaniac for the source package.

Good luck with these new Intel AHCI and RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)