Please help if you can. Im passionated about all in PC and OC theme. But hidden tXP PPD and HPET created many problems for me. I cant mode BIOS because im dont have skill in moding bios xD
@howlrapture - Please link me to your BIOS download page, not the direct BIOS download, but the page to download all the BIOS.
And tell me what BIOS version you want me to edit. Is it this one, if yes, what BIOS version?…/helpdesk_bios/
So you need the following visible, anything else?
1. tXP
2. PPD
I checked the above linked BIOS - tXP and PPD not in your BIOS, unless they are named something else, or those are abbreviations for something?
@Lost_N_BIOS thanks for help. You send right link, BIOS 1602(if it will work), tXP is memory setting, which hidden in BIOS but i can change it with Asus Mem TweakIt2(with PPD same story). And if you can disable fixes Spectre/Meltdown and add to change HPET(on-off)
tXP is not in the BIOS, even hidden, unless it has other name, same for PPD
Spectre/Meltdown all depends on your CPU, if you can remove fixes for that, what CPU model do you have?
HPET I will make visible for you, so you can turn on/off
i have 8700k(bought in 2018). PPD mean Power Down Mode i think(energosaving system for RAM), but, if you cant find it, sertainly, ASUS didnt add this function to change in BIOS.
And last question. Month ago i flashed modded BIOS(with support Windows XP) used ASUS Flashback. can it somehow have a bad effect?(for board)
Thanks, since you have 8700K, I can downgrade your microcode to pre-spectre version 70 (from 2017).
If you are using Win8-10 you will have to stop windows from loading it’s own microcodes, otherwise new version will load with windows instead of what is in BIOS
The only Power Down or PowerDown that’s memory related in your BIOS is the following, which I don’t think is the one you are wanting (And I can’t make visible to you anyway due to it’s location) >> DDR PowerDown and idle counter
I can change it for you if you want, current setting is BIOS, other option is PCODE. I only suggest you test this change if you have flash programmer to recover in case it causes a brick
Sorry, I can’t comment on another BIOS you are using, I did not modify it. You would have to look at other users feedback wherever you found the mod BIOS.
If you mean something bad physically, not just maybe random BSOD, then no, I doubt it can physically hurt your board (maybe brick BIOS, but you’d know if it was brick, someone would have commented already)
So, I can make you BIOS with HPET (And a few other settings I usually make visible when doing this edit) + CPU microcode downgrade to Rev 70 (2017).
Sound good?
i dont have a programmer. but, i think if default setting powerdown is 1, you can switch it to 0. Sound unreal cool. Big thanks bruh:)
See, as I mentioned, that setting I showed you above is not what you think, it does not have options 0/1 only BIOS/PCODE, it’s not what you were wanting I’m sure.
Give me a minute and I will edit into this thread BIOS with changes I mentioned above, then if you need anything else you can let me know and I can do follow up edit.
I will include a text file you can scroll or search through, for all possible BIOS settings, in case there is anything else you need visible or changed
You’re welcome!
* Edit - @howlrapture - Here you go, HPET and the other new settings are inside PCH-IO - flash via USB Flashback ONLY!!…122185322188528
Flashed right now. It works the BEST! I read what you said that when installing modi bios, UUID can fly off, should I be afraid of this? (I was flashing the old BIOS mod only through ASUS Flashback)
You added TCO Timer, if I use Windows 10, should i switch off/on this setting?
UUID fly off? If you flash BIOS via USB Flashback, serial and UUID etc all remain in place so nothing to worry about.
Sorry, I don’t know about TCO timer, only know people ask for that sometimes when they want HPET/High Precision Timer, so I make them both visible when asked usually.
now i understood. Big thanks dude, you helped me so much!