MC Extractor: Intel/AMD/VIA/Freescale Microcode Extraction Tool

I mean latest r270, r271 versions mce.exe was not present at Releases · platomav/MCExtractor · GitHub only small sized zip file.

The developer no longer releases EXE builds, you can build your one at any time and even make your own db for it.

If you scroll to last post on the linked thread, you’ll see a user has an EXE build offer…

r272 released, will there no new MCE.exe from Platomav links?

The r271 of MCE.exe link erased before I note it’s link. Can anyone give me a link for r272 of MCE.exe again? I don’t want to try to build exe file myself everytime.

MeatWar are you sure “The developer no longer releases EXE builds, you can build your one at any time and even make your own db for it.” All the users of UBU are not have full knowledge, if I were a beginner, how can I use the programme, this is silly!


MC_Extractor_1.90.2_r273_Dev.rar (8.4 MB)


Thank you @westlake r273 Dev?

At which link is the Dev branch here?


There is no such thing. Dev means that it is unofficial, someone (in this case me) has individually added new items to the database.

So to you the poor fellow “developer” owe us and is lacking support on his free and good will shared tool? Thats a really nice pov and a total ungrateful attitude.
Luckly to you and others with same pov, theres users like westlake that have taken a few minutes to learn and do the job, of free good will.
Enjoy others work.


I have no time to prepare exe file every two to three weeks. I am 53 years old, computer programming graduate 1995 then year 2000 Radio, TV and Film studies. UBU is a easiness tool, you don’t have to be a programmer nor professional. I have many works from C and C++ language, they all become obsolete. This work seems reaching to end, not all beginners can understand it.

UBU become complex after needing python, it was running very well before python, actually working better. I can use MMTool as well as Hex editor for my needs. UBU works on ethernet and CPU microcode, the other ones such as Disk Controller, Other SATA Controller currently not working. For C422 chipset, UBU leaves some old microcodes inside the new ones, after updating for Asus Pro WS C422-ACE mainboard, it still contains many bugs. I have deleted 2 of them myself yesterday with MMTool.

UBU is nevertheless dying, I can not be be a 7/24 working nurse near the traumatized patient!

Well…think age is not such factor here, 52yrs myself, UBU contains MCE but the developer is another user, witch seems much more older than us and suffering covid related as well poor eyes sigth, according lasted hereabouts.
Good luck, all the best.

@karakarga @MeatWar @westlake
Since it doesn’t have much to do with the topic “UBU Tool Discussion”, I have moved the recent posts into this better matching thread.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Intel, AMD, VIA & Freescale CPU Microcode Repositories Discussion

MC Extractor v1.92.1-r275 released, again there is no, mce.exe of v1.92.1.

Can anyone add a link of newly compiled version of v1.92.1 of mce.exe please?

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Here you go with the v1.92.1-r275 enjoy :blush:

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Thank you very much @amdtip :slight_smile:

Here we go again, new version of MCE v1.94.2.exe for r276 needed, can anyone compile and put this for download please?

10 seconds of your time with Python, problem solved:

CMD Admin: pyinstaller --noupx --onefile

EDIT: PyInstaller is a package, installation by CMD line admin:
pip install pyinstaller

Create a temp folder and extract the content of the MCE v1.94.2 r276
Run a CMD Admin, path to the created temp folder and execute the previous CMD given, to build it.

Tool with GUI (uses PyInstaller): Auto PY to EXE (8.9 MB)

Virus detected by Windows defender!

Where will I stick this command line? There is no pyinstaller.exe at Python default folder.

Thank you very much for explanation MeatWar. Found mce.exe file under -dist- folder. :blush:

I was thinking about this process a bit tricky. Well maybe true, maybe not, but I am very frequently replacing my use of computer, format, other devices. To do this conversion needs a lot of things to install and run for each device, also remembering the commands, need to write somewhere shortly. Still time consuming for me…

By the way, I could not manage to run gui version “auto-py-to-exe · PyPI” how will this run?