Intel RST/RSTe Drivers (latest: v20.2.3.1018/ v9.0.5.1040)

@KotTHECat :
For users like you I have started >this< thread. At the bottom of the start post you can find the specific Intel AHCI drivers, which I recommend for Intel 100-/200-Series Chipset Systems. If you want to know, with which AHCI driver you will get the best performance, do a look into the start post of >this< thread.

If you are unsure, which one of the 2 Intel SATA AHCI Controllers is managing your system drive, you can update the drivers of both Controllers. I would do it anyway.

I wouldn’t do that, because it doesn’t make sense.

Yeah, but when i try to update the second one (PCI-bus 3, device 0) it says “Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date.” That was also the case on my previous Win installation. So, the only way to update it is to install the Software Set?

@KotTHECat :
I suspect, that one of the “Standard AHCI Controllers” is an Intel and the other an ASMedia one.
You can check it by doing a right-click onto the Controllers and choosing the options “Properties” > “Details” > “Property” > “HardwareIDs”.
Intel has the VendorID VEN_8086, ASMedia has the VendorID VEN_1B21.

@Fernando :
Yes, the second one, that throws me that message, has the VendorID “PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_0612&SUBSYS_858D1043&REV_02”.
Than which driver would you recommend in this case? And thank you for quick and helpful replies!

@KotTHECat :
If you don’t want to use the generic MS AHCI driver, I recommend to install the latest ASMedia “STOR” driver v3.2.1.0 WHQL for Win7.
You can find it within the start post of >this< thread.

We can see on that picture that you are dealing not with Intel RST drivers but with Intel RST software utility. Do you really need it?

I have an 100 series chipset (B150), which one is the most recommended for me? 15.2 or 15.5? for AHCI

@Nyamp :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

There are no big differences between them regarding the performance (look >here<). You can try them both and decide yourself, which may be a little bit better for your system.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

For Z97 chipset, which is the recommended RSTe driver or

Check out the table at the bottom of the 1st post in “Best Driver thread” here : Which are the “best” Intel AHCI/RAID drivers?
Which are the "best" Intel AHCI/RAID drivers?

but looks like Intel RST(e) v13.1.0.1058 or Intel RST(e) v13.2.8.1002

Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) Version WHQL


@ all:
Update of the start post


  • new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI/RAID drivers v15.2.14.1051 WHQL dated 03/03/2017
  • new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.2.14.1051 WHQL dated 03/13/2017

  • These AHCI/RAID drivers are WHQL certified by Microsoft and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
  • Only Intel 100-/200-Series/C230 Chipsets and other chipsets with an Intel Skylake or KabyLake Processor are natively supported by these drivers.
  • Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for having published the source package.

Enjoy these new Intel AHCI and RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Just to be clear: So even if someone mods these drivers with other DEV_IDs they won’t work with older chipsets?

i think it is more complicated than than that man (they check the raid rom version and chipset)

Due to the universally valid external DeviceID DEV_2822 the v14/v15 platform Intel RST drivers are installable onto natively not supported systems, which are running in RAID mode, but according to my own experience they do not work properly.
Users with an old AHCI system can install the modded v14/v15 platform drivers, but performance and stabilty of the v13 platform drivers is much better.

Interesting. Thanks for clarification! Is there any difference in running RAID vs. AHCI mode? Maybe some benefits regarding data integrity, performance, features, etc.? Never used my drives in RAID mode…

Yes, there are huge differences regarding the performance while reading/writing >4KB sized files. For details please have a look into the first 2 posts of >this< thread.

@ all:
Update of the start post


  • new: 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI/RAID drivers v15.2.15.1058 WHQL dated 03/21/2017
  • new: Intel RST(e) Drivers & Software Set v15.2.15.1058 WHQL dated 03/28/2017

  • These AHCI/RAID drivers are WHQL certified by Microsoft and usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
  • Only Intel 100-/200-Series/C230 Chipsets and other chipsets with an Intel Skylake or KabyLake Processor are natively supported by these drivers.
  • Thanks to Pacman resp. Station-Drivers for having published the source package.

Enjoy these new Intel AHCI and RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Can anyone tell me the minimum driver / software / bios module for a C602 Chipset running in RSTe mode, DEV_2826, that would be needed to add SSD caching / SRT to a raid array?

I am currently running v3.8 option rom, driver and software and it is not an option…

Thanks in advance, this is very confusing…

@tojoski :
Are you sure, that the Intel RSTe Software supports the Smart Response Technology at all?
According to my knowledge only the Intel RST Software from v10.5 up does support this feature.