I am glad that I found this forum.
Here is my situation. As you know, everyone is talking about AI these days. The trouble is that the kits we are having are only good enough to consume the Artificial Intelligence of others.
I am involved with Machine Learning using Graph Databases and for me the speed of my drives (and memory bandwith) is of paramount importance. Here is for example a kit I had built three years ago: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/dT7TwP
These days I am travelling quite a bit and would love to a laptop that I could use in trains, planes and automobiles that can have decent speed.
In my current PCIE 4 laptop I can only have one disk (a Samsung 990 Pro) that gives me about 7.2 read / 6.9 write in sequential mode.
I was thinking that if there were laptops with two SSD Slots then - as I did in my PC a couple of years ago - I could use RAID 0 and double it. Not to mention that when PCIE 5 will become available we may be able to reach around 30GB/s
Sadly as I was checking for laptops with RAID Controllers I only came across to a kit back in 2010. Nothing ever since.
I am looking forward to your help.
Oxford (and Warwick
) , UK
Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
Creating an AMD or Intel RAID0 array was a very good idea 10 or more years ago. Nowadays you get with a single NVMe SSD a much better performance than with a RAID0 array consisting of 3 or more HDDs.
I don’t want to discourage you, but my advice is : Be happy with the current storage configuration of your laptop and keep in mind, that only the risk of a complete data loss (and not the overall HDD/SSD performance) will be doubled with a RAID0 array.
Enjoy it!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Thank you Dieter!
That good thing is that over the years, advances have been done on reliability too. I am using my 3 disk (Samsung 980 Pro), raid 0 in my workstation for over three years now and haven’t had any problem.
For us working with huge datasets even to generate a particular perspective it may mean a consumption of 300GB database (with “sample” data).
Also mind you that if I were to buy an on-line service that will offer me the IOPS of my threadripper kit for continual usage, I were to pay anything in the region of $3-10k per month!
So you understand why I would be more than happy to say pay even $10k for such a laptop (if an imaginary laptop that can take 4 PCIE 5 disks existed) - as we will be talking for a throughput of about 50GB/s.
I don’t know if this helps by my Acer laptop has two NVMe drive slots as well as a SATA it’s an Acer Nitro series.
After having done a Google search I found >this< site, where nearly all laptops and their amount/sort of M.2 slots are listed. I hope, that this helps.
Regarding laptops with 2 PCIe Gen5 slots you may have to wait some months until they are offered.
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Thank you very much indeed!
As for the PCIE 5s on mobile yes, they said they will become available by the end of the year 
I found something promising at MSI.
Laptops with PCIE 5 2xSSD (for RAID 0) - Any suggestions? | MSI Global English Forum
Fingers crossed, we may get a response 
Thanks again Dieter!