Missing IMEI on ASUS S550CM

Hi, let me keep this as short as possible but I had my motherboard replaced and ever since then I had no IMEI.
There’s quite a few minor issues I’ve had with my laptop not going to sleep properly or just getting hot while in sleep mode (not sure if the lack of IMEI is the problem)
anyways, @plutomaniac said this to me

"Basically you would need to follow that guide and repair the ME firmware. However, that won’t be possible because ASUS always locks read/write access to the ME firmware, per Intel’s recommendations, so you would need physical access to the board in order to remove the SPI/BIOS chip and reflash it with a hardware programmer. To verify the read/write access lock, just download Intel ME System Tools v8 and run Flash Programming Tool with command “fptw -d spi.bin” and you’ll see a CPU access error or similar. You should try running “fptw -greset” command and see if the problem is solved after the reboot but I highly doubt it will be effective in your case."

I am going to meet with a guy that works on computers (the one who replaced my mobo) and I need to know if there is a guide that he can follow as he’s never heard of this issue before and tells me he can help me reinstall the driver (he swears its software related).

Anyways I’ve also tried to use the Flash Programming Tool but it crashes as soon as I hit a button…? what Am I doing wrong?

FPT does not crash. It is a command line utility so open a command prompt and use it that way. If the MEI does not appear as a device at Device Manager, the ME firmware region (part of the SPI chip which includes Flash Descriptor, GbE, ME and BIOS) needs to be reflashed. The (very detailed) guide can be found here.