Looking for a new laptop 2024 with CSM legacy support

Hello, I know that since 2020, intel and others phased out support of CSM/Legacy. Since then we mostly find computers with UEFI only, 3.0 or 3.0+. For some reasons (I’m aware of UEFI advantages, GPT, secure boot etc. - not the question) I’m looking for a NEW laptop (for work, not for gaming) with CSM/legacy support. Desktops with legacy still exist, but laptops… did not find one, or the info is not available. I suppose, I may be wrong, that some, a few, AMD cpu based laptops may still offer this possibility (Intel removed everything it seems). OR, just my thought, maybe BIOS Legacy CSM is still here, but hidden in menus, no access unless a mod bios. Please, please, would you know an answer to my question? Thank you sooo much. Have a great day!

Without CSM/Legacy support, UEFI BIOS will only boot from GPT formatted drives.

What are you trying to achieve here - is this for booting off MBR drive?

Hi, for some reasons, I need to use dos/freedos, real mode. So yes, i’ll need mbr also. I also read that something MAY be possible with seabios, but information is limited (coreboot website, wiki… - not super clear). And it seems almost nobody did it for sure. I wonder if something is visible in new UEFI bioses since 2020, like a hidden legacy mode disabled. And at the same time I understand that enabling it with a bios mod does not mean the features are actually available. I would feel that AMD laptops may still provide UEFI/Legacy in their bioses since 2020, if someone could just check for me , it would be great, thanks.