Lenovo Ideapad U300S laptop - BIOS modding help required


I am not an advanced user and I’m hoping a fellow forumite can do me a favour please.
I have a Lenovo Ideapad laptop - model : U300S

This laptop’s bios is made such that if the battery charge is below 80% and the charger is plugged in, the cpu is throttled to 50% of its capacity.
With the charger is plugged in and if the battery is charged to above 80% the throttling stops sometimes, and sometimes the throttling never stops.
Lenovo is aware of this issue but have never actually fixed the problem even though their latest bios update for this laptop states that it fixes this problem.

As I am not an advanced user and do not know how to edit or modify the bios of my laptop please can someone edit / modify the bios for my laptop, so that the throttling will only take place when the battery charger is plugged in and the battery percentage is below 2%.
I would like the throttling to only take place when the charger is plugged in and if the charge level of the battery is 2% or below, instead of the current 80% or below level as per the bios from Lenovo.

The current bios update file from the Lenovo website can be found here: http://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/56cn43ww.exe

Would someone be able to modify the above bios update file ? Are there any other files that would be required from me ?

I will sincerely appreciate the help.

Thank you !

@ imessage:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

You will find a lot of informations and guides within this Forum, but we don’t modify any BIOS upon request.
If you don’t want or are not able to modify the BIOS yourself, you may ask >here< or somewhere else for the desired modification.

Happy Easter!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you for the welcome and the reply Dieter.
I have posted my request in the forum you linked.

The first route should be Power Options tweaking and the excellent ThrottleStop, before any BIOS modding.

Thanks, I have tried adjusting the power settings, and also tried Throttlestop, but neither have helped.
I’m guessing modding the bios is the only way to solve the issue.