Issues flashing BCP Edited on ASUS

Hi there,

I remember doing this sometime ago but I’m trying to flash a edited BIOS I edited with BCP (unlocking some settings) and I’m having some trouble.

I’ve gone through the usual steps of trying to flash it using flash back to no avail as well as using AFU (missing /GAN option that is mentioned in the guide thread).

My platform is Aptio 4 on the ASUS P8Z77-V Pro.

Started with OEM BIOS in UBU to update microcode, saved as flashback, then into BCP to edit panels and saved, then tried to flash.
Is there something I’m doing wrong?

@whatnot - /GAN and old AFU is not suggested method anymore. Your motherboard has USB Flashback port, so that is the best way to flash mod BIOS.
Smaller cheap USB is best (128MB-2GB), format to FAT32 and put BIOS on root of USB, be sure you have USB in the flashback port then shut down and push flashback button

When you saved as “flashback” what do you mean by that? It needs to be named a certain way, if you meant that then great, if not, here is the correct name >> Z77VP.CAP

If LED only flashes a few times, or stays solid (on USB or flashback button), then it’s not working, try another USB or check file is correctly named and on root of FAT32 USB.
When flashback works, the LEDs will blink sequentially faster for 1+ minute getting faster as it nears the end, then will stay solid or off (can’t remember), but if only flash few times or right to off or solid then it’s not working.
Some USB will not work, so you may need to try a handful before you find one that does work. If you want to be sure it’s not the mod BIOS causing it to fail, try flashback with stock BIOS (renamed), then if it works you know mod is the issue.

Thanks for the reply, yes I was using the correct naming scheme on a FAT32 formatted USB drive. I pressed the button and it would flash a couple of times then go solid, attempted to disconnect power thinking maybe it wasn’t seeing the drive and that also did the same thing. I have been able to flash a BIOS modified by UBU via this method many times, but as soon as I open it in BCP and enable something it doesn’t allow the flash.

Before you ask, yes I was opening the BIOS as a capsule and saving as a capsule in BCP.

Is BCP removing something the flashback system is looking for in the BIOS file?

Then the BIOS mod is bad, sounds like you know the process and it works well for you until now (if using same USB stick as before). What BCP version are you using, 4.55? if not 4.55, get that one and try again. if you are using that one now, upload the mod BIOS and I will see if I can find any issue.
When I’m messing with CAPsule BIOS, I always remove the body (via Hex or UEFITool) and edit it, then put back inside CAPsule via Hex. This may not be the issue here, could be BCP version or some other issue.
No, BCP should not be removing anything.

Using 4.55 (SHA1: 87460D862D607882D4543874D645AB017C3C18E7) yes, I also have 4.53 which does the same thing.

I haven’t tried any hexediting to copy & readd the capsule header (assuming that’s all it is) as I don’t know where it ends, is it just the first 16bytes?

I’ve attached a BIOS which has been modified first by UBU then BCP.

BCP is able to open this BIOS fine, UBU is able to open it fine, but when I go to save it as “flashback” in UBU it saves it as “mod_filename.cap” instead of the normal “Z77VP.cap” (4.35 MB)

@whatnot - Use UEFITool to see offsets of where BIOS regions end/begin etc. UEFITool NE Alpha version best for this, for example version 51-55, but you can’t edit with this version it’s only for inspection/hex viewing etc
For this board, “BIOS Body” starts at 800h, so capsule itself is 800h/4KB

UBU only saves like that (name-wise) if you tell it to, save as mod-bios-name etc choice at end. You can rename to anything you want when you are done.

I checked your mod BIOS and it’s bad mod due to padding file issues relating to microcode updating (padding removed on edit). Toss this BIOS out, it’s bad.
This is from UBU/UEFIReplace needs to be different version for this BIOS when manipulating microcodes, or that needs to be done via MMTool or manually.


In UBU replace UEFIReplace with version 25 or 25.1 and redo the mods fresh again with new stock BIOS, you can get this version UEFIReplace on the releases page of UEFITools.
Once done, recheck the mod at microcode locations in UEFITool again as you see above, make sure the padding is there in both locations after mod
Or, I can do it for you manually if you want? If you want to do that then do all your mods again from stock BIOS except CPU microcodes and send me the file, I’ll then update the microcodes and send back to you.

Thanks! The issue was BCP was neutering the capsule header. I edited the BIOS then overwrote the until 800h with OEM BIOS and was able to flash successfully via flashback.

@whatnot - That may work to flash it, but the issue I pointed out is more problematic than getting the BIOS Flashed. CPU microcodes wont be loaded correctly with the BIOS like it is, it should not be used like that, you’re very lucky it didn’t brick the board as that’s what usually happens when BIOS is modified like that.
For best performance and less unknown issues you have to try and diagnose later, it’s best you redo it like I mentioned and either let me do the microcodes or you do them the way I outlined.

I likely should’ve stated I started off this time with one of the previous working BIOS’ I had which has correct padding. Further testing did show for me that newer versions of UEFIReplace were indeed removing such padding.

Thanks again for the help man!

That’s good then! Sometimes you can get away with that padding removed, but it’s very slim chances from what I’ve seen users accidentally flashing without noticed and then asking why things bricked.
Great you got it all sorted out now, and you’re welcome too!