Is ECC REG RAM compatible with CoffeeLake mod BIOS?

Hi everyone, first time posting here.
As the title suggest, I’m running an Asus h110m-e\m.2, and a xeon e3-1220v5 using coffeemod 0.99.
I’m wondering if I can use ECC REG ram, as my cpu supports it.

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened

There’s a difference between ECC and ECC REG. Most non- server boards don’t work with REG.

And there’s a difference between “work with” and “use ECC functionality”. For a H110 board it might be that it could work with ECC ram, but I doubt that it’ll be possible to use ECC functions even with a cpu that’d support it.

Thanks for replying, please excuse my misunderstanding of ECC and ECC REG.
Let’s assume that I don’t really mind not having ECC functionality, but still want the functionality of a normal ram stick. The reason is that in my country, ECC REG modules are x0,5 the price of a normal stick, while having higher speed and capacity.
I found it rather confusing as the sources online indicated that those ECC modules would work with a xeon cpu, not mentioning the mobo. Is it just fine to assume that it will work, while still having ECC functionality?
P/s: Excuse my bad English, I’m still a learner

As written:

You’d need someone with an at least very similar or identical setup to answer this reliably.