Lenovo M900 flashed with m910t disk doesn't appear in BIOS

hi , i need help to correct this :
1- the bios I taked from a pulled m910t , it work normally but there is an issue
the ssd m2 is not reconized in bios for boot , the same probleme for sata ports

but when boot it search on lan port first after a failed boot on lan , it boots with ssd m2 nvme and hdd sata is reconised ( the led blink before boot, i think it has been reconized ) but it dont appears on bios

2- when I flash it with p310 pulled bios , it display disks on bios and boot normaly but the issue is it cant switch from tpm1.2 to 2.0 and vice versa

the 2 bioses i have ; are paratically simillar
any idea to make the hard disk appears in bioses ? they are for q270 chipset and the motherboard m900 and m910 are pratically similar
I try to configure the sata ports with intel FIT but no matter

They share the same bios version M1AKT59Aā€¦Flash BIOS Update - ThinkCentre M910t, M910s, M910q, M910x, M710q, ThinkStation P320 Tiny, no mention to 310 system.
Have you tried to re-flash with this original file?

This bios has 3 levels of boot, in which will try by order to boot the system, Primary Boot Sequence, Automatic Boot Sequence and Error Boot Sequence, in each one you set the boot priority as you like, feels like your boot priority disk/Boot entry/OS setup fails on one of them.

hi , thank you for answer , M1AKT bioses are designed for m910 710ā€¦ etc , the hard drive ans ssd m2 doesnt appears as disk available in configuration in any sequence , doesnt appear i will tr to update

Sorry, as you mentioned ā€œa pulled m910tā€ i assumed my answerā€¦
I have here some 900 SFF with IQ270MS, no issue with several NVMe disks models/brands and secondary HDD as storage.

Then for sure youā€™re not talking about the FWKT Flash BIOS Update - Intel B150 for ThinkCentre M700 Tiny, ThinkCentre M800, M900, M900x Tinyā€¦as you mentioned Q270

Instead of correcting each other, you could look in the system and post here the machine type and bios version in use, seems you are you doing a cross-flash bios on top of the B150/Q170 chipset with a Q270 biosā€¦
Good luck.

Thatā€™s the risk of flashing firmware of another machineā€¦

And the machines might share the same bios but thatā€™s for these Lenovos just ā€˜bios regionā€™. There might be differences in FD/ME regarding PCIe configuration.

Otherwise I remember a case where starting with a empty NVRAM did resolve a ā€˜not found diskā€™ issue some months(?) ago.

the motherboard what i have is m900 is q170 chipset and motherboard model IQ1X0MS and i want to try on it bios for m910t/q. etc for q270 IQ2x0MS whats the motherboards are the identicaly (i see their schematics)

i ll try removin nvram and iā€™ll post result

I reset NVRAM setting Lettin only dmi vars (serial number ) its the same issue

why in lenovo diagnostics it detects all disks ? any explaination ?

The explanation you already know, you want KabyLake support or ES/Chinese mutant and youā€™re trying to cross flash a Q170 mb with a Q270 bios and definitely the IQ1X0MS is not the same as the IQ270MS, we may say that the Lenovo diags, uses their own embebded diag drivers to detect disks.
Nothing more to add to this thread, good luck.

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ok thank you for answer , but on lot of thread here or in other forums are telling the 02 MB are the same ;
and MSI Constructor Branded To Lenovo MS7988-rev1for skylake and Rev2 for kabylake
attached Schematic for mobos
and Sorry for all

s_01-10-21-12_MS-7988_REV2.rar (2.9 MB)
s_01-10-21-11_MS-7988_REV1.rar (3.5 MB)